Ref.: K/22/15-259
To:Government Logistics Department
Attn.:Assistant Supplies Officer (E1)
Fax No.:(852) 2116 0105
Market Research on the
Supply of Photocopiers and Related Services
to Various Government Departments under Standing Offer Agreements
The purpose of this market research exercise is to obtain the latest market information from suppliers on the supply of photocopiers and related services to various Government departments and bureaux.
1.Please advise whether your companyis able to supply photocopiers and provide related services in compliance with the specifications and other requirements set out in the Annex of the market research document.
* □Yes (Please indicate below which item(s) of the photocopiers your company is able to supply, and go to Question 2) / * □ No (Please go to Question 3)Category A
3-in-1 Photocopier
(with copying, network printing and scanning functions)
Yes No
Item 1Not less than 15,000 copies per month, 18cpm to 25cpm* □ * □
Item 2Not less than 30,000 copies per month, 26cpm to 37cpm* □ * □
Item 3Not less than 50,000 copiesper month, 38cpm to 50cpm* □ * □
Category B
4-in-1 Photocopier
(with copying, network printing, scanning andfaxing functions) Yes No
Item 1Not less than 15,000 copies per month, 18cpm to 25cpm* □ * □
Item 2Not less than 30,000 copies per month, 26cpm to 37cpm* □ * □
Item 3Not less than 50,000 copiesper month, 38cpm to 50cpm* □ * □
* Please tick () as appropriate.
2.If your answer to Question 1 above is “Yes”, please provide information below:
Category A: 3-in-1 Photocopier
Item / Description / Unit Rate(HK$/FIS/HK) / Annual Maintenance Charge
(HK$) / Meter
Charge per Copy
Black and white photocopier with built-in functions
1 / Not less than 15,000 copies, 18cpm to 25cpm
1.1 Photocopier
1.2Inverting Auto Document Feeder
1.3 Larger Paper Tray
1.4 Auto Duplex Unit
1.5 Bin Sorter
2 / Not less than 30,000 copies, 26cpm to 37cpm
2.1 Photocopier
2.2Inverting Auto Document Feeder
2.3 Larger Paper Tray
2.4 Auto Duplex Unit
2.5 Bin Sorter
3 / Not less than 50,000 copies, 38cpm to 50cpm
3.1 Photocopier
3.2Inverting Auto Document Feeder
3.3 Larger Paper Tray
3.4 Auto Duplex Unit
3.5 Bin Sorter
Please provide information in respect of each item of the photocopiersproposedabove:
Category A
3-in-1 Photocopier
/ Black and white photocopier with built-in functionsItem 1 / Item 2 / Item 3
(a)Name of Product
(b)Place of Origin
(c)Name of Manufacturer
(d)Address of Manufacturer
(e)Brand Model
(f)Machine Speed / First copy / Subsequent copy / First copy / Subsequent copy / First copy / Subsequent copy
(in second)
Normal A4 size-to-size copying
Normal A3 size-to-size copying
Reduction copying: A3 to A4
Enlargement copying: A4 to A3
(g)Paper weight suitable for the photocopier (in gsm)
Category B: 4-in-1 Photocopier
Item / Description / Unit Rate(HK$/FIS/HK) / Annual Maintenance Charge
(HK$) / Meter
Charge per Copy
Black and white photocopier with built-in functions
1 / Not less than 15,000 copies, 18cpm to 25cpm
1.1 Photocopier
1.2Inverting Auto Document Feeder
1.3 Larger Paper Tray
1.4 Auto Duplex Unit
1.5 Bin Sorter
2 / Not less than 30,000 copies, 26cpm to 37cpm
2.1 Photocopier
2.2Inverting Auto Document Feeder
2.3 Larger Paper Tray
2.4 Auto Duplex Unit
2.5 Bin Sorter
3 / Not less than 50,000 copies, 38cpm to 50cpm
3.1 Photocopier
3.2Inverting Auto Document Feeder
3.3 Larger Paper Tray
3.4 Auto Duplex Unit
3.5 Bin Sorter
Please provide information in respect of each item of the photocopiersproposed above:
Category B
4-in-1 Photocopier
/ Black and white photocopier with built-in functionsItem 1 / Item 2 / Item 3
(a)Name of Product
(b)Place of Origin
(c)Name of Manufacturer
(d)Address of Manufacturer
(e)Brand Model
(f)Machine Speed / First copy / Subsequent copy / First copy / Subsequent copy / First copy / Subsequent copy
(in second)
Normal A4 size-to-size copying
Normal A3 size-to-size copying
Reduction copying: A3 to A4
Enlargement copying: A4 to A3
(g)Paper weight suitable for the photocopier (in gsm)
3.If your answer to Question 1 above is “No”, please specify which area(s) you cannot met for our reference. Please use separate sheet(s) if the space provided below is inadequate.
4.Other relevant information for consideration :
(A)Categorisation of Products and Related Services
(i)The categorisation of products and related services of the existing SOAs are considered acceptable.
* □ Yes
* □ No (please provide reasons below)
(ii)Non-exclusive rights of the existing SOAs are considered acceptable.
*□ Yes
* □ No (please provide reasons below)
* Please tick () as appropriate.
(iii)No cap on the maximum number of SOA contractors under the existing SOAs is considered acceptable.
* □ Yes
* □ No (please provide reasons below)
(B)Participation by Suppliers
(i)The participation by suppliers in the existing SOAs are considered acceptable.
* □ Yes
* □ No (please provide reasons below)
(ii)The provisions of maximum prices and prevailing prices for photocopiers underthe existing SOAs areconsidered acceptable.
* □ Yes
* □ No (please provide reasons below)
(iii)The arrangement for the introduction of new photocopiers and related services underthe existing SOAs is considered acceptable.
* □ Yes
* □ No (please provide reasons below)
(C)Agreement Period of the SOAs
The agreement period of the existing SOAs is considered acceptable.
* □ Yes
* □ No (please provide reasons below)
* Please tick () as appropriate.
(D)Time for Proposal Submission
The time for proposal submission under the existing SOAs are considered acceptable.
* □ Yes
* □ No (please provide reasons below)
(E)Product Catalogue
Please advise whether you can provide copy(ies) of the new product catalogue / data sheet(if available).
* □ Yes, product catalogue / data sheet are attached
* □ No, information is not available
(F)Green Requirement
Please advise whether you cansupplythe photocopier(s) with low ozone emission design which does not cause an ambient ozone concentration in excess of 0.04mg/m3 with submission of the following documentary evidence.
* □ Yes (†Please indicate which documentary evidence could be provided.)
□ / 1)Testing Report according to "ASTM D5156 - 02(2008)"□ / 2)Ecolabel which meets the ozone emission rate following the Blue Angel “Test method for the determination of emissions from hardcopy devices with respect to awarding the environmental label for office devices with printing function” (RAL-UZ122), and/or ECMA International “European association for standardizing information and communication systems test method ECMA 328 – Determination of Chemical Emission Rates from Electronic Equipment”
□ / 3)Manufacturer's documentary evidence of compliance including but not limited to manufacturer's declaration, technical specification sheet, product catalogueshowing that the models of the products offered comply with this green requirement
* □ No
* Please tick () as appropriate.
† Can tick () more than one options.
(G)Any other comments
(H)Company’s Contact Details
Company’s NameName and Title of Contact Person:
Telephone number:
Facsimile number:
Email address:
- Thank You -
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