Health Physics Society
Homeland Security Section (HSS)
Strategic Plan 2015-2016
HSS Mission Statement:
To develop and conduct an ongoing Society program to educate and inform HPS members and to achieve a greater degree of homeland security against an attack using radiological or nuclear weapons.
Development of the HSS Strategic Plan
During the 2014 HPSAnnual Meeting, the HPS Board Liaison requested that the Section develop a strategic plan. Annual maintenance and development of the strategic plan are duties of the HSSPresident and Past-President. The HSS Strategic Plan is aligned with the Health Physics Society (HPS) Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives:
HPS Strategic Plan Goal 5:
“Ensure the Society’s role as the source of expertise in radiation safety”
HPS 2020 Objective 5.2:
“Provide reliable and useful information about radiation safety to government officials”
HPS2020Objective 5.3:
“Provide reliable and useful information about radiation safety to the media”
HPS2020Objective 5.4:
“Provide reliable and useful information about radiation safety to (the) general public”
The HSS provides a variety of services to those interested in homeland security. The HSS General Services (refer to the HSS Business Plan and Rules of Operations) support the HPS Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives with the following activities:
- Quarterly, each work group chair will update their work group’s web pageso that the most recent information on the activities of that work group are available.
- Quarterly, the HSS President will review/update Section documents such as the by-laws, rules of operations and other documents, as needed.
- Annually (usually in January), the HSS Past-President will appoint a Nominating Committee for upcoming elections and awards.
- Annually (usually in July), the HSS President-Elect will appoint a Program Committee to develop a program for the upcoming HPS annual meeting HSS Special (Technical) Session.
- Annually (usually in August), each work group chair will confirm current work group members and will solicit new work group members.
- Annually (usually in September), each work group chair will develop/update their work group’s Charter.
- Annually (usually in September), the HSS Executive Board will develop/update the Section Business Plan.
- Annually (usually in November), each work group chair will review previous positions/statements appropriate for that work group and/or developanew position/statement on a topic pertinent to the activities of that work group, as appropriate.
- As available, HSS members will participate in a HSS bulletin/discussion board/blog to promote vetting of ideas and exchange of information within the HSS and the HPS.
- As appropriate, HSS members will make homeland security-related presentations at HPS meetings (Special Sessions) as well as other pertinent meetings both nationally and internationally.
- As appropriate, the HSS work groups will recommend specific training/educational opportunities for the homeland security community to ensure maintaining a knowledge base in homeland security-related activities.