YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to attend the meeting of Eye Town Council which will be held on Wednesday 17thSept 2014at 7.30 pm in the CouncilChamber, Eye Town Hall, Eye, Suffolk
- Apologies and Approval of Absences
- Members Declarations of Interests and Consideration of Requests for Dispensations
meeting closed for PUblic Session
- Police Report
- District Councillor Report – Cllr. Charles Flatman
- County Councillor Report – Cllr. Guy McGregor
- Members of the Public and Community Announcements
meeting Reopened for council business
- Minutes of Previous Meeting- To resolve that the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 16th of July 2014 are a true and correct record.
- Clerks Report
- Planning Applications (As detailed attached and consideration of any late planning applications)
- PLANNING DECISIONS To note determinations received.
- Finance
a) Financial statement – to note current bank balances
b) Accounts Payable – to approve invoices presented for payment.
c) Budget report
- Environment
a) To note the record of the Environment Committee held on 2nd of Sept 2014.
b) To consider the recommendation that Mike Smith is appointedas Volunteer Tree Warden for the Town of Eye and for the Tree Warden to become a standing member of the Environment Committee.
c) To consider the recommendation of spending £47,665 on intelligent lighting system as detailed in attached report
d) To consider the recommendation of taking out a Public Works Loan Board Loan for £30,000 for intelligent Lighting over a term of 10 years.
e) To consider the recommendation to instruct Suffolk County Council to undertake the works for intelligent lighting.
f) To consider the recommendation to clear, spray and level a section of the allotments at a cost of £300.
a)To receive an update on the inter-parish discussions on the Progress Power Application and its consideration by the Planning Inspectorate.
b)To consider the recommendation that the Council withdraw from formal involvement with the inter-parish group submitting evidence to the Planning Inspector and decline to make a financial contribution toward the cost of formulating and presenting that evidence
c) To consider the recommendation that the Council endorse the concerns expressed by the Suffolk County Council and request that the County Council continue to present argument and evidence in support of these concerns at the appropriate stages on behalf of Eye.
d) To receive a report on the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan and consider options and further actions to urge Mid-Suffolk Council to make a decision on the designated area.
- Buildings
a)To consider the immediate repairs to the Town Hall windows to make safe and re-putty at a cost of £800and then tender for a more extensive renovation for next spring.
- Events
a) To note the record of the Events Committee meeting held on the 9th of September 2014.
- Governance
a)To note the record of the Finance and Governance meeting of 1st & 10th of Septth, 2014
b)To consider the recommendation of adopting the proposed Community Grant Fund Application and Guidance.
c)To consider the recommendation that Finance and Governance be given delegated powers to review applications to the Community Fund with a view to making recommendations for awards to full council at the November Meeting.
d)To consider the granting of waivers to councillors thereby allowing all councillors to make determinations and give input with respect to Community Grant Fund Applications.
e)To consider request from Waveney Food festival for £100 financial support
f)To consider request from Suffolk Accident Rescue service requesting financial support.
g)To note the clerks purchase of a laptop at a cost of £374.17 and consider the recommendation for the purchase of software, security and support at a cost of £469.84
- Correspondence (As detailed below and consideration of any late correspondence)
- Any items not on this agenda but of such urgency as to merit, in the Mayor’s opinion, immediate action.
That pursuant to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the Public and Press be excluded from the Meeting temporarily due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed concerning staff matters.
Public and Press are welcome to attend. Roz Barnett, Town Clerk, 11th of September. For further information telephone the Town Clerk on 01379 651898 or email See details of planning applications at
Planning Application to be considered2392/14 / Eye Park, Park Lane, Eye / Insertion of dormer window in south elevation, creation of airing cupboard, raise floorboards and joists to allow for shower installation and reposition floor in attic room. Alter staircase to straight flight. Expose inglenook in room 26.
2426/14 / Oak Cottage, 79 Langton Green, / Retention of replacement of 7 No. window casements to NW elevation
2499/14 / 27 Century Road, / Erection of first floor side extension above existing garage.
Correspondence to the Council – To be Noted and Considered
Date / Details of Correspondence / Actions Taken/Required
17.7.2014 / 5 Letters from residents of the Bellands Way Estate complaining about the roads pavements and general upkeep of the estate. / Clerk circulated to Environment Committee Chair and the Mayor
21.7.2014 / PCSO Abigail Durrant provided statistics for Speed Watch programme / Clerk circulated to Environment Committee
22.7.2014 / Letter from a resident complaining that the sign for the library was facing the wrong way, that the drain cover in Dove Lane requires replacement, the state of the overgrowth in Wellington Rd, and the poor state of the decoration of the bus shelter in Lambseth Street / Clerk shared with Environment committee and referred appropriate matters to highways.
24.7.2014 / Report from allotment holder of stolen Produce / Clerk circulated to Environment Committee Chair and Police and warned other allotment holders.
26.7.2014 / Thank you letter from Citizens Advice Bureau for £200 donation / Clerk noted on Correspondence
28.7.2014 / Cemetery user asking permission for a bench and a tree / Clerk circulated to Environment Committee Chair and the Mayor
29.7.2014 / Thank you letter from Avenues East for £50 donation / Shared with chair of planning
6.8.2014 / Notification of the rating appeal for Cross Street to be held on Wednesday the 15th of August / Clerk shared with Mayor and Finance and governance and has asked for deferral.
12.8.2014 / Waveney Food festival requesting £100 financial support / Clerk circulated to Cllr Evit
20.8.2014 / Resident complaining about the bad smell in Eye / Clerk circulated to Environment Committee.
20.8.2014 / Letter from Bobbi Whitcombe thanking the Town Council for the their support and asking for / Clerk circulated to Mayor and Cllr M Ford
5..9.2014 / Email from Suffolk Accident Rescue service requesting financial support / Clerk circulated to Cllr Evit
Mid Suffolk District Council
3.9.2014 / Letter from Mid-Suffolk Chief Executive explaining reasons for delay to our designation request / Clerk Circulated to full Council
Suffolk County Council
12..8.2014 / Email from David Stiff confirming that £80,000 will be spent on road repairs in Oak Crescent and Ash Drive. / Clerk circulated to councillors and Eye to Eye
18.8.2014 / Trading standards asking for Town input into Lorry Watch Scheme / Clerk circulated to Environment Committee & Speedwatch
Signed Eye Town Clerk______Dated ______