Send Report for Full Governor’s Meeting 29 March 2017
Children on the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Register
This report covers our current SEND provision.
There are currently sixteen children on the register, 11 boys and 5 girls (It has been noted that 16/45 is a very high percentage of children on the register for the size of the school). We are currently reassessing the number of children included on the SEND register and seeking advice from the SENCO in the ABBAS collaboration and Sandra Matthews, our National Leader in Education (NLE) support. We are considering the best way forward to plan, record and deliverour provision for children with additional learning needs.As part of this we are also reviewing and updating the SEND information available to parents/ carers on the website and in school.
Our Offers
Our aim is to provide first class teaching, support and appropriately differentiated work for allchildren. This is provided in the classroom through our day-to-day approach to learning for all groups of children and is known as the ‘Universal Offer’.
Our provision for children with SEND is divided into three levels:
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
This is a graduated response put in place following observations of the children and their work/ behaviour, staff discussion and assessments.These children have an IEP (Individual Education Plan) written by the class teacher and shared with the SENCO (Special Education Needs Coordinator) and those supporting the child. The IEPs have specific targets designed to help support the needs of the individual child. (Please see blank copy at meeting)
Bronze: 3/16
Currently there are three children at this level. These children may undertake extra differentiated activities within the classroom, such as Early Bird handwriting activities or small group targeted sessionswith the class teacher. Children at this level may make sufficient progress to be moved off the register or they may move to Silver level if more support is deemed necessary.
Silver: 6/16
Six children are at this level. They may receive extra differentiated activities in the classroom, small group booster sessions and/or one to one intervention sessions. They have been assessed in house and in some cases an individual support programme will have been written and delivered by Mrs Price (who holds a Diploma in Teaching Children with Dyslexia and other Specific Learning difficulties). Children who have shown significant improvement may be moved to Bronze level to continue to be monitored. However, if after a period of intervention the children have not made expected progress they may be moved to Gold level and further support in identifying the specific needs of the children will be sought.
Gold: 7/16
Seven children are at this level. They have all been referred to outside agencies such as the Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS). Their specialist programmes will be delivered by a TA or HLTA on a one to one basis and they will receive 25 minutes intervention 3 times a week.Their progress will be reviewed by the outside agency and programmes updated as necessary. School pays for these assessments/ advice/ individual programmes and buys a number of hours each year. Ten hours were budgeted for in 2016/2017 but more hours have had to be purchased. If children make sufficient progress they can be moved down a level to Silver (2 children currently in school have moved from Gold to Silver following intervention). Sarah Cullen from SENSS has assessed 5 children with a range of specific learning difficulties in Literacy and Visual Perceptual skills and has provided individual teaching programmes.
Currently numeracy assessments are conducted in house using the Sandwell Numeracy Assessment which is the same one used by SENSS.
We do not have any children with an Education Health Care Plan currently.
Pupil Premium (PP)
There are 5 Pupil Premium (PP) children in school. One is classed as Post Looked After/ Adopted Child (Post LAC) and one is on the SEND register.
Mrs See is the person responsible for LAC children. Even though there are currently no LAC children in school we need to be trained ready for if a child with LAC status joins us as there is additional paperwork (PEP- Personal Education Plan) etc. that goes with this status.
Please see our Pupil Premium Spend Statement to see how we provide for these children who receiveadditional funding.
EAL (English as an Additional Language)
Since the beginning of the academic year we have welcomed two children who have English as an additional language (Polish/North Korean). Their teacher has researched how to support EAL children and made classroom adaptations to accommodate them, and extra support is being provided. Aids to home learning are sent home to assist parents and children e.g. translations in home language for home learning and on Tapestry (anonlineprogramme recording children’s learning which is availableto all parents of Reception and Y1 children, this alsooffers a translation option).
Miss McIntyre (TA) has recently completed her training as an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant and is working with three children (two PP children and one SEN child) who have a half hour individual session once a week. The sessions are designed at supporting the specific emotional wellbeing needs of these children.
Speech, Language and Communication
Miss McIntyre runs Narrative Therapy sessions for a group of 5 children twice a week which is aimed at supporting the development of their spoken language alongside their written work.
Educational Psychologists/ Behaviour Management Advisor
We have recently re-established contact with the County Psychological Service and identified which Educational Psychologist is allocated to this school. Currently we are seeking advice from the Behaviour Management service regarding one child and if necessary a referral to the Educational Psychologist can be made for assessment/advice. There is a charge for this service.
One to One Tuition
Each term four children receive One to One tuition from Mrs Freeman. The sessions are for one hour once a week. Two of the PP children have received this tuition in the autumn term. These sessions are designed to target the specific needs of the children and help address any gaps they may have.
Dorset Reading Partners
Dorset Reading Partners is a scheme for which we pay a small charge. Nine children enjoy a half hour session once a week which aims to increase their enjoyment and confidence in reading.
DASP SENCO meetings
Mrs Price continues to attend the DASP SENCO meetings held termly and reports significant/ relevant information back to school.