History and RE Year 8
My test target for Year 8 is grade:
In year 8 students complete 8 units of work. 4 for History and 3 for RE.By the end of Year 8 in History we expect students to be able to:
- Describe events / features of a time period in detail
- Explain the causes of an event
- Explain the usefulness of a source
- Structure an essay
- Describe and explain different features of a religion
- Describe and explain different types of beliefs and practices
- Describe and explain their own and other peoples’ points of view
Working towards / Is at the expected standard / Is above expected standard / Test grade
Elizabeth’s problems
W/C 5th Sept – W/C 26th Sept / Historical Knowledge
Source Analysis
Extended Writing
Foundations for Learning
Personal Study
Overall unit performance
Smart Guide to Religion
W/C 3rd Oct – W/C 14th Nov. / RE Subject Knowledge
Balanced Argument and Conclusion
Own Point of View
Foundations for Learning
Personal Study
Overall unit performance
Stuart England
W/C 21st Nov – W/C 23rd Jan / Historical Knowledge
Source Analysis
Extended Writing
Foundations for Learning
Personal Study
Overall unit performance
The five Pillars of Islam
W/C 30th Jan – W/C 13th March / RE Subject Knowledge
Balanced Argument and Conclusion
Own Point of View
Foundations for Learning
Personal Study
Overall unit performance
The Native Americans
W/C 20th March – 8th May / Historical Knowledge
Source Analysis
Extended Writing
Foundations for Learning
Personal Study
Overall unit performance
W/C 15th May - 12th June and W/C 3rd July / Religious Knowledge
Balanced Argument and Conclusion
Own Point of View
Foundations for Learning
Personal Study
Overall unit performance
The Industrial Revolution
W/C 3rd July -W/C 17th July / Historical Knowledge
Source Analysis
Extended Writing
Foundations for Learning
Personal Study
Overall unit performance
Explanation of assessments for History / Explanation of assessments for RE
Judgement / Criteria / Judgement / Criteria
Working towards / Describe events / features of a time period.
Describe the causes of an event.
Discuss the usefulness of a source.
Write an essay with sentence starters. / Working towards / Learning about Religion
Describes in detail different features of a religion.
Describes in detail some types of beliefs and practices.
Use a range of key religious words.
Learning from Religion
Describes in detail their own and other peoples’ points of view.
Asks and suggests answers about different points of view
Expected / Describe events / features of a time period in detail.
Explain the causes of an event.
Explain the usefulness of a source
Structure an essay. / Expected / Learning about Religion
Describes in detail and explains different features of a religion.
Describes in detail and explains different types of beliefs and practices.
Use a wide range of key religious words.
Learning from Religion
Describes in detail and explains their own and other peoples points of view
Asks deeper questions and suggests answers from different points of view.
Above expected / Make links between events / features of a time period.
Sort the causes of an event into categories.
Discuss how and why interpretations differ.
Write a conclusion to a structured essay. / Above expected / Learning about Religion
Explains in detail different features of a religion
Explains in detail different types of beliefs and practices
Can apply key religious and philosophical key words
Learning from Religion
Explains their own in detail and other peoples’ points of view.
Asks deeper questions and explains answers from different points of view.