New NHS Grampian Gender Equality Scheme 2010-2013
1. Purpose of this paper
The purpose of this paper is to assure the Board that its statutory responsibilities in terms of the Equality Act 2006 and the production of a new Gender Equality Scheme 2010-2013, have been met.
2. Background
The Equality Act 2006 brought into effect the Gender Equality Duty from 1st April 2007.
The Gender Equality Duty requires all public bodies such as NHS Grampian, to be proactive in the promotionof gender equality both in the health care services we provide, and within NHS Grampian. It also requires NHS Grampian to produce a Gender Equality Scheme every three years, setting out the goals to be achieved in each three yeartime period.
Over the last three years, NHS Grampian has made excellent progress. The blueprint for this work was set out by the NHS Grampian Board in the NHS Grampian Gender Equality Scheme 2007-2010. The Scheme set a series of ambitious goals which have now been achieved. This progress has been made possible by the hard work and commitment of all NHS Grampian staff, the support of local gender interest communities, their representative organisations, partner agencies and other interested parties.
The challenge now for this new Gender Equality Scheme 2010-2013, is to maintain the excellent progress made to date, while achieving equally ambitious goals for the future. One of these goals is for NHS Grampian to become a leader in gender equality matters in the health care field in Scotland.
In compliance with the requirements of the Gender Equality Duty, the new Gender Equality Scheme:
- Has been produced with the active involvement of local gender interest communities and their representative organisations.
- Includes an Annual Gender Equality Action Planfor 2010/11. This sets out a range of specific measurable improvements. There will be Annual Gender Equality Action Plans produced for each of the three years of the Scheme.
3. Key risks
The Gender Equality Action Plan 2010/11 is already fully funded. The new Gender Equality Scheme 2010-2013 is fully compliant with the requirements of the Equality Act 2006 and the Gender Equality Duty. If NHS Grampian did not meet our responsibilities in this sphere, this would result in the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) taking action. Any intervention by the EHRC would generate a great deal of adverse media criticism and damage the reputation of NHS Grampian. However, the main risk would be a loss of confidence in NHS Grampian by the local gender interest communities in Grampian.
4. Conclusions
NHS Grampian has made excellent progress in gender equality matters over the last three years. The new Gender Equality Scheme 2010-2013 will maintain this excellent progress while setting ambitious goals for the future. The new Scheme is fully compliant with the requirements of the Equality Act 2006 and the Gender Equality Duty.
5. Recommendations
Grampian NHS Board is asked to:
- Note the overall satisfactory position of NHS Grampian in relation to compliance with the requirements of the Equality Act 2006 and the Gender Equality Duty.
- Endorse the NHS Grampian Gender Equality Scheme 2010-2013.
- Endorse the NHS Grampian Gender Equality Action Plan 2010-11
Nigel Firth,
Equality and Diversity Manager,