Math Analysis Course Syllabus 2017-2018
Instructor Information
Instructor:Mr. GathjeRoom:A130
Course Website:
(I will also be experimenting with Google classroom this year and will give you a class code to enter)
Math Analysis (Precalculus) will extend and refine algebraic exponential and trigonometric concepts introduced and developed in Geometry and Algebra 2 as well as introduce you to the concept of limits and continuity.In addition to this, we will also introduce both the derivative and the integral. This course is taught at a level and pace to prepare students for both AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC as well as preparation for a college level calculus course.
Prerequisite: successful completion of Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 with a grade of B or higher.
Ensure you have all of the following with you everyday for class.
1. Text:Precalculus Glencoe 2011 edition
2. Graphing calculator suggest ti83 or ti 84 (no phones, TI-89, or TI-92s on exams).Casio works well too
3. Notebook for notes andhomework. Many students like to use a graph notebook.
4. Pencils ( nopens will be allowed on assessments!)
Recommended: TI-83 or TI-84 Graphing Calculator*
* We will stress and assess students’ abilities to represent and analyze their knowledge of mathematical
concepts and skills bothwith the graphing calculator and without.
Grade Calculation Explanation and Assessment Explanation:
Assessment will be both formative and summative. Formative assessments occur daily and give students multiple opportunities to show knowledge prior to a summative assessment. Formative assessments will be scored to inform students of what they know and what they need to study/practice more before a summative assessment. Summative assessments afford students an opportunity to show their knowledge during and at the end of a unit. Any missed assessments will be entered as a zero until the assessment is made-up.
Grades are weighted in the following manner:
80% Formative Assessments&Summative Assessments: Students will check their understanding of unit learning goals daily. The most common type of formative assessment is homework or classwork (practice work). Practice work is reviewed daily, giving students immediate feedback on their knowledge and an opportunity to improve their understanding by asking clarifying questions before a summative assessment. Quizzes will be given to allow students to formalize their understanding of unit concepts and skills during the unit. Summative assessments will be given at the end of each unitand will include most of the material within that unit. A cumulative summative assessment will be given at the end of each quarter. Assessments may include multiple-choice, free response, essay, oral evaluation or a combination of any of these types.
20% Final Exam (Cumulative summative): A cumulative final is given each semester. The final will assess all learning goals of the semester.
Academic Integrity
I value academic integrity very highly and do not permit any form of dishonesty or deceptions that may unfairly or improperly enhance a students’ grade.
Some examples of cheating in my class:
- Copying homework
- Looking at another students test/quiz
- Discussing quiz or test questions during or outside of class(you should not be doing this)
- Using calculator or notes when they are not allowed
- Using a cell phone or other electronic device to exchange information
- Missing class in an attempt not to take a test or quiz(Yes I’ll know who you are)
Possible consequences of cheating:
- Score of zero on the assignment/test/quiz
- Administration will be notified and follow up with any administrative consequences
- If you are involved in an extra-curricular activity your advisor will be notified(including national honor society)
Course Outline
Semester 1: Semester 2 :
*Unit 1: Functions from a Calculus PerspectiveUnit 7: Conics
*Unit 2: Power Polynomial and Rational Functions*Unit 8: Vectors
*Unit 3: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions*Unit 9: Polar Coordinates and Complex numbers
*Unit 4: Trigonometric Functions*Unit 10: Sequences and Series
*Unit 5: Trigonometric Identities and Equations*Unit 12: Limits, Derivatives and Integrals
*Unit 6: Systems of Equations and Matrices
All topics will be studied in honors math analysis
* topics to be studied in (non-honors)math analysis
To be successful in this course you must realize that math is not a spectator sport!
You need to be an active participant in this course. Your success depends on your commitment, determination, and perseverance. If you are having difficulty, do not wait to ask questions. Come to me for extra help, spend time in the math resource center or create a study group. Learning mathematics is a sequential process and every concept will require understanding in order to find success with future concepts.
Expect to practice mathematics everyday both in and out of class. Your understanding of the material is directly related to your successful completion and understanding of practice work. Keep a neat and organized notebook so that you and I can clearly identify problems and analyze solutions.
Class attendance and participation is crucial and necessary for success in this course. We can all learn a lot from our own or others mistakes and misconceptions.
I will help you in everyway I can, but success starts and ends with you.