Product / <product>
(organic, fairtrade)<photo product>
Provenience / <country>
Supplier / <organization>
(Farmer cooperative, established <year>)
Product specification / <parameter1>: XXX-XXX
<parameter2>: XXX-XXX
<parameter3>: XXX-XXX
Packaging:<units> of XXX kg (+/- XX kg), <packing material>
Certificates / Organic: EU (since <year>) and NOP (since <year>, to <destinations>), certification by <certifier> (<country>), certificate holder: <organization>
Fair trade: FLO-Cert (since <year>), Certificate holder: <organization>
Quantities for sale / 2009: ca.XXXtons; 2010: ca. XXX tons
Availability / <earliest month of shipping> (volumes in stock)
Processing / <process> by <company> (<technology used>, <certification of processing units>)
Quality management / At farm level: Quality management inharvest and post-harvest handling, integrated in extension and internal control system.Monitoring by trained technical staff of <organization>and lead farmers.Systematic <testing>.
At <processing> level:Quality control at delivery of <raw material>. Quality management systemof <processor>. Systematic testing.
Export / Shipping / Export handling: <organization>(since <year>)
Port of exportation: <city> (<country>)
Shipping containers: <container size>, <weight of load>
Treatment: <treatment if any>
Price setting / Based on FLO minimum price for <product>, incl. fairtrade premium.
Specific offers(FOB shipping port) depend on volumes and pre-finance arrangements.
Contact / <person>

Organic and Fairtrade Products from <organization> (<country>)

Description of the supplier

information about the organisation (legal form, year of foundation, membership…)

The <organization> team provides training and technical advice, manages the internal control system, ensures quality management and product integrity, and supervises the use of the fairtrade premium. It further provides seeds and farm inputs, organizes the bulking and processing of the raw materials, and engages in the marketing of the final products.

Social and environmental impact

By purchasing organic and fairtrade products from <organization>, you actively help our farmers to improve their incomes and livelihoods. They receive a fair price for their products and benefit from lower production costs and less financial risk. The organic production methods allow them to manage their farms without chemical inputs which may harm their health and the environment. Particularly women benefit from organic farming and fairtrade production, as it does not require credits for inputs and does not jeopardize family health. Crop rotation and intercropping ensure that income sources are diversified and food security is improved.

Products on offer

We offer the following organic products:

  • <products>

Supporting organisations

Since <year>, <supporting organisation> (www….)is supporting <organisation> in developing the necessary technical know-how and management systems for implementing the organic and fairtrade programme. Other funding partners of the programme are <donors>.

<logo organisation<logo supporting organisation>