The Elder Law Center of Kirson & Fuller

Planning Questionnaire



Name of Proposed Applicant______

Home Address or Nursing Home______

If in Nursing Home, Date of Admission______

Date of Birth______


Spouse’s Name:______

Date of Marriage______

Spouse Date of Birth______Spouse Soc. Sec. #______If Deceased, Date of Death______

Spouse Address______

Home Phone______Cell Phone______Work Phone______Email______

Is applicant a veteran? YesNo Is spouse a veteran? Yes No

Dates of Service______to______.


Child’s Name
(last, first, MI) / Address
(street, city, state, zip) / Work Phone
(with area code) / Home Phone
(with area code) / Cell Phone
(with area code) / Date of Birth



Home: Does applicant own his/her own home? Yes  No If YES, please answer the following:

Street Address______City______State______Zip______

Approx. Value: $______

Type of Ownership:  Applicant Applicant and Spouse Applicant and Other Who?______

Other Real Property Owned:

Street Address______City______State______Zip______

Approx. Value: $______

Type of Ownership:  Applicant Applicant and Spouse Applicant and Other Who?______


Name of Bank or Brokerage / Account # / Owned By / Approx $ Value
Acct #1 / Applicant Spouse / $
Acct #2 / Applicant Spouse / $
Acct #3 / Applicant Spouse / $
Acct #4 / Applicant Spouse / $

∙BANK ACCOUNTS (all accounts held past 60 months – EXCLUDE IRA or retirement type accounts)

Bank Name / Account # / Account Type / Ownership / Approx. $ Value / If closed, date closed
Acct#1 / Checking
 CD / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other
Who? / $
Acct#2 / Checking
 CD / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other
Who? / $
Acct#3 / Checking
 CD / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other
Who? / $
Acct#4 / Checking
 CD / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other
Who? / $
Acct#5 / Checking
 CD / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other
Who? / $
Acct#6 / Checking
 CD / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other
Who? / $
Acct#7 / Checking
 CD / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other
Who? / $
Acct#8 / Checking
 CD / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other
Who? / $


Company & Policy# / Approx $ Value / Owner / Annuitant’s Name
Annuity #1 / $ / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
Annuity #2 / $ / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
Annuity #3 / $ / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
Annuity #4 / $ / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse


Company / Policy # / Owner / Beneficiary / Face Value / Cash Surrender Value
Policy #1 / Applicant Spouse / $ / $
Policy #2 / Applicant Spouse / $ / $
Policy #3 / Applicant Spouse / $ / $

∙BROKERAGE ACCOUNTS (those held past 60 months with a broker. Exclude IRA/Retirement-type)

Broker Name / Acct # / Ownership / Approx $ Value / If closed, date closed
Acct#1 / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other
Who? ______/ $
Acct#2 / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other
Who? ______/ $
Acct#3 / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other
Who? ______/ $
Acct#4 / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other
Who? ______/ $
Acct#5 / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other
Who? ______/ $
Acct#6 / Applicant Only
 Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other
Who? ______/ $
Stock/Bond/Mut Fund / Ownership / Approx $ Value / If closed, date closed
Acct#1 / Applicant Only  Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other> Who? / $
Acct#2 / Applicant Only  Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other> Who? / $
Acct#3 / Applicant Only  Applicant &Spouse
 Applicant & Other> Who? / $
Acct#4 / Applicant Only  Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other> Who? / $
Acct#5 / Applicant Only  Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other> Who? / $
Acct#6 / Applicant Only  Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other> Who? / $
Acct#7 / Applicant Only  Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other> Who? / $


Make and Year / Ownership / Approx $ Value
Applicant Only  Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other> Who? / $
Applicant Only  Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other> Who? / $
Applicant Only  Applicant &Spouse
 Applicant & Other> Who? / $
Applicant Only  Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other> Who? / $
Applicant Only  Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other> Who? / $
Applicant Only  Applicant & Spouse
 Applicant & Other> Who? / $

∙ANY OTHER ASSETS NOT LISTED ABOVE: Please provide type, ownership, value


UNREIMBURSED MEDICAL EXPENSES (for example: cost of assisted living, home health aides, medical equipment, drugs, incontinent supplies)



Mortgage Payments______


Property Insurance Premiums______

Income Taxes______

Property Taxes______


Clothing/ Laundry______


Maintenance on Home______

Homeowners Fee______


Cell Phone______




Banking Fees______

Charity Donations______

Car Payments______


Section 3: TRANSFERS

1Has client or the client's spouse made any transfer of assets (sale or gift)

within the last 60 months? YesNo

If the answer is yes, please provide the following information:

  1. What was the date of the transfer(s)?______
  1. Describe the asset(s) that was/were transferred:
  2. What was the value of the asset(s) transferred:______
  1. What consideration, if any, was received for the transfer(s): $______
  1. To whom was the asset(s) transferred:______

2.Has the client or the client's spouse made any other person a joint owner of any asset(s)

within the last 60 months? Yes______No_____

If the answer is yes, please provide the following information:

  1. What was the date that the joint ownership was created:______
  1. Describe the asset(s) that was/were made joint:______
  2. What was the value of the asset(s) that was made joint: $______
  3. Who was added to the asset(s) as a joint owner(s):

3.Has client or the client's spouse made any transfer of assets into a trust?

within the last 60 months? YesNo

If the answer is yes, please provide the following information:

  1. What was the date of the transfer(s)?______
  1. Describe the asset(s) that was/were transferred:
  2. What was the value of the asset(s) transferred:______
  1. What consideration, if any, was received for the transfer(s): $______
  1. To whom was the asset(s) transferred:______
  2. Is the trust Revocable or Irrevocable?______

Section 4: INCOME (provide MONTHLY gross amounts)

Monthly Income

Client / Client's Spouse
Retirement Plan - $ / Retirement Plan - $
Veteran Benefits - $ / Veteran Benefits - $
Social Security - $ / Social Security - $
Annuity - $ / Annuity - $
Other (explain) - $ / Other (explain) - $


Please answer these questions about the APPLICANT:

Has prepaid funeral? Yes No Has health care proxy? Yes No

If YES, funeral director:______Has living will? Yes No

Has burial plot? Yes No Has trust? Yes No

Owns an automobile?  Yes No Has Medicare? Yes No

Has safe deposit box?  Yes No If YES: ID#______Part A____ Part B____

Has power of attorney? Yes No Has private health insurance?Yes No

If YES, who is agent?______If Yes: Company______

ID#______Monthly Premium $______

Is applicant expecting an inheritance?Yes No Is spouse expecting an inheritance? Yes No













** If the applicant is married, all of the documents are needed for both spouses**

A)Picture ID, Social Security card, Medicare card, and Supplemental or Medicare HMO card.

B)Supplemental Health Insurance Premium Statement: If there is a community spouse the premium statements must reflect how much is being paid by the applicant and how much is being paid by the spouse.

C)A letter from Social Security verifying the amount of the applicant’s Social Security income. It may be obtained by calling the Soc. Sec. Administration at 1-800-772-1213. Be sure to speak with a representative-do not leave a message on a recorder. It may also be obtained online at

D)Verification of date of birth. Birth certificate is usually the best.

E)Proof of citizenship or resident alien status. Required only if applicant was born outside the U.S.

F)Verification of Pension Income. All pension income must be verified from the source. Check stub are sufficient when they reflect the gross income received. You must provide a letter directly from the pension provider verifying gross, net, and any anticipated changes in the pension (such as whether the pension is fixed or if payment may vary).

G)Verification of gross monthly income from any other source. (Letter from source required as in “F” above.)

H)All insurance policies and insurance cards (copies). Life accident, health. If there is a life insurance policy, we have to obtain information as to whether there is cash surrender value, and if so, we have to obtain a letter from the insurance company stating the amount of the cash surrender value

I)Copies of guardianship, if any, or power of attorney papers.

J)Copy of last will.

K)Copy of trust.

L)Income tax returns if filed. Needed for the last year.

M)Car registration or title, and automobile insurance policy or proof of insurance card.

N)Copy of deed for any property owed, including homestead and most recent property tax bill

O)If any real property has been sold or transferred in the last five (5) years: Provide copies of all transactional papers, including an appraisal letter from realtor, and the property tax bill which reflects the property’s value at the time of the sale. Also provide photocopy of the most recent property tax bill for all property, including homestead.

P)Burial arrangements. Copies of any purchase or agreements or any prepaid funeral contracts and/or cemetery or mausoleum plots, etc. All contracts must be irrevocable.

Q)Verification of all active savings accounts, checking accounts, CD’s, stocks, bonds, IRA’s, annuities, etc. Statements are needed for the past year. (Statements are needed for all accounts that have been opened or closed within the applicable time.)

R)If applicant is a veteran, provide VA discharge papers, and copies of marriage certificates for all marriages.

S)Copy of income trust, if applicable.

T)Copy of personal services contract, if applicable.