Meghali Evthomatha 2008

Holy Week Schedule 2008

Saturday, April 19th 6:00 PM Palm Sunday Vespers

Sunday, April 20th Kyriaki ton vaion Palm Sunday

9:30 AM Orthros (Matins)

10:00 AM Divine Liturgy followed by the Palm

Procession & Fish Dinner (Desserts welcome!)

Thursday, April 24th Meghali Pempti Holy and Great Thursday

7:00 PM Matins of Great Friday (The service of

The Holy Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ

Highlighted by the reading of 12 Gospels.)

Friday, April 25th Meghali Paraskevi Holy Friday

10:00 AM The Apokathelosis – Taking down

from the Cross – Vespers service

7:00 PM The Lamentations – The Epitaphios

Orthros (Matins) of Holy Saturday sung on

Friday evening

Saturday, April 26th Meghalo Savato Holy and Great Saturday

10:00 AM Vespers and Divine Liturgy of

St. Vasilios (Basil the Great)

Saturday, April 26th HOLY PASCHA 10:00 PM Orthros (Matins)

Anastasi (Resurrection) followed by the Divine

Liturgy – Pot Luck meal to follow

May 2008 Schedule

Saturday, May 10, 2008 Vespers 6:00 PM

Sunday, May 11, 2008 Holy Myrrhbearers Sunday

Mother’s Day

9:30 AM Orthros(Matins) 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy

Coffee Hour: Lee Lantas & Bessie Papageorge

Saturday, May 24, 2008 Vespers 6:00 PM

Sunday, May 25, 2008 Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

9:30 AM Orthros(Matins) 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy

Coffee Hour: Bessie Juris & Marge Kanakis

Children’s Easter Retreat

On Saturday, April 26th all the children are invited to attend an Easter Retreat at the Church Hall. Please meet at 10 AM. Each child should bring a dozen hard-boiled eggs (dyed or not). Children will be decorating the eggs at the retreat. A Lenten breakfast will be served. We look forward to seeing you there!

Blessing of Homes and Businesses (Agiasmos)

Please call Fr. Anastasios to schedule an appointment during the weekends he is serving our Parish.

Memorial Services

Memorial (names on prosphora), no notice needed. Please bring prosphora with names on day of service by 10:30 AM.

Great Trisagion Service

Please notify Fr. Anastasios a week in advance and provide name(s) prior to the Saturday evening vesper service.


To be held on Saturdays (eves of scheduled services) by appointment.


Please give two months notice.


For Orthodox couples please give three months notice. For a mixed couple please give 5-6 months notice.


A vespers service will be held on Saturdays (eves of scheduled services) at 6 PM. Please join us for these beautiful prayers and fellowship.

Church Bulletin Sponsorship

If anyone is interested in sponsoring the bulletin as part of your stewardship pledge please see Laura. Donations of paper, printing costs, and stamps would be most helpful. Thank-you to Dolly, Van, and Spike Gokas, George Bakamitsos, Sofia and Kostas Katsanos, and Catherine Gerakaris for their sponsorship of this bulletin. It is greatly appreciated!

Check out these websites!

Fr. Anastasios has suggested that all parishioners who have access to the internet to please surf the following two sites: Click on “Our Faith” and scroll down to Worship


Ladies Auxiliary

On Friday, April 25th the Ladies Auxiliary will be meeting at St. Vasilios Church at 9:30 AM to decorate the Epitaphios. Also, please bring a dozen red eggs to wrap and tie. A light breakfast will be provided by members of the Auxiliary. In order to make our Church beautiful and festive for Easter, donations of a potted plant/flower for the altar area would be appreciated. Thank-you to all of the ladies who provided supplies and their time. The next meeting of the Auxiliary will be held on Sunday, May 25th following the Liturgy.

Easter Flower Collection

Following the Palm Sunday service there will be a second collection by the Ladies Auxiliary in order to fund the flowers for the Epitaphios. Thank-you for your generosity.

St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church Stewards 2008


Listed below are parishioners who have made a pledge as of April 14th

Thank you for your commitment to St. Vasilios Church

Ted and Mary Georgiadis Andy Andrews

Jackie Miller Evelyn Saggiotes

Anastasios Nastos Nicholas and Sandra Manouvelos

Peter and Eleni Howe Kostas and Barbara Tampasis

Nick Tampasis Fred Tampasis

Al and Bessie Juris Dino Vlahakis

Buzz and Marge Kanakis Vasili and Barbara Georgitsis

Konstantinos and Zoi Dimakis Kostas and Sofia Katsanos

Arthur and Sarah Katsanos Angelo and Stella Nestor

Evangelia Davis Arnold Johnson

Helen Hasevlat Mary Nelson

Dr. Charles Saggiotes Van Gokas

Dolly Gokas Spiro Gokas

Greg and Nancy Tsongalis Travis and Laura Hodgdon

Fr. Anastasios and Pres. Nissrine Majdalani Andrew Manghis

Elizabeth Lantas Lillian Gokas

Charles Gokas Mr. & Mrs. Christos Panegiotidis

Frank & Stacy Souliotis George & Aliki Souliotis

Bessie Papageorge Dimitrios & Sandra Tselepidakis

Phidias & Alice Dantos Pericles Regas

John & Katie Gioldassis

Happy 50th Anniversary!

Congratulations to Nicholas and Sandy Manouvelos of South Royalton, VT who celebrated 50 years of marriage on April 12, 2008! We wish them many more years of happiness and health. God bless you both!

Led Away as a Lamb

For this one who was led away as a lamb, and who was sacrificed as a sheep.

By Himself delivered us from servitude to the world, as from the land of Egypt, and released us from bondage to the devil as from the hand of Pharaoh, and sealed our souls by His own spirit and the members of our bodies by His own blood.

This is the one who delivered us from slavery into freedom, from darkness into light, from death into life, from tyranny into eternal kingdom, and who made us a new priesthood, and a special people forever.

Glory to Thy holy resurrection, O Lord.

Melito of Sardis, Second Century

From the Classic Orthodox Prayers for Every Need

Fellowship Evening with HROC & St. Vasilios Parishes

It was a pleasure to spend a March evening of fellowship at St. Vasilios Church with members of the Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church of Claremont, NH and the Holy Trinity Church of Springfield, VT. An afternoon of bowling and a delicious Lenten pot luck dinner was enjoyed by all. It was a blessing to celebrate the Akathist Service (praising hymns to the Theotokos) with all in attendance. In the above photo from left to right: Deacon Gregory, Fr. Andrew Tregubov, Fr. Anastasios Majdalani, Fr. Peter Carmichael, and Deacon Patrick. We look forward to gathering for fellowship more frequently in the upcoming months.

Prayer Books

Remember to bring your Holy Week prayer book to the services so that you can participate fully.

St. Vasilios Resurrection Social

After the Resurrection service and Divine Liturgy on Great and Holy Pascha (Easter), everyone is invited to the Church Hall to break the Fast together as one Christian family. Please remember that this is a pot luck event, so kindly bring something to share and “Break the Fast.” Christos Anesti!

Contact Information

For Church information, activities, and requests call Laura at 603-863-1384.