During this Lenten Season, we praise God for his righteous Son, who perfectly kept all of God’s commandments for us and paid

the full price of our disobedience. Let us praise him with hearts filled with Christ’s spirit of obedience.

Greeting you today are Rebecca Masters and David Kent. Ushers assisting in the service are Barbara Kindt and Greg Laib.

Sanctuary flowers are placed today by Terry and Crista Conlin in loving memory of Mark. Happy Birthday!

There is a Nursery for toddlers and infants in Room 7 and is staffed by an experienced caregiver. If your little one would rather

play or needsa break, please feel free to have them join the fun in the nursey. The service is piped in and you are welcome to stay with your child.

Join us in Schadewald Hall after worship for fellowship and refreshments provided by the Pirros. We loveallgoodies –

homemade or store bought.Please sign up for refreshments for fellowship hour. There is a signup sheet posted in Schadewald Hall. DATES AVAILABLE.

STONES. Jesus forgave many people . . . ranging from those closest to Him, to those who crucified Him. During this season of Lent,

may we be reminded that we have all sinned, and that Jesus calls us to forgive others. In John 8, Jesus tells the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees, “let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.” You are welcome to take a stone from the table in the Narthex and carry it with you as a constant reminder that we are called to forgive.

The Parsonage Christmas Tree that celebrated His birth has now taken the form of a Cross as a grim reminder of his death. It has

been filled with nails and we encourage everyone to take a nail from the Cross and carry it throughout Lent, reflecting on His pain and sacrifice. Then return the nail to the Cross on Good Friday and take a few moments of quiet conversation with the one who carried our sins to the Cross.


Activities this week:

After Worship: Women’s Guild

Monday: 9:30 am Quilters

Tuesday: 9:30 am Badminton

Wednesday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm AARP Tax Preparation

Thursday: 9:30 am Badminton

8:30 am – 5:00 pm AARP Tax Preparation

7:30 pm Choir Practice

Saturday 4:30-6:30 pm Lenten Fish Dinner

Tickets for the Lenten Fish Dinner are available today in Schadewald Hall. The dinner is April 1, 2017 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm. See

Kathy Jansen to sign up.Volunteers are needed for setup, kitchen help, takeout, servers, and cleanup. We also need someone to make coleslaw.  Please see Kathy.

Flyers for the Lenten Fish Dinner are available. If you can post a couple in stores around town, please get the flyers from Kathy.

If you are interested in joining the church,please talk to Rev. Gram.

Flowers for the sanctuary are needed. Get them from the florist, the supermarket, Adams, your backyard. Many Sundays

available. See Kathy Jansen.

Mission of the month: The March mission of the month is "The Water Walk", an event to help the global water crisis. The "Walk" is

scheduled for March 25th.

“Facing Darkness” is a movie about the Ebola virus and the Samaritan’s Purse role. It will be shown at the Hudson Valley Mall on

Thursday, March 30 at 7 pm. We are looking to see if there is interest in going. We need 10 people for a group rate. See Rebecca Masters after church or call her at 338-3556.

Prayers are requested for Tom Jones who is home recuperating from surgery.

The Reformed Church is a connectional church. Our classis includes 33 congregations in the Mid-Hudson Valley. We pray for the

strength and vision of the pastors and the revitalization of their members. Today we pray for Old Dutch Church, Kingston, New York.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study is canceled this week.

Lenten Bible Study: Dr. Gram will be presenting a course on the Reformation whose 500th anniversary we celebrate this year. The class will be held Tuesday evenings in the Dutch Room

March 28John Calvin

April 4Ulrich Zwingli and the left wing of the


Each class will look at the biography and the significant writings. We will focus particularly on their understanding of the cross.

FREE Tax Preparation for all low and moderate income taxpayers of all ages (provided by AARP Tax Aide and the IRS at various

Ulster County locations). Please call 845-255-0791 on weekdays from 10 am to 3 pm for more information or an appointment.

Events at other churches: Check the Bulletin Board in the entrance to Schadewald Hall for more information.

Classics in Religion at Kingston Library, March Topic: Seeking the Vitality of

God in Poetry. Wednesdays, March 29 at 10:30 am

Classics in Religion at Kingston Library, April Topic: Perennial Philosophy by

Aldous Huxley, April 5, 12, 19, 26

Saugerties Collaborative Worship, Flatbush Church, April 2

Fine Arts at Old Dutch, April 6, 12:15 pm Randi Fater, Soprano

Theme Tray Social, Plattekill Reformed Church, April 8, 11:30 am

White Breakfast at Fair Street Reformed Church, April 13

Dzieci, A Passion according to Matthew, Old Dutch Church, April 14,

6:15 pm