Match the Term to the Meaning

Behaviourism and Psychology

Match the term to the meaning.

Classical conditioning / A conditioned response occurs in the presence of stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus
Conditioned response / A new behaviour is introduced into the behavioural repertoire of the animal
Discrimination / A new stimulus
Extinction / A permanent change that takes place in behaviour as the result of experience
Generalisation / An extinct behaviour recurs.
Learning / An individual does something it already does in response to a new stimulus
Neutral stimulus / If a behaviour has unpleasant outcomes, it will be avoided.
Operant conditioning / If a behaviour results in a pleasant outcome, it will be repeated.
Punishment / Newly acquired behaviour dies away.
Reinforcement / The cause of a reflex action such as salivation
Spontaneous recovery / The process of being able to tell the difference between two similar stimuli and responding to only one.
Unconditioned stimulus / This occurs in response to a conditioned stimulus


Neutral stimulus / A new stimulus
Conditioned response / This occurs in response to a conditioned stimulus
Unconditioned stimulus / The cause of a reflex action such as salivation
Generalisation / A conditioned response occurs in the presence of stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus
Discrimination / The process of being able to tell the difference between two similar stimuli and responding to only one.
Learning / A permanent change that takes place in behaviour as the result of experience
Extinction / A newly acquired behaviour dies away.
Spontaneous recovery / An extinct behaviour recurs.
Reinforcement / If a behaviour results in a pleasant outcome, it will be repeated.
Punishment / If a behaviour has unpleasant outcomes, it will be avoided.
Classical conditioning / An individual does something it already does in response to a new stimulus
Operant conditioning / A new behaviour is introduced into the behavioural repertoire of the animal

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