Curriculum vitae
Takashi Suzuki, Ph.D.
Group Leader
Max Planck Research Group
Axonal Guidance and Neuronal Connectivity
Am Klopferspitz 18
D-82152 Martinsried Germany
Phone: +49 89 8578 – 3449
Fax: +49 89 8578 – 3240
Family name: Suzuki
Forename: Takashi
Date of Birth: 16 Sept 1972
Place of Birth: Nara, Japan
Nationality: Japanese
1991-1995 Studies of Biophysics and Biochemistry at the University of Tokyo
1995 Bachelor of Science at the University of Tokyo (Dept. of Science, Biophysics and biochemistry)
1995-1997 MSc in biochemistry, “A screen for larval photoreceptor axon guidance mutants in Drosophila”, at the University of Tokyo (Dr. Kaoru Saigo) (Dept. of Science, Biophysics and biochemistry)
1997-2000 PhD thesis “Non-canonical Hedgehog signaling required for larval photoreceptor development in Drosophila”, at the University of Tokyo in the lab of Dr. Kaoru Saigo (Dept. of Science, Biophysics and biochemistry).
Professional Appointments
2000-2004 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology , Vienna, Austria in the laboratory of Dr. Barry Dickson
2005-present Max Planck Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology
Honors and Awards
1995-1997 Scholarship for MSc degree from The Japan Scholarship Foundation
1997-2000 Scholarship for PhD degree from The Japan Scholarship Foundation
2000 Award for researchers studying abroad from Yamanouchi Foundation for Research on Metabolic Disorders
2002-2004 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Fellowships for selected researchers studying abroad
Takashi Suzuki and Kaoru Saigo.
"Transcriptional regulation of atonal required for Drosophila larval eye development by concerted action of Eyes absent, Sine oculis and Hedgehog signaling independent of Fused kinase and Cubitus interruptus"
Development, April 2000, 127 (7) 1531-1540
Corinne Maurel-Zaffran*, Takashi Suzuki*, Gabriele Gahmon, Jessica E. Treisman, and Barry J. Dickson.
"Cell-Autonomous and -Nonautonomous Functions of LAR in R7 Photoreceptor Axon Targeting"
Neuron, October 2001, 32: 225-235
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Juerg Berger*, Takashi Suzuki*, Kirsten-Andre Senti , Janine Stubbs, Gotthold Schaffner and Barry J. Dickson.
"Genetic mapping with SNP markers in Drosophila"
Nature Genetics, December 2001, 29: 475-481
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Tatiana Tomasi*, Satoko Hakeda-Suzuki*, Stephan Ohler, Alexander Schleiffer, Takashi Suzuki (2008).
“The transmembrane protein Golden Goal regulates R8 photoreceptor axon-axon and axon-target interactions.”
Neuron 57: 691-704
Juerg Berger, Kirsten Senti, Gabbrielle Senti, Timothy Newsome, Bengt Asling, Barry J. Dickson, Takashi Suzuki (2008).
“Systematic Identification of Genes that Regulate Neuronal Wiring the Drosophila Visual System.”
PLoS Genetics 4(5): e1000085.doi:10.1371/ journal.pgen.1000085
Doris Chen, Juerg Berger, Michaella Fellner, Takashi Suzuki (2008).
“FLYSNPdb: a high-density SNP database of Drosophila melanogaster.”
Nucleic Acids Res. 2008 Sep 10. [Epub ahead of print]
Stephan Ohler, Satoko Hakeda-Suzuki, Takashi Suzuki.
“Hts, the Drosophila homologue of Adducin, physically interacts with the transmembrane receptor Golden goal to guide photoreceptor axons.”
Developmental Dynamics 2010 Dec 4 [Epub ahead of print]
Satoko Hakeda-Suzuki* Sandra Berger*, Tatiana Tomasi, Tadao Usui, Shin-ya Horiuchi, Tadashi Uemura, Takashi Suzuki.
"Golden Goal Collaborates with Flamingo in Conferring Synaptic-Layer Specificity in the Visual System.”
Nature Neuroscience. March 2011, (14Pages:) 314–323: doi:10.1038/nn.2756
Year published:
Hiromu Tanimoto, Takashi Suzuki (2007).
“JDRC8: History, Neurobiology and Imaging.”
FLY 1: 291-293
Teaching (courses)
Practical course in Neurobiology, Ludwig Maximillian University
2005 Practical course in Neurobiology, LMU, Munich
2006 Practical course in Neurobiology, LMU, Munich
2008 Practical course in Neurobiology, LMU, Munich
2009 Practical course in Neurobiology, LMU, Munich
2010 Practical course in Neurobiology, LMU, Munich
2011 Practical course in Neurobiology, LMU, Munich
Teaching (Lectures)
2009 Neurobiology Lecture Series, LMU, Munich (Axon guidance)
2010 Neurobiology Lecture Series, LMU, Munich (Axon guidance)
2011 Neurobiology Lecture Series, LMU, Munich ((Axon guidance, Dendrite formation)
PhD and Diploma education
2008 August Ms. Tatiana Tomasi (PhD).
2008 Mr. Si Hong Luu (Diploma)
2009 Ms. Anna-Maria Malenica (Diploma)
2011 July Ms. Sandra Berger-Mueller (PhD).
2011 Autumn (scheduled) Mr. Stephan Ohler (PhD).
Internship (Host)
2005, 2007 Hosted three students from exchange program of Tuebingen Univ. (Germany)
2008 Hosted a student from China as summer student
2009 Host laboratory for Amgen Scholar studentships
2010 Host laboratory for Amgen Scholar studentships
2010-2011 Hosting Fulbright scholar student from NY, USA (Ms. Sara Berman)
2011 Host laboratory for Amgen Scholar studentships
Lectures & meetings
2002Seminar in Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
2002Seminar in CDB, RIKEN, Kobe, Japan
2004Invited by PhD student meeting in Gottingen, Germany
2007Seminar in Univ. Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
2008Seminar in Univ. of Muenster, Muenster, Germany
2008Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting, “Axon Guidance, synaptogenesis and neural plasticity”. (My student, T. Tomasi delivered an oral presentation)
2008Neurofly meeting, at Wuerzburg, Germany
2009 Japanese Drosophila Research Conference in Hamamatsu, Japan
(A post doc, Satoko Hakeda-Suzuki provide a talk)
2010 Seminar in Institute of Genetics, Mainz University, Mainz, Germany
2010Seminar in Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
2010EMBO meeting “The molecular and developmental biology of Drosophila” (Crete, Greece)
2010Seminar in Department of Science, Tohoku Univ., Japan
2010Seminar in Department of Basic Technology, Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan
2010Seminar in National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan
2010Seminar in Department of Science, Nagoya Univ., Japan
2010Seminar in Department of Science, Tsukuba Univ., Japan
2010Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting, “Axon Guidance, synaptogenesis and regeneration”. (My student, S. Berger-Mueller delivered an oral presentation)
2011 Seminar in Osaka Univ., Japan
2011 Seminar in CDB, RIKEN, Kobe, Japan
2011 Seminar in NAIST, Nara, Japan
2011 Seminar in Kyoto Univ., Japan
2011 Seminar in Tokyo Univ, Chiba, Japan
2011 1st Asian Pacific Drosophila ResearchConference (APDRC) in May 23rd, Taiwan
External Funding
Individual Grant from Deutsche Forschunggemeinschaft (DFG)
72,000Euro for consumables
Personnel budget equivalent to about 24,000x2x3=144,000 Euro
Plus a “Package” 49,000 Euro
Applying for PRESTO (Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology) Grant funded by JST, Japan. 400k Yen for 3 years
Peer review
Developmental Biology
PLoS One
Grant review of NSF (USA)
Editorial board of scientific journals
2011- Brain & Behavior (JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC.)
Contact information of References
Dr. Barry J. Dickson (Director)
Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP)
Dr. Bohr-gasse 7, A-1030 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 1 797 30 3000
Fax: +43 1 798 93 90
Prof. Dr. Ruediger Klein (Director)
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology
Am Klopferspitz 18, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany
Phone: +49-89-8578-3150
Fax: +49-89-8578-3152
Prof. Tadashi Uemura, Ph.D.
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology,
Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University,
Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502 Japan
Phone: +81-75-753-9238
Fax: +81-75-753-4265
Takashi Suzuki, Ph.D.