Our Abbeyfield house is our home.It is our place to live with independence, support, dignity and companionship. As residents,we all accept that our house must have House Rules which respect our individual rights but which also recognise our responsibilities to one another and Abbeyfield.
These are our House Rules.
Respecting one another
- We want our house to be a friendly and welcoming home where we show courtesy to one another. This means that we will always speak to each other with civility and common good manners.
- We understand that we are all individual adults and that disagreements may occur from time to time. When disagreements arise we will try to resolve them in a friendly, polite and respectful way.
- We absolutelyforbid all forms of bullying and will not tolerate aggressive behaviour, violence, foul language, or any anti-social behaviour which may make other people feel uncomfortable or threatened.
- We will not do anythingthat interferes with another resident’s peaceful quiet enjoyment of the house.
- We are all mature adults and so are responsible and accountable for our actions.
Respecting our house
- We must not cause damage to the houseor its contents - and will immediately report any damage that occurs to the House keeper. If l damage something l may be required to pay for its repair or replacement.
- We must not make any structural alterations or install any fixtures without the approval of the Committee of Management.
- We will not keep a pet at the house unless it is supported by the Residents Committee and approved by the Committee of Management.
Respecting ourselves
- We are will maintain high standards of personal hygiene and wear appropriate attire in the common areas of the house.
Fire safety
- We know that fire safety is very important in our Abbeyfield House and so will work together to make our house fire safe.
- We will not cook in our rooms, or use electric radiators, electric fan heaters, or electric blankets.
- We will participate in all fire drills and fire education.
- Smoking is prohibited anywhere in the house or on the premises.
Respecting our environment
- We will respect our environment by reducing our energy consumption and recycling as much as possible.
In our private rooms
- We must keep our private room and ensuite clean and tidy.
- We will use our private room for residential purposes only.
General matters
- We will abide by our House Rules and our individual Residents Agreement and understand that breaching them may result in eviction.
These House Rules were supported by the Residents’ Committee on XX September 2011 and approved by the Committee of Management on XX September 2011
Generic Abbeyfield House rules – October 2011