October 2016
We would like to welcome Miss Carrie Jones as a temporary member of the nursery team. Miss Jones will be with us until further notice and will be the Key Worker for the new Busy Bee Group.
We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome various students who are currently on placement with us. Miss Laura Hymas, Miss Rachel Annand and Miss Gillian Fraser are all PGDE teaching students from Strathclyde University who will be with us until Friday 7th October 2016. Members of staff supporting students on placement and allowing them to work with your child is valuable and part of our ability to link successfully with outside agencies.
After consulting with the children about what they would like to learn about - either babies or autumn and going with the majority, the children are currently learning about the season of autumn. The children will have the opportunity to learn new words linked to autumn (LIT 0-04a) and talk about the season and what happens to some trees and leaves during this time (SCN 0-01a). Some children will be taking part in walks around the school grounds and we would be grateful if the children can come suitably dressed for engaging in outdoor learning.
Fancy Dress Party
During the final full week of October the children will also have the opportunity to take part in Halloween related learning opportunities – with a particular focus on art. We will also be having a Halloween party during the nursery session on Friday 27th October 2016. The children are welcome to come dressed up on this date, although we would ask that no masks are worn.
Monthly Nursery Rhyme
Every month the Nursery focuses on a different nursery rhyme and the children can take part in different activities related to this rhyme. However this month we will be looking at two Nursery rhymes – one linked to the focus of autumn:
The Dingle Dangle Scarecrow
When all the cows are sleeping and the sun has gone to bed
Up jumped the scarecrow and this is what he said:
“I’m a dingle dangle scarecrow with a flippy floppy hat,
I can shake my hands like this and shake my feet like that”.
The second one is a general Nursery rhyme and one that we covered last year:
Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.
Monthly Story
After consultation the children have selected by a slim majority the story It’s the Bear! by Jez Alborough as the story of the month.
Future Events
Children in Need
As part of a Nursery enterprise the children will be selling a variety of official Children in Need resources at the start of November. Information will be given nearer the time.
Open Day
The Nursery will be holding an Open Session for pre-school parents/carers on 24th November 2016. Specific details will be given nearer the time.
General Information
It has been brought to our attention that while waiting for the nursery session to begin some children have been running about at the entrance and climbing on the planters. This has resulted in some children being hurt. This area is also close to the school car park where cars are continually driving in and out. Due to space restrictions we cannot open the doors prior to 8.45am and 1pm. Could we please ask that if you are waiting outside that you keep your child beside you at all times. For anyone arriving early the library in the community wing is available for reading stories with your child.
Any Concerns
We have an open door policy in the nursery and we would ask that if you have any concerns about your child or another child that you please speak to a member of nursery staff and do not approach the other parent/carer directly.
Miss Middleton
A number of parents/carers have been asking about Miss Middleton. She is settling into her new job and is expecting a baby next year but is missing everyone here at Blackwood Primary School Nursery Class.
Blackwood Primary School Website (www.blackwood-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk) has a nursery section which contains a lot of information about the nursery and also upcoming dates and events. We would ask that you refer to this section on a regular basis for up to date events and holidays affecting the nursery.
Current Dates for the Diary
Monday 17th October – Friday 21st October 2016 Holiday
Tuesday 25th October Nursery Photographs
Friday 28th October Halloween Party
Friday 18th November 2016 Children in Need (Pudsey Day)
Monday 21st November 2016 In- Service Day – Nursery closed
Thursday 24th November 2016 Open Day for Pre-School Parents/carers
To be advised Nursery Christmas Show
To be advised Nursery Christmas Party
Thursday 22nd December Nursery closes at 2.30pm
Friday 23rd December –Friday 6th January 2017 (Inclusive)Christmas Holiday
Thursday 22nd June 2017 Leaving Ceremony for children going to primary school (this date is provisional)
education SERVICES
Executive Director: Jim Gilhooly