Math 7 – Calculus I

Fall 2009

Instructor: Gail Edinger

Office: Math Complex 59

Campus Extension: (310) 434-3972

Office Hours: Monday/Wednesday 8:45 – 9:15 a.m., Tuesday 6:15 – 7:15 a.m., Thursday 10 – 11 a.m.

Other times by appointment.


**Important note: Due to problems with email from unknown senders, put the following in the subject section of all emails: Your full name – Math 7. If you do not have this in the subject section I will not read your email.******

Course Description: This course is intended for computer science, engineering, mathematics and natural science majors. Topics in this first course in calculus include limits, continuity, and derivatives and integrals of algebraic and trigonometric functions, with mathematical and physical applications. *Maximum credit is allowed for only one series, either Math 7,8 or Math 23, 24.

Prerequisites: Math 2 with a grade of C or higher.

Transfer info: UC, CSU IGETC Area 2 (Mathematical Concepts)

Required Text: Calculus, The Classic Edition, Swokowski, Brooks/Cole, 1991.

Calculator: Any scientific calculator for homework, calculators may not be used on exams.

Outline: There is a class schedule and outline attached. Please note that there could be changes to this schedule.

Attendance: Attendance is expected and encouraged. I will take attendance at every class. If you are absent for all or part of more than 3 classes, you may be withdrawn for nonattendance, regardless of current grade in the class.

If you intend to drop the class, do not just stop coming. It is your responsibility to do the paperwork.

If you are absent, you are still responsible for all material covered. You will be expected to complete and turn in all assignments on time. You may call me, email me or contact a classmate to find out what you have missed so that you can complete the material. You are also responsible for any changes to the syllabus, including changes in exam dates and assignment dates.

Homework: You are expected to do homework after every class. The homework is not collected, but is considered due at the beginning of the next class. It is an important part of this class and crucial to your success. An initial assignment list is attached. There will be a short time at the beginning of each class (approx. 10 minutes) to answer short questions on the homework from the previous class. If you have many questions, please see me during office hours or go to the math lab. I will only answer questions from the previous homework assignment during class. If you fall behind on the assignments, I will be glad to answer those questions during office hours, but we will not take class time away from the students who have kept up to answer questions for those that have fallen behind in the assignments. If there is time at the end of the evening, I will gladly stay until the end of class time and answer questions from any section.

Exams: There are 4 exams scheduled, each is worth 100 points. (See outline for dates) These will be closed book exams, scheduled for the entire class time. You are expected to take the exams on the scheduled date. NO MAKE-UP EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANY REASON. If you miss one exam the grade from the final will be substituted for that exam. If you miss more than one exam, you will receive a grade of 0% for any further exams missed. If you have taken all of the scheduled in class exams you may substitute the grade on the final for your lowest exam grade. Exams will be closed book, note and taken without a calculator.

There will be a comprehensive final. The date is noted on the outline.

Quizzes: There will be a short quiz at the end of every Thursday class, unless there is an exam scheduled for Thursday, then I might opt to give the quiz on Tuesday. These quizzes will be heavily based on the homework. If you are up to date on the homework, they should be no problem. At the end of the semester, the lowest two quiz grades will be dropped. NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANY REASON. If you miss a quiz that will have to be one of the ones dropped, if you miss more than 2, a grade of 0 will be recorded for all following missed exams. This grade cannot be made up in any way.

The quiz time will always be the end of class and will not be changed. Please do not ask me to give you the quiz at a different time from the rest of the class for any reason.

Grading: The final grades will be assigned according to final averages as follows:

90 – 100 = A, 80 – 89 = B, 70 – 79 = C, 60 – 69 = D, below 60 = F

using the following formula:

60% = exam scores

10% = Quiz scores

30% = Comprehensive final

If you have taken all of the in class exams and your final exam grade is greater than ONE of your in class exam grades, that low exam grade will be dropped and the final exam score will take its place. I will not deviate from this system for any reason, please do not ask me to. The grades will not be curved other than the possible replacement of the lowest by the final as outlined above. I will not make deals or take your personal situation into account when assigning grades. This includes, but is not limited to your transfer status, GPA, graduation status or any other personal reason you can think of. There will be no extra credit in this class.

Academic Honesty: The academic honesty policy of Santa MonicaCollege will be strictly enforced. If there is any evidence of academic dishonesty on any exam or graded work, all parties involved will receive a grade of 0% for the entire exam or graded assignment, regardless of who did the original work and how much of the exam or assignment was involved. This 0% cannot be the exam grade dropped. It will count toward your final average. A report of Academic Dishonesty will be filed with the school.

Disabilities: Working with the disabled student center, I will make accommodations for disability related needs.

Reaching me: Drop by during office hours. If you have a question outside office hours, the best way to find me is via email. I check my email daily, Monday - Friday and will be glad to answer any questions on the homework. I will do my best to check email on the weekends, but if I cannot get to it on Sat. or Sun. I will definitely respond on the following Monday.

Withdrawl Policies: The SMC withdrawl dates are listed below. Please read them carefully. They will be strictly followed.


Last day to withdraw in Fall Semester (16-week session)

To receive enrollment fee and tuition refund

By phone/web – Sun, Sept 13, 2009, 10 p.m.

To avoid a W on permanent record

By phone/web – Mon, Sept 21, 2009, 10 p.m.

To receive a guaranteed W

By phone/web – Mon, Oct 26, 2009, 10 p.m.

To receive a W with faculty approval of extenuating circumstances (NO grade check required)

(instructor must drop you online) Mon, Nov 23, 2009 –you must have spoken with me in person (Not via email) regarding this by the end of office hours on this date.

Please note: “extenuating circumstances” mean that there is some verifiable and unforeseeable emergency which precludes your completing your semester at SMC. This does NOT include avoiding a low grade, the effect of this class on your GPA, your transfer status or any other such circumstance. You will have until Oct. 26 to drop for these reasons, after that you are in the class for a grade. If you want discuss “extenuating circumstances” to invoke this option of withdrawing after Oct. 26 you will probably be in a situation which requires that you withdraw from ALL of your SMC classes not just this one.


  1. Get to know each other
  2. Ask questions. If you do not understand something, ask as soon as possible. I welcome questions during class. You may also ask for help before class and during the break.
  3. Make frequent use of the math lab. This is a useful way to get questions answered. It is FREE!
  4. Keep up. I cannot stress this enough. The material is cumulative and if you fall behind, it is very difficult to catch up. You should expect to do 1 – 2 hours of homework for every hour spent in class.
  5. You are expected to turn off your cell phone, pager, watch or any other noise making device before class starts. If your device goes off in class you will be asked to turn it off immediately. Please do not take this as an opportunity to check your message. If your device goes off during an exam or quiz, your exam or quiz will be considered finished, the work will be collected and you will be asked to leave. No additional time will be given.

Course Outline and Assignment schedule – subject to change.

Date / Section / Homework Assignment
9/1 T
9/3 Th / 1.1 Algebra
1.2 Functions
1.3 Trigonometry & other precalculus review / 1.1: #1 – 71 odd, 75-81 odd
1.2: #1 – 61 odd, 54, 62
1.3: 1 – 69 odd, 72
9/8 T
9/10 Th / 2.1 Introduction to Limits
2.2 Precise Definition of Limits
2.2 continued
2.3 Techniques for finding limits / 2.1: 1 – 49 odd
2.2: 1 – 11 odd
2.2: 13 – 23 odd
2.3: 1 – 71 odd
9/15 T
9/17 Th
9/21 M / 2.4 Limits involving infinity
2.5 Continuous Functions
3.1Tangent Lines and rates of change
3.2Definition of the Derivative / 2.4: 1 – 41 odd
2.5: 1 – 59 odd, omit #17
3.1: 1 – 21 odd
3.2: 1 – 53 odd
Last day to drop by phone to avoid W on permanent record.
9/22 T
9/24 Th / EXAM 1
3.2 continued
3.3 Techniques of Differentiation / 3.2: 1 – 53 odd
3.3: 1 – 79 odd
9/29 T
10/1 Th / 3.4 Derivatives of Trig. Functions
3.6. The Chain Rule
3.5 Increments and differentials
3.7 Implicit Differentiation / 3.4: 1 – 37 odd, 41 – 51 odd
3.6: 1 – 83 odd, 87
3.5: 1 – 17 odd, 21 – 37 odd, 43, 47, 51
3.7: 1 – 41 odd, 40, 42
10/6 T
10/8 Th / 3.8 Related Rates
4.1 Extrema of Functions
4.2 The mean value Theorem / 3.8: 1 – 4 5odd, 26, 46, 50
4.1: 1 – 47 odd
4.2: 1 – 39 odd
10/13 T
10/15 Th / EXAM 2
4.3 The First Derivative Test
4.4 Concavity and the Second Deriv. Test / 4.3: 1 – 39 odd
4.4: 1 – 29 odd
10/20 T
10/22 Th
10/26 M / 4.5 Curve Sketching
4.6 Optimization / 4.5: 1 – 37 odd
4.6: 1 – 55 odd
End of week 8 drop period. Last Day receive a guaranteed “W” by web.
10/27 T
10/29 Th / 4.7 Rectilinear Motion & other applications
4.8 Newton’s Method
5.1 Antiderivatives / 4.7: 1 – 11 odd, 20, 21, 23, 37
4.8: 1, 3, 6, 9, 11, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27
5.1: 1 – 69 odd
11/3 T
11/5 Th / EXAM 3
5.2 Change of Variables
5.3 Summation notation and Area / 5.2: 1 – 51 odd, 57 – 63
5.3: 1 – 31 odd
11/10 T
11/12 Th / 5.4 The Definite Integral
5.5 Properties of the definite integral
5.6 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus / 5.4: 1 – 35 odd
5.5: 1 – 33 odd, 34, omit #31
5.6 1 – 45 odd, 51 – 56 all
11/17 T
11/19 Th / 5.7 Numerical Integration
6.1 Area
6.2 Volume
6.3 More Volume / 5.7: 3, 7, 11, 13, 15, 23, 29, 30
6.1: 1 – 37 odd
6.2: 1 – 4 all, 5 – 41 odd
6.3: 1 – 4 all, 5 – 31 odd
11/24 T
12/1 T / 6.4 Volume by Cross Section
6.5 Arc Length
6.6 Work
Catch up on Chapter 6 / 6.4: 1 – 9 all, 11 – 19 odd, 23
6.5: 1 – 4 all, 5 – 15 odd
6.6: 1 – 19 odd
12/3 Th
12/8 T / Review
Exam 4
12/10 Th / Review
12/15 Tuesday / FINAL EXAM / Final: 6:45 – 9:45 p.m.
Mathematics Skills Associated With This Course
Entry Level Skills / / Skills the instructor assumes you know prior to enrollment in this course
Determine domain, range, symmetry and inverse, if it exists, of a relation.
Analyze and graph a given function, including but not limited to piecewise defined, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and inverse trigonometric functions.
Use transformation techniques including vertical and horizontal shifts, compression, stretching, and reflection over the x- or y-axis to sketch the graph of a function.
Use the language and standard mathematical notation of the algebra of functions.
Determine algebraic combinations and compositions of functions and state their domains.
State and apply the unit-circle and right-triangle definitions of trigonometric functions and their inverses.
State and apply fundamental trigonometric identities and the sum, difference, double-angle and half-angle identities.
Factor polynomials using rational and complex zeros.
Solve polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric equations.
Write algebraic and trigonometric relationships to solve application problems, including solution of triangles.
Prove trigonometric identities.
Classify, analyze and graph conic sections given any quadratic equation in two variables. (Excludes rotation)
Solve systems of nonlinear equations.
Prove statements using mathematical induction.
Apply the binomial theorem to expand a binomial and find required intermediate term.
Use the language and notation of sequences and series. Determine any term in a sequence.
Evaluate, manipulate and interpret summation notation.
Course Objectives / / Skills to be learned during this course
Evaluate limits using basic limit theorems and the epsilon-delta definition.
State and apply the definition of continuity to determine a function’s points of continuity and discontinuity.
Differentiate elementary functions using basic derivative theorems and the definition of the derivative.
Integrate elementary functions using basic integral theorems and the definition of the definite integral.
Approximate definite integrals using numerical integration (trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules).
Solve derivative application problems including optimization, related rates, linearization, curve sketching and rectilinear motion.
Solve integral application problems including area, volume, arc length and work.
State and apply the Mean Value theorems, Extreme Value Theorem, Intermediate Value Theorem, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and Newton’s Method.

Exit Skills:

  1. Evaluate Limits
  2. Use the “precise” definition of a limit (epsilon-delta) proof to verify a limit
  3. Discuss continuity of a function using three-part definition of limit
  4. Find derivatives of elementary functions and express their answers in simplest factored form.
  5. Apply Mean Value, Extreme Value and Intermediate Values and Newton’s Theorems.
  6. Use concepts of derivatives to sketch curves and solve problems relating to max/min, related rates and rectilinear motion.
  7. Integrate elementary functions
  8. Use techniques of integration to solve problems relating to regions of areas, volumes of solids of revolution, arc length, work, etc.