Los Angeles Unified School District

Human Resources Division

TO:ESC Instructional Area Superintendents DATE: April 24, 2013

Division Heads

ESC Administrators of Operations

FROM:Vivian K. Ekchian

Chief Human Resources Officer


As you are aware, generally, certificated administrators are not provided extra pay or compensatory time off for performing job-related duties. However, in extremely limited circumstances, certificated administrators may be eligible for “extra duty” pay (X or Z Basis) when administrators perform services and/or duties on unassigned days that are related to the supervision of the core academic instructional program. The circumstances in which extra duty pay may be warranted are exceptions, rather than the rule. An unassigned day is defined as a non-business day which falls “outside” of the administrator’s regular calendar basis/work week.

The purpose of this memo is to provide updated guidance on when certificated administrators may be eligible for extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) and the process to request and obtain approval of such in those limited circumstances as outlined therein. These updated guidelines reflect current District policy and continue to emphasize the intent for the restricted use of extra duty pay, under limited conditions.

Prior written approval for all extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) for certificated administrators must be obtained from the appropriate ESC Instructional Area Superintendent/Division Head, before the service commences and time reporting takes place, regardless of the funding source or reason. As part of the approval process, appropriate funding must be identified and available in the school or office budget.

ESC Instructional Area Superintendents and Divisions Heads are requested to distribute thefollowing documents to those ESC, school site, and central office certificated administrators for whom they have supervisorial responsibilities:

  1. Guidelines for Extra Duty Pay for Certificated Administrators
  1. Request for Extra Duty Pay for Administrators– HR Form 9051

Note: These Guidelines for Extra Duty Pay for Certificated Administratorsdo not apply to those limited circumstances that may warrant an approved and processedTemporary Certificated Assignmentor Professional Expert Assignmentfor services provided that are not duties administrators are normally required or expected to perform as part of their regular, assigned duties and are provided outside of the time administrators are normally expected to work.

ESC Instructional Area Superintendents

Division Heads

ESC Administrators of Operations- 2 - April 24, 2013

If you have any questions or need more information, please call Maria Voigt, Coordinator, Administrative Assignments at (213) 241-6365.


c: Michelle King, Deputy Superintendent, School Operations

Jaime Aquino, Deputy Superintendent of Instruction

Justo Avila, Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer

Maureen Carter, Coordinator, Federal & State Education Programs (QEIA)

Alvaro Cortes, Executive Director, Beyond the Bell Branch

Nader Delnavaz, Administrative Coordinator, School Improvement Grant (SIG) Unit

Deborah Ernst, Director, Federal & State Education Programs (Comp Ed)

Leticia Figueroa, Director, Employee Performance Accountability

Hilda Maldonado, Director, Multilingual & Multicultural Education (Bil/ELD)

Donna Muncey, Chief of Intensive Support & Intervention

Alice Turner, Administrative Coordinator, Fed. State Education Programs (Comp Ed)

Maria Voigt, Coordinator, Administrative Assignments

Los Angeles Unified School District

Human Resources Division




It has been a longstanding District expectation and practice that administrators devote the time necessary to perform their duties. Although, in recognition of the “professional workday,” when the administrator’s schedule requires extended work hours on agiven day, flexible work hours on a subsequent day may be taken with the prior approval of the immediate supervisor, in accordance with LAUSD/AALA Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article X, Sections 1.2 and 1.3. Generally, administrators are not provided extra pay or compensatory time off for performing job-related duties.

However, in extremely limited circumstances, administrators may be eligible for “extra duty” pay (X or Z Basis) when administrators perform services and/or duties on unassigned days that are related to the supervision of thecore academic instructional program. The circumstances in which extra duty pay may be warranted are exceptions, rather than the rule. An unassigned day is defined as a non-business day which falls “outside” of the administrator’s regular calendar basis/work week.

Prior written approval for all extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) for administrators must be obtained from the appropriate ESC Instructional Area Superintendent/Division Head, before the service commences and time reporting takes place, regardless of the funding source or reason. As part of the approval process, appropriate funding must be identified and available in the school or office budget.

Extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) is not to be approved or reported for any extended work hours on a regular work day in which regular time pay hours are reported, regardless of the funding source or reason. The only exception to this is at School Improvement Grant (SIG) schools on days in which the school day has been extended. Administrators at School Improvement Grant (SIG) schools are eligible for X Basis for the extended instructional work time on any day in which the schedule provides extended instructional time for students.

In addition, extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) is not to be approved or reported for catch-up work done on weekends, holidays, unassigned days, or on a regular work day in which regular time pay hours are reported, regardless of the funding source or reason.

Guidelines for Extra Duty Pay for Certificated Administrators

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  1. Under limited circumstances, administrators may be eligible for extra duty pay (X or Z Basis), as appropriate, as described below:
  1. Administrators may be eligible for extra duty pay when administrators perform services and/or duties on unassigned days related to the supervision of the core academic instructional program. Examples of circumstances in which administrators may be eligible for extra duty pay include, but are not limited to, professional development delivered on a Saturday or Sunday in which certificated staff members are compensated for participation, administrative supervision for locally designed and funded extended day programs focusing on ELA, Math, ELD, Social Studies, or Science held on a Saturday, and trainings or workshops for parents conducted on a Saturday or Sunday.
  1. An unassigned day is defined as a non-business day which falls “outside” of the administrator’s regular calendar basis/work week.
  1. Administrators at School Improvement Grant (SIG) schools are eligible for X Basis for theextended instructional work time on any day in which the schedule providesextended instructional time for students. Even though, ESC Instructional Area Superintendentapproval, using HR Form 9051, Request for Extra Duty Pay for Certificated Administrators, is still required.
  1. Administrators are not eligible for extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) as described below:
  1. Administrators are not eligible for extra dutypay (X or Z Basis)for any extended work hours on a regular work day in which regular time pay hours are reported, regardless of the funding source or reason. Instead, flexible work hours on a subsequent day may be taken with the prior approval of the immediate supervisor, in accordance with LAUSD/AALA Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article X, Sections 1.2 and 1.3.
  1. Administrators arenot eligible for extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) for catch-up work done on weekends, holidays, unassigned days, or on a regular work day in which regular time pay hours are reported, regardless of the funding source or reason.
  1. Administrators are not eligible for extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) when administrators perform services and/or duties on unassigned days that are notdirectly related to the supervision of the core academic instructional program, regardless of the funding source or reason.
  1. Administrators are not eligible for extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) when administrators perform services and/or duties related to Academic Decathlon,accreditation, arts programs, athletic supervision, athletics, band/marching band, bus supervision,campus beautification, cheerleading, clubs, coaching, conference attendance, drama,extracurricular activities, field trips,grant writing, music, parent meetings, student awards/recognitions, etc., regardless of the funding source or reason.

Guidelines for Extra Duty Pay for Certificated Administrators

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  1. Administrators are not eligible for extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) using categorical resources when administrators perform services and/or duties related to the Saturday School Attendance Recovery Program and/or the Credit Recovery Program.
  1. Administrators are not eligible for extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) using Title III 7S176 resources, regardless of the reason or program.
  1. Central office certificated administrators arenot eligible for extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) on unassigned days (including, but not limited to, Saturdays and Sundays) when central office certificated administrators perform services and/or duties related to their regular assignment responsibilities, regardless of the reason or funding source. In those circumstances, central office certificated administrators should consult with their immediate supervisor regarding flexible work hours on a subsequent day.

III.Funding for Extra Duty Pay for Administrators

  1. As part of the approval process, appropriate funding must be identified and available in the school or office budget.
  1. Under no circumstances are Imprest Funds or the P Card to be used to pay any extra duty pay,any salary payment, or for professional services of any kind, regardless of the reason or fundingsource.
  1. The use of categorical funds for administrator X Basis, Title I 7S046/70S46, EIA-EDY7V462/74V62, EIA-LEP 7S536, EIA-LEP 7V603, and EIA-SCE 7S539, requires the PRIORapproval of the applicable advisory council, the School Site Council, and written approval on the BudgetAdjustment Request (BAR) from the appropriate central office categorical personnel (eitherDeborah Ernst, Director, Federal & State Education Programs, or Hilda Maldonado, Director,Multilingual & Multicultural Education).
  1. Categorical funds expended prior to written approval on the Budget Adjustment Request (BAR) from the appropriate central office categorical program personnel (either Deborah Ernst, Director, Federal & State Education Programs, or Hilda Maldonado, Director, Multilingual & Multicultural Education) must be repaid to the applicableFederal and/or State funding source.
  1. There will be no after-the fact approval for extra duty pay when funding with categorical resources.
  1. When using categorical funds, the professional development and/or intervention must be focused on ELA, Math, or ELD. ELD intervention may only be funded with resources for English Learners.

Guidelines for Extra Duty Pay for Certificated Administrators

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  1. Administrative salaries for intervention and/or site-based professional development on unassigned days cannot be budgeted (allocated) during the categorical budget development process. As a result, categorical funds cannot be used for extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) for administrators for work performed between the period of time when the administrator’s regular basis ends (for one school year) and begins for the new school year (Summer Break).
  1. After approval of the applicable advisory council and the School Site Council, a budget adjustment request for XBasis is to be prepared and these salaries must be factored into the indirect cost.

a.For professional development pertaining to ELA, mathematics, science, socialstudies, and ELD, the agenda(s) must be attached to the Budget AdjustmentRequest (BAR).

b.For intervention programs, a flyer or notification to parents describing the intervention must be attached to the Budget Adjustment Request (BAR). The description should include the following:

  1. The date(s) and time.
  1. Number of sessions/days
  1. Approximate number of students.
  1. The use of Title III 7S176 is not allowed for extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) for administrators, regardless of the reason or program.
  1. Questions regarding the use of categorical funds for administrator X Basis and categorical fund expenditure approval should be directed to the appropriate central office categorical program personnel as follows:

a.Deborah Ernst, Director, Federal & State Education Programs, at (213) 241-6990.

b.Hilda Maldonado, Director, Multilingual & Multicultural Education, at (213) 241-5582.

IV.Process to Request Extra Duty Pay (X or Z Basis) for Administrators

  1. Effective immediately, before commencing service and time reporting, prior written approval (using HR Form 9051, Request for Extra Duty Pay for Certificated Administrators) for all extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) for administrators must be obtained from the applicable ESC Instructional Area Superintendent/Division Head.
  1. In completing the Request for Extra Duty Pay for Certificated Administrators (HR Form 9051), funds topay for extra duty pay for administrators must be identified and available in the school or office budget.

Guidelines for Extra Duty Pay for Certificated Administrators

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  1. The completed HR Form 9051, Request for Extra Duty Pay for Certificated Administrators, is to be sent by the principal/site administrator to the respective ESC Instructional Area Superintendent/Division Head for approval, even when the request is for extra duty pay (X or Z Basis) for the principal/site administrator.
  1. The original of the approved HR Form 9051 should be returned to the requesting principal/site administrator, with a copy retained by the applicable Educational Service Center/Division.
  1. A copy of the approved HR Form 9051, Request for Extra Duty Pay forCertificated Administrators,is to beprovided to the applicable time reporter and kept on file at the school/time reporting location as part of the required payroll support documentation for audit purposes.
  1. All documentation, including time reporting, must be maintained at the school site/office for five years.

V.Limit on Additional Assignments for Certificated Employees

  1. Certificated employees are limited to additional assignments (including, but not limited to X and Z Basis), certificated or non-certificated, in which regular time pay hours and additional assignment(s) hours do not exceed 200 hours in any pay period. (Policy Guide A7 – Assignment Multiple)

1.This 200hourper pay period limit applies to all certificated assignments regardless of whether the employee is certificated, classified, or unclassified.

2.The signature of an ESCInstructional Area Superintendent or Division Head on a Request for Extra Duty Pay for Certificated Administrators(HR Form 9051) is considered by the Human Resources Division as verification that the assignment will not exceed the 200hour per pay period limit.

  1. If an assignment will cause the certificated employee to exceed the 200hour per pay period limit, the requesting school/office must obtain a written pre-approval from theapplicable ESC Instructional Area Superintendent/DivisionHead and respective Deputy Superintendent.
  1. A copy of the written approval by the respective Deputy Superintendent to exceed the 200 hour per pay period limitis to be provided to the applicable time reporter and kept on file at the school/time reporting location as part of the required payroll support documentation for audit purposes.


  1. 2013-2014 Program and Budget Handbook, dated March 2013, issued by the Federal and State Education Programs Office

Guidelines for Extra Duty Pay for Certificated Administrators

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  1. Assignment Basis – HR Policy Guide A3
  1. Assignment Multiple – HR Policy Guide A7
  1. Board Rule 1910 – Multiple Assignment
  1. California Education Code Section 44065. Issuance of and functions requiring credentials; exception
  1. Documentation for Employees Paid from Federal and State Categorical Programs, LAUSD Policy Bulletin number BUL-2643.5, dated June 17, 2010, issued by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer
  1. Guidance for Locally Designed and Funded Extended Day Programs, LAUSD Reference Guide number REF-5421.0, dated April 11, 2011, issued by the Beyond the Bell Branch and the Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support.
  1. Imprest Funds, LAUSD Reference Guide number REF-1706.2, dated October 5, 2009, issued by the Accounting and Disbursements Division.
  1. LAUSD/AALA Master Agreement – Article X (Duties, Responsibilities and Hours) – Sections 1.2 and 1.3
  1. Professional Expert Assignments, LAUSD Policy Bulletin number BUL-4305, dated June 16, 2008, issued by the Chief Human Resources Officer
  1. Professional Experts/Temporary Certificated Assignments – HR Policy Guide A7
  1. Request for Extra Duty Pay for Certificated Administrators, LAUSD/Human Resources Division Form 9051
  1. School Improvement Grant (SIG)Unit website

If you have any questions or need more information, pleasecontact Maria Voigt, Administrative Assignments, at (213) 241-6365.