If You Give a Pig a Pancake
Miss Kris’s Class
Week of November 29, 2016
Book-If You Give a Pig a Pancake-Laura Numeroff Art- surprises---can’t tell you!
Easel-open-ended drawing with markers Feeling Table-pasta and letters
Dramatic Play-kitchen/ Small Group/Table Time Activities-puzzles,
play dough, art & other fine motor activities.
Target Skills-Math-AM-shapes, big/little & rote/object count to 5 Literacy-AM-first name as a whole
PM-rote/object count to 15, number ID 1-7 PM-identify last name auditorily paired
with written, beginning rhymes (listening)
Choice/Center Time (9:15-9:55/1:00-1:40)
Small Group/Table Time (9:55-10:15/1:40-2:00)
Recess (10:15-10:35/2:00-2:20)
Large Group (10:35-11:05/2:20-2:50)
T-go over vocabulary, read story and discuss.
W-AM-review story again
PM-Miss Meghan’s Language Lesson
TH-AM- pancake counting using bean bag pancakes and spatula’s
PM- begin to practice story for holiday get together
F-AM-Miss Meghan’s Language Lesson
PM-Together Time
Snack, Books & Music (11:05-11:35/2:50-3:25)
This Week-Our friends were all in the Thanksgiving mood after our story these past few weeks. Natural discussions led us to talk about what we like to eat at Thanksgiving and what some of our favorite foods are. Along with great sequencing of our story and labeling the vocabulary, we did talk and sing some songs about turkeys. Our friends became excellent gobblers as many of the songs we have been enjoying have turkey “noises” in them.
Next Week- When we return from the Thanksgiving Break, for the month of December, we dive into a book by Laura Numeroff If You Give a Pig a Pancake. This is by the same author of the story If You Take a Mouse to School that we read earlier in the year. This is a fun story about the adventures of pig and all the silly things that happen. In the story, the pig wants a pancake. The little boy discovers all he has to do after the pig gets the pancakes. The vocabulary words will be coming home in your child’s back pack the first week we are back. Please take some time review them with your child. Simply going over the words a few times with your child will help reinforce vocabulary knowledge, sequencing and re-telling the story…all important literacy skills!
Video of If You Give a Pig a Pancake
Family Get Together
Mark your calendars for Friday, December 16, 2016. At 11:00 and 2:45 we will have a little family get together in our classroom. Different activities will be planned around our story of If You Give a Pig a Pancake. There will be a corresponding craft for you to complete with your child. A simple snack will be offered as well. Please watch for a RSVP coming home in your child’s backpack in early December.
Favorite App
A fun ipad app for the Thanksgiving holiday is called Hand Turkey. By pressing your hand to the screen, a giant turkey appears and is ready to decorate. You can also pick leaves for the turkey to rake (a great way to bring in the vocabulary from our previous books and dramatic playJ). Although the app does not target specific skill, it is fun to play and that is learning too! Try sharing and taking turns while creating the turkey and talk about the colors and patterns on the feathers and leaves. Most of all enjoy time together with your child! They are a great way to work on identifying and strengthening daily concepts. Simply type hand turkey in the search box in the App Store. Enjoy!
Important Dates
December 16 11:00/2:45 Kris’s Holiday Get Together
December 20 Pajama Day-more info to follow