November 9th, 1959

Orem City Council met in regular session Monday November 9, 1959 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor V. Emil Hansen, Chairman; Councilmen Merlin Manning, Elwood Baxter, Winston Crawford, Earl Wengreen and Alvin Rowley; City Manager O. V. Farnsworth, Engineer L. V. Beckman, Attorney H. Vern Wentz, and Recorder Anne Cooper. Also in attendance were Mayor-elect Melbourne D. Wallace and Councilman-elect Harley Gillman.

Meeting was opened with prayer by Earl Wengreen.

Minutes of October 25, 1959 were read and corrected. Motion to accept the minutes of October 25th, as read and corrected, was made by Winston Crawford, seconded by Merlin Manning, and passed.

Motion to accept the minutes of November 2, 1959, as read and corrected, was made by Elwood Baxter, seconded by Winston Crawford, and passed.

Minutes of the Special Meeting of November 9, 1959, held for the purpose of canvassing votes, were read and corrected. Motion to accept the Minutes as read and corrected was made by Merlin Manning, seconded by Elwood Baxter, and passed.

Marvin D. Loflin and Mr. Daugherty, public administration students from B.Y.U. were presented to the Council by City Manager Farnsworth, trainees to work under the City Manager.

City Manager Farnsworth presented Lawrence Jackson and Paul Wilson, employees of Orem City, as applicants for assistants to the Disposal Plant Operator. Both men were recommended as good and trustworthy employees of the City.

City Manager Farnsworth reported the new traffic Engineer for the State Road Commission, Mr. Johnston, favors installing street lighting on U.S. Highway 91 in the center of the street from an economical point of view. The lighting would be sufficient for lighting purposes, and attractive. Further study is to be made.

Jesse W. Reeder, County Safety Coordinator, and Orem Safety Committee members Aaron Clinger and Mrs. Clark, and Home Builders Richard Adams, Harold C. Johnson, C. R. Mitchell, John C. Paulson, Herbert R. Kirchoff, Jim Dexter, John Allen and D. Arlo Allen, also Victor Christensen and Mrs. Lillian Christensen and Bob Gammell of Orem Branch of the First Security Bank, met at the invitation of the Council, to discuss covering or fencing irrigation ditches as a safety measure when new homes are built individually or in subdivisions. The Council is considering a revision of the Subdivision Ordinance in which subdividers will be able to give a mortgage on property in lieu of a Bond to guarantee hard surfacing of streets, curb, gutter and sidewalk, and water and sewer lines. An additional requirement would be covering of irrigation ditches, the type to be approved by the Council, and fencing of irrigation canals. Mrs. Clark stated she felt individual home builders should also be required to comply with the same safety requirements that would govern subdividers. The following Committee was appointed to work out a solution to the problem: Winston Crawford representing the Council; Attorney H. Vern Wentz and L. V. Beckman, exofficio members, Jesse Reeder, County Safety coordinator, Aaron Clinger, Orem Safety Council; Mrs. Albert D. Clark, Home owner; John Allen, Contractor; Neils Anderson, irrigation company representative; and Richard Adams, Contractor. Aaron Clinger was appointed Chairman of the Committee. The Director of the F.H.A. from Salt Lake City will be invited to meet with the Committee.

After discussion it was decided to call a special meeting with the Veteran's Council sometime after November 23rd.

The building report for October was read by the Mayor, as follows:

12 new Residences $142,500.00

2 Residence Additions 3,500.00

5 Car ports 1,400.00

9 other 6,140.00

Total valuation $153,540.00

Mayor Hansen presented Disposal Plant contract modification No. 16, which increases the cost of the Plant $1,241.56, and raises the cost of the Contract to $1,003,103.93. Motion was made by Winston Crawford to accept Modification No. 16, and authorize the Mayor to sign. The motion was seconded by Earl Wengreen, and passed.

City Manager O. V. Farnsworth reported the sprinkling system for the lawn at the Disposal Plant will cost approximately $4,000.00 instead of the original estimate of $7,000.00.

City Engineer, L. V. Beckman, presented the preliminary plan to solve the drainage problem in the southern part of Modern Home Builder's Lake View Manor, South of 400 North and 900 West to 1050 West, as follows: Eliminate Street to the West by giving it back to the subdivider, and accept 1020 West Street to the South. Drainage water will drain South and West to 1200 West. Grant Zabriskie, whose land has been affected by drainage water, has offered to help if the plans go through. A street will eventually be opened from 400 South to 400 North - is open now from 200 South to 400 South. Objections to Mr. Beckman's proposal were presented by the Council, one of which is a well which is in line of the proposed street. Also, it was understood the owner of the "draw" does not want subdividers to interfere with the land. A meeting with the Council, Subdivider, and land owners was proposed to meet at 4:30 or 5:00 some evening.

City Manager O. V. Farnsworth reported a waterline should be installed on 1400 South from Main to 300 West Street this fall. Engineer Beckman recommended installing 1331 feet of 6" line and a fire plug in this area at an approximate cost of $4,700.00. Now have ¾" line on 200 West Street.

City Engineer Beckman recommended installing approximately 2800 feet of 6" water line on the East side of U.S. Highway 91 from 1200 North to 1600 North at an approximately cost of $10,500.00. An eight inch water line is already installed on the West side of U.S. Highway 91 in the same area.

Tentative Plat "B" of Thomas B. Davis Subdivision, 400 east to 600 East South of 200 North Street was presented to the Council. The North Union Canal bounds the subdivision to the South west. Motion was made by Elwood Baxter to accept the Tentative Plant "B" of Thomas R. Davis as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission, with the understanding that the subdivider fence the North Union Canal involved in the subdivision area. The motion was seconded by Merlin Manning, and passed.

Tentative Plat of Crestwood Subdivision, Allen Bellows, Northeast of Orem High School, West of 800 East and South of Center Street, was presented to the Council. Motion to accept the Tentative Plat of Crestwood Subdivision as recommended by the Planning and zoning Commission was made by Earl Wengreen, seconded by Merlin Manning, and passed.

Tentative Plat "C" of Hillaire Subdivision 1800 South from 250 East to 300 East was presented to the Council. Motion was made by Alvin Rowley to accept Tentative Plat "C" of Hillaire Subdivision as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission with the stipulation that a water line be installed from the cul-de-sac to the nearest water line for circulation purposes. The motion was seconded by Earl Wengreen, and passed.

A Plat of Sunset Manor, 1000 West to 1200 West, 400 South to 200 South, was presented to the Council as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission, a 40 acre plat. The Planning Commission requested 80 foot lots - to be changed to 80 foot. City Engineer L. V. Beckman stated a drainage problem had to be worked out. Motion was made by Elwood Baxter to have the plat brought up to date as specified and brought back to the council. The motion was seconded by Merlin Manning, and passed.

City Manager Farnsworth reported that Daniel M. Price, who owns property at 1070 South State, has asked for an adjustment on the cost of his driveway on Special Improvement District "D". Mr. Price will pay for the cost of a 12 foot driveway. The decision of the council was that Mr. Price should pay the full cost of the drive, as he will receive the benefit of the improvement.

Councilman Earl Wengreen reported the State Land Board will accept a lease agreement for the accretion ground of Marina Boat Park, the money paid on the lease can be applied to the cost of the land if the City should purchase the land at some future date. Lease agreement as follows:


The State of Utah, acting by and through the STATE LAND BOARD, LESSOR, Hereby, lessees to OREM CITY CORPORATION, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Utah, Orem Utah, LESSEE, the following described tract of land in Utah County, State of Utah:

Commencing 2470' west of the east quarter corner of Sec. 5, T6S, R2E, SLB&M, thence west 1100', thence North 1400' thence east 953', thence south 15 deg E 200.5', thence south 4½ deg. east 1210' to beginning; containing 33.00 acres, more or less.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for a period of twenty years beginning Jan 1, 1960, on the following terms and conditions:

1 - Lessee will pay to Lessor, as rental for the above described premises the sum of $1650.00 in equal annual installments of $82.50, the installments to become due on the first day of January of each year beginning January 1, 1960.

2 - Lessee will use the premises for the purpose of constructing and maintaining thereon a boat harbor and other recreational facilities and for no other purposes except as may be approved by the Lessor in writing.

3 - Lessee will permit access to the premises by the general public subject to such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the safety of persons and property.

4 - Lessee will maintain the premises in a clean and safe condition in conformity with applicable laws of the State of Utah and other governmental authorities having jurisdiction.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this 23rdday of November,

Motion was made by Alvin Rowley to accept the lease agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign. The motion was seconded by Elwood Baxter, and passed.

After discussion, it was moved by Earl Wengreen, seconded by Elwood Baxter, to authorize the City Manager to write a letter to Leon Bawden, Chairman of Orem's Safety Committee, asking that a survey be made relative to stop signs on Center Street and 400 West Street, with the idea in mind that Center Street was opened as a fire hazard safety measure. The motion passed.

Councilman Elwood Baxter reported that numerous communities have organized committees to study the problem of obscene literature reaching children. Mr. Baxter recommended that Orem set up such a committee to study the problem, and to help clean up the sale of unsuitable literature. The County is willing to co-operate with cities to help clean up the situation. City officials are asked to report to the U.S. Postmaster any violations brought to their attention.

Mayor-elect M. D. Wallace reported that the Golden Anniversary of the Boy Scouts will be celebrated in 1960. The National Jamboree is being held in Colorado Springs. The local leaders are now planning a Camporee for July 21 through the 23rd, 1960, and are looking to the Orem area for a camp site. It was decided that the Scera Board be invited to meet with the Council to go over sites Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. November 11th.

Motion to adjourn was made by Earl Wengreen.