Math 8 - - Common Core Mrs. Leasure

Raymond J. Fisher Middle School Room Y-3

(408) 335-2344


Unit 1
(Pre-Algebra) / Real Numbers (Module #1)
Exponents and Scientific Notation (Module #2)
Unit 2
(Pre-Algebra) / Proportional Relationships (Module #3)
Non-Proportional Relationships (Module #4)
Writing Linear Equations (Module #5)
Functions (Module #6)
Unit 3
(Algebra 1) / Solving Linear Equations (Module #7)
Solving Systems of Linear Equations (Module #8)
Unit 4
(Geometry) / Transformations and Congruence (Module #9)
Transformations and Similarity (Module #10)
Unit 5
(Geometry) / Angle Relationship in Parallel Lines and Triangles (Module #11)
The Pythagorean Theorem (Module #12)
Volumes (Module #13)
Unit 6
(Statistics) / Statistics: Scatter Plots (Module #14)
Statistics: Two-Way Tables (Module #15)
*We will have 1 quiz for every Module.
**We will have 1 unit test for every unit of study.
***Students can retake the unit tests only (if needed).
****Quiz score will be replaced by the unit test score if the test score is higher.


·  California GO-Math Common Core (Middle School Grade 8) by Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt

·  Online Component: Personal Math Trainer - - Used for e-text purposes.

·  Online Component: IXL - - Used for homework purposes.

·  Online component: MathXL - - Used for homework purposes.


  1. Grading will be based upon assessment (60%) and assigned work (40%). Categories labeled with an asterisk (*) are assessment:
  1. Policy è Fisher’s Math 8 cohort will be uniformly implementing the following set of rules in order to provide our students an opportunity to show mastery of the standards:

i.  Students are eligible to retake a Unit Test if their original score is below 70%.

ii.  Quizzes are not eligible for retakes since the Unit Test score will replace it.

iii.  A Retake Unit Test must be taken before the first quiz of the next unit.

iv.  Maximum score on a retake is 70%.

v. A retake will require you to review your test with me. You may review any unit test with me by making an appointment. I am available before or after school and occasionally at break. Unfortunately I am not available at lunch as I eat my lunch at that time.

vi.  Students may only take 1 ‘retake’ per unit of study.

vii.  Any student in need of multiple retakes on more than one unit of study will require some level of intervention with family support and involvement.


  1. Students are expected to copy down the homework assignment from our daily homework board. This is the BEST way to keep up with the ongoing homework.
  1. Students may also access their homework by logging onto our class website: (
  1. Per our school’s uniform homework policy, there are 2 types of homework: Category I and Category II. You can read more about Category I and II assignments in our school website under the tab Parents à Educational Resources & Information à Homework Policy.
  1. The following table depicts where I assign homework and classwork from, what category it belongs to, and how it works:

Homework / Category / Description
IXL / I / Online practice problems. I will communicate to my students how many problems to complete. Sometimes I will assign a specific ‘Smartscore’ to be achieved. A 5-point rubric will be provided.
Smart-score of 100% è 6/5
90% - 99% è 5/5
80% - 89% è 4/5
60% - 79% è 3/5
59 and below è 2/5
Not Attempted è 0/5
MathXL / I / Online practice problems. This is based on completion. I will use the same 5-point rubric. (One exception – no extra credit, ie 6/5, for MathXL)
***Any of my students who average 3’s or less on their assigned work will require some level of intervention. Family meeting, tutoring with me, flex period attendance, etc.***


a.  Students may come by before or after school for additional help and one-on-one help on their homework. Please email me or have your child email me if they would like to come in for extra help so I can make sure I am in my room. There are a few times I am never available… Monday mornings and every other Tuesday afternoon due to staff meetings.


  1. Students should have in class everyday:

i.  Pencils (or lead pencil), Eraser, and sharpener.

ii.  Composition book or notebook. A third of my students had to buy 2 of them last year.

  1. I highly recommend you purchase a comp book with cross-grid lines, or have a separate stack of grid paper ready. We will be doing quite a bit of graphing.

iii.  Multi-colored highlighter, or multi-colored pens.

iv.  Glue sticks

v. Scientific Calculator. Dollar stores will often have them if you hurry. They run out every year.


  1. Following an absence, assignments are due according to the schedule presented in the Fisher Homework Policy.


a.  Homework is due at the beginning of class. (for mathxl - at the beginning of the school day.)

b.  Late work is accepted and will receive partial credit. (Per Fisher’s late work policy)

  1. Students can submit an assignment late up to the end of the current Unit of study or quarter (whichever comes first). We always end the units (or chapters) with a chapter test. Assignments will NOT be accepted past the end of the unit. Each unit takes an average of 2-4 weeks. STUDY GUIDES for quizzes and tests are the exception to the rule. These are the only assignments that I’ll give the kids 1 (and only 1) extra day to submit.


Student’s Full Name: ______Period: _____

Additional parent comments. Please feel free to share a few words about your child. I would love to

hear from you. I look forward to seeing you at Open House in a few weeks.