ISORD-9 instructions for preparation of abstract

Abstract title in Bold Letters, Times New Roman 14pt, Centered

Underline Presenting Author1, Second Author2, Third Author1

Times New Roman 12pt, centered on the page

1 First affiliation with address, Country, Times New Roman 12pt italics, centered

2 Second affiliation with address, Country, Times New Roman 12pt italics, centered

*Corresponding author e-mail: Times New Roman 12pt@centered on the page

In preparing abstracts, please use this template without changing the format and refer to the sample (pdf). The abstract can be prepared in color for electronic abstract (USB), but it will be printed in blackand white in the abstract book using the uploaded camera-ready copy (pdf).

Abstracts can only be submitted via the ISORD-9 website


The online submission system will open inMarch27, 2017. The submission due date is April 28, 2017 at present. One paper submission is acceptable per registration. Each presenting author is requested to register and pay in advance by May 29, 2017 for inclusion of his/her presentation into the ISORD-9 program.

1: The abstract must be written in English on A4 size paper (21.0 x 29.7cm) with top/bottom margins of 2.5 cm and left/right margins of 2.0 cm. It cannot be longer than the one-page space that has been allotted.

2: For the heading (title, name(s) of author(s) and address), follow the instructions above underneath the title, leave a blank line.

3: The main text must be in Times New Roman 12pt and in single spacing. Leave two blank lines between the heading and the main text. Indent and fully justify each new paragraph.

4: Formulae, equations and figures should be an integral part of the abstract, with captions in Times New Roman 11pt, and not submitted separately.

5: A short list of references can be added in Times New Roman 11pt.

e.g. [1]S. Maeda and T. Iguchi, J.Nucl.Sci.Technol., 50(4), pp.381-386, 2013.

6: Please delete the red characters in this template before submission.

7: For submission, please convert your abstract from a Word file to an Adobe Acrobat PDF while embedding all the fonts used in it (including those in figures, tables, and pictures) to avoid garbled printout. Please check your abstract carefully (for layout problems, missing figures and garbled characters, etc.) No security settings are allowed.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ISORD-9desk.