Statutory policy

Accessibility plan

Spring Bank Primary School

2015 - 2018


The SEN and Disability Act 2001 extended the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) to cover education. Since September 2002, the Governing Body has had three key duties towards disabled pupils, under Part 4 of the DDA:

not to treat disabled pupils less favourably for a reason related to their disability;

to make reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils, so that they are not at a substantial disadvantage;

to plan to increase access to education for disabled pupils.

This plan sets out the proposals of the Governing Body of the school to increase access to education for disabled pupils in the three areas required by the planning duties in the DDA:

increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum;

improving the environment of the school to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can take advantage of education and associated services;

improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information which is provided in writing for pupils who are not disabled.

It is a requirement that the school’s accessibility plan is resourced, implemented and reviewed and revised as necessary. Attached is a set of action plans showing how the school will address the priorities identified in the plan.

1. Starting points

1A: The purpose and direction of the school’s plan: vision and values

At Spring Bank Primary we endeavour to create a warm, caring and inviting atmosphere in which children feel secure and experience success. We aim to develop a sense of self-worth and high esteem amongst all of our pupils and treat all equally, in this way all pupils are encouraged to realise their full potential; intellectually, emotionally, physically and spiritually, regardless of race, gender, religion or disability. We will encourage the whole school community to take an active role in fulfilling this aim.

Spring Bank Primary has adopted this accessibility plan in line with the school’s special educational needs policy with the aim of ensuring that our school is socially and academically inclusive, that all pupils have access to a full curriculum, and that all pupils are appropriately challenged.

Our special educational needs policy outlines the school’s provision for supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and the school’s information report provides access to information particular to students with SEND. This accessibility plan provides an outline of how the school will manage this part of the SEND provision and provides an opportunity to involve staff in ensuring that the three key duties in the DDA are being met.

The school has set the following priorities for the development of the vision and values that inform the plan:

  • Ensure all staff are fully aware of requirements of the DDA.
  • Ensure opportunities for children to see positive role models with disabilities.

1B: Information from pupil data and school audit

Spring Bank Primary is a one-form entry primary school. Approximately 10% of the school population are on the SEN register, this includes some children considered disabled under the Equality Act (see below). In addition, there are four children with significant medical conditions who do not have an additional learning need.

Definition of Disabilty

Under the Equality Act 2010, a person is disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on their ability to do normal daily activities.This definition includes a wide range of impairments including learning disabilities, dyslexia, diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, arthritis and cancer. These impairments sit within the definition of disability when they are in the context of ‘substantial and long term’.

Pupil and parent information

The school currently meets the needs of several children with long-term medical conditions through additional staff training, staff support and awareness sessions. There are 16 children on the asthma register.There are no children using a wheel-chair at present but there is one child whose mobility will deteriorate as he progresses through the school. There are a limited number of parents with additional mobility needs. Further information on medical provision can be found in the Medical Needs Policy. In addition we have one child with Autism and one child with Down Syndrome.

We aim for all children to access the full curriculum; where necessary, children receive additional support within class or an individualised curriculum to enable them to reach their full potential. Administration of medication is timed, where possible, to minimise disruption to the child’s inclusion in class activities.

All teaching areas at Spring Bank Primary are on one level, with ramped access to the lower and upper playgrounds. There is a disabled toilet and shower available for use by pupils, parents and other visitors.

Risk assessments are prepared with parents and relevant health professionals where necessary and are shared with all involved staff members.

Personal Emergency Egress Plans (PEEPs) are in place for children requiring additional support to evacuate the building or who need medication to be brought out of the building in case of fire or emergency.

The school has set the following priorities for the development of information and data to support the school’s accessibility plan:

  • Arrange staff meeting time to share important information about medical conditions.
1C: Views of those consulted during the development of the plan

Prior to new children starting at our school, and where a new diagnosis is received,

we liaise closely with parents and professionals involved with the children to ensure

we provide the right care for their needs. For children starting in Reception this

includes liasing with Early Years settings.

The school has set the following priorities in respect of consultation on the plan:

  • Consult directly with children and their parents on priorities.

2. The main priorities in the school’s plan

2A: Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum

Teachers at Spring Bank Primary use effective planning and differentiation strategies to ensure that all pupils are able to access the curriculum. Additional support from teachers and teaching assistants may be deployed where necessary. Further details may be found in the school’s SEND policy.

Arrangements are made for disabled pupils to access extra-curricular activities including breakfast and after-school clubs and school trips. All pupils with long term medical needs must be supervised 1:1 on all educational visits and risk assessments must clearly indicate how these children are to be supported.

The school has set the following overall priorities for increasing curriculum access:

  • Ensure all staff (including non-teaching) are aware of additional needs of disabled children within school
  • Ensure PSHCE lessons and assemblies address issues around disability

2B: Improving the physical environment of the school to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can take advantage of education and associated services:

Spring Bank Primary School has full disabled access. Space for an autistic child to work with minimised sensory input has been made available in his current class. The roof playground has an uneven surface which may be difficult for children with mobility difficulties.

The school has set the following priorities for physical improvements to increase access:

  • Individual, low-arousal work station to be in place for autistic child as he moves through school.
  • Additional specialist PE equipment may be necessary in the future.
  • Investigate roof playground surfacing alternatives.

2C: Improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information that is provided in writing for pupils who are not disabled:

At present, no parents, pupils or staff require information in Braille, large print or through sign language or audio tape.

Teachers and other staff use simplified language, Makaton and visual cue cards to aid communication with identified children.

The school has set the following priorities for providing information for disabled pupils:

  • Increase staff and pupil awareness of Makaton.
  • Ensure parents know how to request information in different formats.

3. Making it happen

3A: Management, coordination and implementation

The planning process:

The governing body has responsibility for the school accessibility plan. The plan will be reviewed after 3 years, or earlier if needs change. Staff and disabled children and their parents will be consulted when the plan is reviewed. The SENCO or Headteacher will consult relevant health professionals when reviewing or adjusting the plan to ensure that the medical needs of all children are being met. Input from the local authority or social services may also be required.


Under other legislation:

This plan complies with and is written with reference to the following guidance and documents:

  • Equality Act 2010: advice for schools DfE Feb 2013
  • Children and Families Act 2014
  • SEND Code of Practice 0-25 2014
  • Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions (Dept of Education April 2014)
  • SEND Regulations 2014

Other policies and plans

This plan should be read in conjunction with other school documents:

  • SEND policy
  • Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Information report on SEND.
  • Medical Conditions Policy


The accessibility plan will use the priorities identified here to clearly allocate lead responsibilities, timescales, resources, anticipated outcomes and review mechanisms.

The school has set the following priorities for the management, coordination and implementation of the accessibility plan:

  • SENCO to work with Headteacher and governing body to prepare action plan.
  • Procedure for involvement of parents and pupils to be planned before review.

3B: Getting hold of the school’s plan

The school makes its accessibility plan available in the following ways:

The plan will be available on the school website and from the school office.

The school has set the following priorities for making its plan available:

  • Upload to SEN section of school website once the plan is finalised.

Spring Bank Primary School

Action Plan 2015-2018

General Area: Accessibility for Disabled Pupils and Adults / Specific Focus:
Overall Objective: Ensure access to the curriculum and building and equality of provision for disabled pupils, staff and parents.
Main Priorities
  • Ensure that staff and pupils are fully aware of issues around disability.
  • Ensure disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum
  • Ensure that, where possible, the physical environment of the school is accessible to disabled pupils, staff and parents.
  • Ensure that information is accessible to disabled pupils, staff and parents.

Action to be taken including staff training. / Success Indicators / Evidence / Lead / Timescale / CPD / RESOURCE / Cost / Funding Source
Ensure that staff and pupils are fully aware of issues around disability.
Develop opportunities for pupils to see positive role models with disabilities. / Display in place in hall showing positive role models.
Pupils speaking positively about disability issues. / Display
PSHCE lessons / SENCO / Ongoing
Display by April 2016 / PSHCE lesson materials. / 0
Share requirements of DDA, SEND policy and accessibility plan with staff annually. / Staff fully aware of requirements of DDA and policies. / Staff aware.
. / SENCO / Staff meeting time, Spring term. / 0 / 0
Ensure all staff are aware of additional needs of disabled pupils in school. / Staff fully aware of medical needs and requirements within school. / Medical information shared / SENCO / Staff meeting/ training on specific needs as required.
Consult with parents on priorities for SEND. / Parents and children consulted prior to changes to plan. / Parental and child views incorporate in new plan. / SENCO / 2017 / 0 / 0
  • Ensure disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum

Provide individual work space to reduce sensory stimulus for autistic child. / Individual, low arousal work station in place for autistic child within his classroom. / In place. / SENCO / Ongoing
Ensure staff are aware of needs of all disabled pupils within school. / Curriculum adapted where necessary. Staff training needs met. / Continued progress of all groups of children. / SENCO / Ongoing
Ensure that, where possible, the physical environment of the school is accessible to disabled pupils, staff and parents.
Audit of school grounds. / Audit carried out by Carillion. / Headteacher
Additional specialist PE equipment may be necessary in the future to support a child currently in Reception. / Continue to monitor need in consultation with parents/OT/Physio / Needs being met. / SENCO / Ongoing as needs change.
Investigate roof playground surfacing alternatives. / Safe, even surfacing in place. / Roof surface / Headteacher / 2017
Ensure that information is accessible to disabled pupils, staff and parents.
Continue to monitor communication needs. / Meet needs as required.
Alternative formats investigated and prepared as required. / SENCO / Ongoing
Increase staff and pupil awareness of Makaton through class ambassadors and internal training. / Staff and children more aware of Makaton and using it. / SENCO/ support staff / 2015-16, lunchtime club shared in circle time. / 0 / 0
Ensure parents are aware of how to request information in different formats. / Alternative formats investigated and prepared as required. / SENCO / Ongoing