Glenvar Elementary School
August 13, 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians of all students at Glenvar Elementary:
I hope that this letter finds that the school year is off to a great start!
This letter is to inform you about some community programs that are in place to help provide snacks, clothing and other special need items to identified students. Each organization sets its own guidelines for providing to students.
The Food Pantry provides a “Snack Buddy” program for children who do not have daily snacks for school. Area Churches Together offers the ACT program to provide weekend snacks to children who have limited opportunities at home. The Needlework Guild offers clothing and tennis shows to children as they need it.
Please keep in mind that this program is based on need. Your student might be a good candidate for this program if your family has financial stressors and providing daily snacks, weekend snacks and clothing is a financial burden for your family. All information will be kept confidential and each student is assigned a number when receiving benefits from outside agencies.
If you would like for your child to participate in any of these programs, please sign below and return it with your child ASAP. Please specify which programs you would like your child to participate in.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (540)387-6540 or you can email me at . You may decide to decline these services at this point but your economic situation may changes later, you are welcome to contact me as your needs change.
Sarah Williams
School Counselor
Yes I would like my child to be a part of the
____Snack Buddy
____ ACT pack-snacks for the weekend
____Needlework Guild (please fill out the back of this form)
Parent Name Contact Phone # Date
Child’s Name
Male or Female (Circle one) Date of Birth Age
Grade Homeroom Teacher
Height Weight
Please check the items of clothing that are NEEDED and fill in the sizes. Remember your children will grow some this year. Please include descriptions such as: “regular”, “long”, “husky” and/or “children”, “junior”, or “adult” when writing small, medium, large, etc.
Sweat pants
The following information will assist the organizations in personalizing clothing that is selected for your child. If something does not apply to your child, then just leave it blank. The more information you provide, the better the chances are that your child will like the items.
Favorite sports team
Favorite movie or character
Favorite toys
Favorite colors
Style of clothing
Additional comments
Please contact Mrs. Williams (540)387-6540 or directly by phone or email if and when you can use assistance with tennis shoes or have other needs.