The culture department of the “Town Hall of Gata de Gorgos” with the local school “Plàstica Experimental A. Vives” organise the Tenth Exhibition of ART AL VENT


1. - This exhibition is opened to all artists, without any limitation of age, nationality, sex or education. Participation can be individual or collective.

2. - The works must follow this exhibition’s principles; which are a reflection or interpretation of the traditional bedspreads that have been used through the centuries to decorate Gata de Gorgos balconies.

3. - The concept is basically to reflect about the textile world. The cloth, once finished, must be able to be folded and flexible to the wind effects.

4. - Works will be excluded if:

-They are too heavy.

-They have an excessive domain of painting or sculpture.

-They cannot be folded easily.

-They have elements that easily loose.

5. - All the techniques are accepted, following the above principles but subject to the following considerations:

- All works will be exhibited outside, with all its climatic conditions.

- The cloth can be cutted, dyed, different materials can be stucked (not voluminous and adapted to the textile concept); but the dimensions can never be cutted or extended.

-If painting is used, it will be applied directly on the fabric without any primer.

6. - The Town Hall will provide the cloth, by sending it free. If any author wants to make himself the cloth, this must meet the following characteristics: cotton canvas ecru 250x163cm. All sides will be sewed to avoid fraying. Works will be hanged vertically from a balcony. The cloth will have 7 strips sewed, following the model attached to suit the structure of the balconies. The strips’ length will be 44 cm by 1,5 cm wide. To present works with other media or without fulfilling the conditions of the strips, will be a reason for exclusion from the exhibition.

Cloth model

7. - The authors have to fill and send by e-mail their inscription and their acceptance of ART AL VENT X conditions to participate. Without the inscription filled and signed the works will not be accepted.

- The inscription form will be sent in a different document.

- The form has to be filled and sent with the signature scanned and attached as an image.

-Do NOT complete the form by hand and scan it to send it as an image.

-The forms will be sent as a Word document and will have as subject: Art al Vent X inscription.

-Filled forms will be sent to this e-mail address: .

-The last day to send the inscription will be the 21st January 2013.

8. – Those people who ask for a cloth and then do not participate may not do so again in the next three years.

9. – On February 4, 2013 the Organisation will sent fabrics to those who have requested it. Once the cloth has been received and the work finished, a picture of the whole piece and another in detail must be e-mailed. Also the necessary technical data that have to be e-mailed are:

- The author’s or team name.

- Work’s Title.

- Materials.

- Complete address and telephone.

- Post code.

- Nationality.

- Web site and/or e-mail address.

These data and the photograph will be sent before April 21, 2013 and are essential to becoming part of the selection process. They will be sent to the email address:

10. – There are 120 balconies. In the case that works exceeded this figure, a jury will be constituted. This jury will be composed by two personalities from the world of contemporary art appointed by the teacher of the Municipal School of Experimental Plastic A. Vives de Gata de Gorgos and another personality with the same features appointed by the Town Hall of Gata. The secretaries of the jury will be the Councillor for Culture and the school teacher, Ginestar. Minutes will be written and resolutions will be adopted by a simple majority. Selected people will be advised to proceed to the mailing of their works.

11. – On April 30, 2013 the jury’s verdict shall be communicated to the participants. Selected authors must send their works.

- All authors will pay the mailing of their works to the Town Hall of Gata de Gorgos.

- The last day to receive the works will be on June 15, 2013.

- In the top back of the fabric the author’s name, title and website or email must appear.

- Works must be sent properly folded. Rolled fabrics will not be accepted.

- Works will be sent to the following address:

Concejalía de Cultura. Ayuntamiento de Gata de Gorgos.

C/ de la Duquessa d’Almodóvar, 3 – 03740 Gata de Gorgos.

12. - A catalogue will be edited with all the works. Each participant will receive 5 copies.

13. - Those wanting a participation certificate will have to ask for it to .

14. - Once the exhibition circuit finishes, the works will be sent to their authors by refund, if they tell it. The authors who do not take their works before 30 December 2014 will lose ownership of the works, and will become part of Town Hall plastic collection.

15. - From the collection until the devolution, the rights of using the works will be of the Town Hall; that means their custody, handle, diffusion and promotion.

16. - The Council will not be responsible of the possible degradation or damage because of the climatic effects. Any responsibility or compensation can be asked to the Town Hall.

17. - The artists will not receive money for participating in Art al Vent X. They will be always the owners of their works.

18. - The opening will be the 9 th August 2013 at 19:00 h. in the Town Hall of Gata.

19. - The participation implies to accept these bases. The jury’s decision will be irrevocable.


Those interested in attending the opening must check before if any change of the opening ceremony has been made, by contacting this email address:

All the works forming part of the circuit ART AL VENT X, will be exhibited at the Exhibition Hall of Reales Atarazanas de Valencia.

For further information visit:


Carrer de la Duquessa d’Almodóvar, 3 • C.P. 03740

Telèfon, 96 575 60 89 • Fax, 96 575 66 35