Junior High Camp - Entering grades 7, 8, 9 in Fall ‘13 June 9-15
Senior High Camp - Entering grades 10, 11, 12 in Fall ’13 and 2013 graduates June 16-22
Camp Directors: David Judisch Phone: 563-387-1224 (Office)
Dean of Students: Erik Hoefer Phone: 563-387-1208 (Music Office)
Coordinator: Jim BuzzaPhone: 563-387-1389 (Office)
LOCATION: On the Luther College campus (the northwest side of Decorah, IA, just off Hwy. 52)
REGISTRATION: Sunday, June 9 and Sunday, June 16. Your assigned audition and registration times will be posted in the Forms section of the Camp website. All registrations will take place in the Jenson-Noble Hall of Music. If any student will be late coming to camp, let us know in advance by calling 563-387-1389.
FEES: A minimum $40 deposit is required with initial registration. The remainder of the camp fee will be due when the student arrives on campus. Students who desire private lessons will add $37.00 for each set of two half-hour lessons. Private lessons for piano, organ, voice, percussion, brass, woodwind, strings, harp, guitar and dance are available during the camp period. You may sign up for up to three different sets of lessons in up to three different areas. Note: Piano Workshop participants must also sign up for private piano lessons. Note: There is no additional cost for art projects.
HOUSING: All students will be housed in the college dormitories. Each student must furnish sheets, blankets pillow and towels. The mattresses are extra-long twin, so flat twin sheets will work, but fitted twin sheets will not. Sleeping bags are acceptable. Group bathrooms contain toilets and individual shower stalls. The dormitories are not air-conditioned. Room assignments will be made prior to registration with no changes after arrival, and no last-minute roommate requests. If a camper loses the electronic key to his/her dorm room, a $25.00 charge will be assessed. Dormitories are locked at all times and a curfew will be enforced. An electronic key card serves as both the dormitory key and the cafeteria meal card.
MEALS: All meals will be served in the Student Union Cafeteria. The first meal will be served at supper of the first camp day (Sunday); the last meal will be lunch of the final camp day (Saturday). Students will receive a meal/key card at registration which they must present at each meal. Lost cards have a $25.00 replacement fee.
STUDENT TRANSPORTATION: Any students driving their own motor vehicles to the campus must leave their keys with the Camp Director until the close of the session. Violators will be sent home. Students are not to arrive on campus before opening day of the session.
INSTRUMENTS AND STANDS: All instrumentalists: Bring a music stand,well-markedwith your name and address. Percussion:Only bass drum, timpani, drum sets and amplifiers will befurnished by the college. Bring your own mallets and snare drum. Bass/cello: If you normally use a rock stop, bring one along. Check with us before Camp if you hope to borrow a string bass, but bring your own bow. Other instruments: Bring your own instrument and equipment (mutes, etc.). Reeds and oils and strings, etc. will be available on a daily basis from Kephart’s Music Center in Decorah. Camp staff will visit the store and make purchases on the students’ behalf.
PRIVATE LESSONS: Students registering for private lessons must bring copies of their own music for solos and/or etude material, preferably prescribed by your teacher.
HEALTH SERVICE: In addition to the Camp Medic and on-call Registered Nurse, the College Health Service is open and available to all campers. Parents or guardians will be notified of any necessary medical treatment at the Health Service, doctor's office or hospital. All medication, hospital and doctor's calls will be at the student's own expense. The Camp Director should be made aware of any chronic illness that requires special care or awareness from the staff. A camp health form must be filled out and mailed ahead or turned in at registration. Please remember to bring any presciption medications your child may need. If your child has a history of asthma, please bring an inhaler and/or medication. A tetanus booster in the last ten years is required for those attending camp. Students are also asked to be up-to-date with routine immunizations.
MAILING ADDRESS: Send to: Student, c/o Dorian Music Camp, Luther College, 700 College Dr., Decorah, Iowa, 52101. Mail should be posted before Tuesday of the respective Camp week to arrive here on time.
PARENTS AND CAMPERS PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: CAMP REGULATIONS are few but, for obvious reasons, MUST AND WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. Campers unable to abide by these regulations will be asked to return to their homes. It is expected that you will always be at the location your schedule calls for at any given time of the day or night - - rehearsals, classes, lessons, etc. "Lights out!" means that you will be in your dormitory room by the indicated time with the lights out and QUIET. Alcoholic beverages, drugs and smoking are strictly forbidden. Counselors have been instructed to report any infractions of these rules to the Camp Director. There will be NO INTER-DORM VISITATION between male and female campers. College policy states that an individual is required to make restitution for any property damage done by that individual in dormitory rooms or other college property. Since your dormitory room will be occupied by another individual the night following your departure, leave your room as you found it when you arrived.
REFUND: Inasmuch as faculty, staff, food and dormitory costs are fixed the day that enrollment is set, we cannot refund camper fees due to early departure for any reason from the camp. Deposits will be refunded if we are notified before May 30.
CLOTHING - UNIFORM: Sport-type clothing is recommended during classes and rehearsals. Shorts, slacks, sandals, etc. Standards for dress in the music business are relatively conservative. Bare midriffs and low necklines and short skirts are usually not appropriate during performances. Therefore, the uniform for the GrandConcerts will be blouses or shirts and pants for everyone.. no blue jeans please. SWIMMING ATTIRE: Swimmers must bring their own suits for the indoor college pool and the outdoor city pool.
MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO BRING: Bring toilet articles, hangers, fan(dorms are not air conditioned), alarm clock, snacks, towels, washcloths, bedding, sportswear and equipment (gloves, etc.), necessary changes of clothing, raincoat, pencil for rehearsals. Students may wish to bring money for instrument repairs or miscellaneous optional activities (for example, supervised walk to Whippy Dip for ice cream). Do not bring skateboards or rollerblades.
CAMP T-SHIRTS will be available at registration for $8.00.
CD recordings will be made of all concerts. Order forms will be available at the concerts.
STUDENT RECITAL: Anyone interested in performing on the Camp Variety Show or recital should come prepared. Accompanists will be furnished if you wish. All selections must be prepared in advance of auditions held early in camp week.
DORMITORY SWITCHBOARDS are not open for incoming calls. If an emergency exists and you must contact your son or daughter, call the Camp Director, (David's Office 563-387-1224, Home 563-382-9222), or Dorian Coordinator (Office 563-387-1389). Students may use their own cell phones in the dorms. Dorm room phones will not be operational.
JUNIOR HIGH AUDITIONS: Auditions for Orchestra and Concert Band chair placement are held from approximately 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. Assigned times will be posted on the Camp websie, along with registration times. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF THAT TIMECANNOT WORK. Auditions for Chamber Choir and the rhythm section of Jazz Band will be held later Sunday afternoon. Audition sign-up will be during registration.
SENIOR HIGH AUDITIONS: Auditions for Orchestra and Concert Band chair placement are held from approximately 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sunday. Assigned times will be posted on the Camp website, along with registration times. Please let us know if that time cannot work. Auditions for Chamber Choir and the rhythm section of Jazz Band, will be held between 2:00-5:00 p.m. on Sunday. Audition sign-up will be during registration. Piano and Music Theatre Workshop participants will be notified in advance of their acceptance.
INSTRUMENTAL AUDITION MUSIC: Students should bring a short prepared piece or etudeto perform. (Excerpt from a longer work is OK) Accompaniment will not be provided, nor is it necessary. Some sight-reading may be required as part of the audition, in order to best assess students and allow for accurate chair placements.
LAST DAY OF CAMP: Concerts begin at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday in the Center for Faith and Life. Admission is free. (See daily schedule.) Students must be packed up and checked out prior to NOON. The dorms will be closed during the concerts.