Chief ExecutiveOfficer
CIAAisanequalopportunityemployerandencourages applications from all qualifiedindividuals.
The Canadian Independent Adjusters’ Association (CIAA) is a non-profit association representing the collective interests of 1650 members to government, the property & casualty insuranceindustry, the independent adjusting industry as well as the public on a national level. The CIAA provides members with advocacy, the ability to expand theirknowledge
through continuing education, professional development and market-leading designation opportunities. CIAA leads in the development of a defined code of ethics and fair practice policies supporting trust and confidence with the public and ensuring the highest quality of work with itsstakeholders.
We are currently recruiting for a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to join our team.
•Do you have the skills to see what’s next and stay ahead in this fast pacedindustry?
•Are you flexible, able to work with ambiguity, and changeready?
•Areyouexcitedaboutthefutureandableto driverenewalwithinanorganization?
If this sounds like you, consider joiningthe CIAA team. As a member of the CIAA team your responsibilitiesinclude:
•ParticipatewiththeBoardofDirectorsindevelopingavisionand strategic plan to guide theorganization.
•The Chief Executive Officer, reporting to the Board of Directors, will be responsible for the overall daily operation while ensuring theorganizationisinlinewiththemissionandvaluesofCIAA
•Act as Project Manager of the organization’s strategic plan ensuringsuccessfulimplementation,executionandevaluationof strategicinitiatives
•InadditiontotheChairoftheBoard,actasaspokespersonforthe organization liaising between members, stakeholders, government andmedia
•Developapublicrelationspolicyensuringconsistencyin messaging
•Develop and execute all communication initiatives/campaigns including a social media presence promoting the organization and itsmembership
•Identify,assess,andinformtheBoardofDirectorsofinternaland externalissuesthataffecttheorganization.
•ActasaprofessionaladvisortotheBoardofDirectoronallaspects of theorganization’s activities.
•FostereffectiveteamworkbetweentheBoardandtheCEOand betweentheCEOandstaff.
•ConductofficialcorrespondenceonbehalfoftheBoardas appropriate and jointly with the Board when appropriate.
•Representtheorganizationatindustryactivitiesandonrelated industryboardstoenhancetheorganization’sindustryprofile.
Operational planning and management
•Develop an operational plan which incorporates goalsand objectives that work towards the strategic direction of the organization.
•Ensure the operation of the organization meets the expectations ofitsMembers,BoardandStakeholders.
•Draft policies for the approval of the Board and prepareprocedures to implement the organizational policies; review existing policies on an annual basis and recommend changes to the Board as appropriate.
•ProvidesupporttotheBoardbypreparingmeetingagendasand supportingmaterials.
Program planning and management
•Oversee and support the planning, implementation and evaluation of the organization’s programs andservices.
•Ensure the programs and services offered by the organization contribute to the organization’s mission and reflect the priorities of theBoard.
•Oversee the planning, implementation, execution and evaluation ofspecialprojects.
Industry relations/advocacy
•Communicate with stakeholders to keep them informed of the work of the organization and to identify changes in the industry served by theorganization
•Establish good working relationships and collaborative arrangements with industry groups, Regulators, Government and otherorganizationstohelpachievethegoalsoftheorganization
•Act as the organization’s advocate to Government to influence legislation and to Industry on matters impacting theprofession
•Inadditiontoappearingatofficialevents,actasaliaisonbetween the organization and a range of externalstakeholders.
•Develop relationships with related industry leaders and government cultivating long-term strategic partnerships to increasetheorganization’seffectivenessandprofile
In addition to the above, the following qualifications, experience and skills are required:
•ABachelorofArts;BusinessDegree(B.B.A.,B.Comm.);or equivalent insurance designation (CIP, FCIP, CLA, FCLA).
•Relationshipmanagementcapabilitysupportedbystrongfinancial acumen
•Abilitytoaddvaluethroughstrongcommunicationand collaboration
•Senior leadership in claims within the property casualty insurance industry, preferably within the independent adjusting space
•Seniorleadershiprolewithinanot-forprofitorforprofit organization
If you are interested in this opportunity, please submityourresumeinconfidencetothe Canadian Independent Adjusters’ Associationby
April 13, 2017.
Canadian Independent Adjusters’ Association 5401 Eglinton Avenue
West, Suite 100, Etobicoke, ON M9C 5K6
ATTN: P. Battle Alternatively:
We thank all applicants for showing an interest; however, only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.