COURSE NAME: Reinforced Instruction

Date(S) / Week:

11/14/2016-11/18/2016 / Title: Reinforced Instruction


Content Standards/ Other Standards
Total Duration: (5 Days/Blocks)
Materials / Equipment / Technology
·  Classwork/ Test from other classes
·  Pencil
·  Paper
·  Computer ( provided) / ·  Overhead
·  Computer
·  Projector / ·  Power point
·  Google Docs
·  Google Classroom
·  Google Slides
Communication with general education teachers/students to get work that needs to be retaught or complete. New reading and life skills lessons daily.
Procedures/Activities/Learning Experiences
Monday- 1. Bellringer
2. Reading Lesson
3. Life Skills Lesson
4. Any content that needs to be retaught. Homework? Test?
Tuesday- 1. Bellringer
2. Reading Lesson
3. Life Skills Lesson
4. Any content that needs to be retaught. Homework? Test?
Wednesday- 1. Bellringer
2. Reading Lesson
3. Life Skills Lesson
4. Any content that needs to be retaught. Homework? Test?
Thursday- 1. Bellringer
2. Reading Lesson
3. Life Skills Lesson
4. Any content that needs to be retaught. Homework? Test?
Friday- 1. Bellringer
2. Reading Lesson
3. Life Skills Lesson
4. Any content that needs to be retaught. Homework? Test?

Assessment Strategies

____ Test ____ Teacher Observation
____ Skills Check Off __*__ On-line activity
__*__ Teamwork __*__ Project based
____ Employability ____ Problem Solving
____ Essay __*__ Rubric
____ Demonstration ____ Inventories
____ Experiments ____ Models / __*__ Presentation ____ Displays
__*__Class Discussion _*___ Quiz
____ Simulation/Role Play __*__ Research
____ On task ability ____ Models
____ Portfolio ____ Debates
____ Case Studies __*__ Scenarios
____ Checklists ____Performance review


Modifications and accommodations for individual differences are based upon the individuals IEP.


Notes on Audio Tape

Large print on handouts

Use a notebook to keep tasks organized

Break assignments into small tasks

Proximity Seating

Take tests in resource

Relate information to student experience

Take tests in small groups

Extend time for practice

Extend time for test preparation

Extend time for skills completion


Individual coaching from teacher

Individual coaching from peer in class

Re-watch video in a quiet setting