Fall 2015
CRN 11396: 10:00 am – 11: 15am, TR, Room A437
Semester Credit Hours: 3
INSTRUCTOR: Edwin Tecarro Office: S716
Telephone: (713) 221-8655 E-mail:
OFFICE HOURS: MW 10:15 am – 11:15 am, TR 8:45 am – 9:45 am, or by appointment
PREREQUISITE: A grade of C or better in Math 2401 and Math 2402. Credit or enrollment in Math 2407 is recommended.
TEXTBOOK: A First Course in Differential Equations, 10th Edition, by D. Zill, Brooks/Cole, 2013.
Chapter______Topics from Sections______
Introduction to Differential Equations 1.1 – 1.2
First-Order Differential Equations2.1 – 2.6
Higher-Order Differential Equations4.1 – 4.9
Series Solutions of Linear Equations6.1, 6.2, 6.4
The Laplace Transform7.1 – 7.6
Systems of Linear First-Order Differential Equations8.1– 8.4
Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations9.1
HOMEWORK/QUIZZES: Homework is assigned but not collected. There will be a quiz once a week.
TESTS: There are 3 tests during the semester. No make-up test will be given.
FINAL EXAM: The final exam is comprehensive and all students must take it.
Quizzes / 1/6 of course grade3 Tests (in class, closed book, closed notes)
Test 1. TBA
Test 2. TBA
Test 3. TBA / 1/6 of course grade
1/6 of course grade
1/6 of course grade
Final Examination (closed book, closed notes)
Thursday, December 10, 10:00 am – 12:30 pm / 1/3 of course grade
- GRADING SCALE: A 90-100, B 80-below 90, C 70-below 80, D 60-below 70, F below 60
LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW: Thursday, October 29, 2015
- ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY: All students are subject to UHD’s Academic Honesty Policy and to all other university-wide policies as they are set forth in the UHD University Catalog and Student Handbook.
REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR DISABLED STUDENTS: The University of Houston-Downtown complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, pertaining to the provision of reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary aids for students with a disability. In accordance with Section 504 and ADA guidelines, UHD strives to provide reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary aids to students who request and require them. If you believe that you have a documented disability requiring academic adjustments/auxiliary aids, please contact the Office of Disability Services, One Main St., Suite 409-South, Houston, TX 77002. (Office) 713-226-5227 (Website) www.uhd.edu/disability/ (Email)
- NOTE ON ATTENDANCE: Your failure to attend class or make contact with faculty to adequately explain your absence by the 10th class calendar day of the semester will result in your being administratively dropped from this course. Being dropped from this course may affect your enrollment status and/or your financial aid eligibility.