St. Teresa’s Church, Rathduff
Fr. Des Smith, C.C. (096) 21596 & 087 7785315
Mass Intentions from Sat. 31st March to Sun. 8th April 2012
Sat. 31st Mar. [V] 7.00 p.m.: Michael, Eileen, Josephine, Tony & Sean Barrett &
Gertie & Frank Holland
Sun. 1st April10.00 a.m.:Thomas & Bridie McShane (Anniv.) Carrowmore
Mon. 2nd April10.00 a.m.:Jack Walsh (Anniv.) & decd. family, Derrygullinane
Tue. 3rd April 10.00 a.m.:Annie Molloy
Wed. 4th April10.00 a.m.:Sally & John Munnelly
Thu. 5th April 7.30 p.m.:Holy Thursday Mass & Adoration up to 11.00 p.m.
Good Fri. 6th April 12 Noon:Stations of the Cross
5.00 p.m.:Good Friday Ceremonies
Sat. 7th April [V] 8.00 p.m.:Holy Saturday Ceremonies
Sun. 8th April 6.00 a.m.:Dawn Mass in Cloghans Cemetery Church
10.00 a.m.:Easter Sunday Mass
CONFESSIONS: Sat. 6.30 p.m. & after Mass
READERS: Holy Week – as arranged. 8th April [V] Áine Boland. [10] Patricia Kneafsey.
E. MINISTERS: Holy Week – as arranged. 8th April [V] Maureen Nealon. [10] Mary Nallon.
CHURCH CLEANERS: Group 5: Teresa Higgins, Annie O’Neill, Maureen Walshe.
Knockmore G.A.A. Development Lotto: [43] No Jackpot winner. Weekly Winners: Niamh Gaughan, Eileen Rowland, Liam McHale. Season Winners: Enda Munnelly, Ann Marie Clarke, Gabriel Bourke. Next Draw on Sat. 31/03. Jackpot: €15,000.
Registration for Ladies Football in the Club House Sun. 15 & 22 April 12-2 pm. Fee: U10 €32,U12/U18 €47. Seniors €62. U10 & U12 training starts Fri. 13th April 7pm.
Grow Meetings: Tues. 8 p.m. in Ballina Community Centre. Confidential. 094 9026417.
Mini Ceilí: In The Mayfly Hotel, Foxford – Sun. nights 8.30 – 11.00 p.m. All Welcome.
Sewing/Alterations service: Please contact 085 1677445.
Laptop/desktop Computer Repair Service: Available locally – please contact 097 3685287.
Community Games: U.13 boys indoor soccer were defeated by Breaffy last Tue in County final in Foxford Sports & Leisure Centre by 4-2.
Enrolments for Garracloon N.S. for Sept 2012. Contact 096-73208 or call to the school.
WIZARD OF OZ DVD: From Marie in the R.Centre or Billy 086 8373646 (until 8th April). Also available DVD of the All-Ireland Semi/Final (involving St. Joseph’s Foxford)
Parish Clean Up: Is being organised for the Month of April. If you can help, contact Billy on 0868373646 or email .
Table Tennis: C.Games competitions on Fri. 30th Mar. 6 pm in Breaffy House S. Complex.
Medjugorje: 12th May & 22nd Sept. Info. from Bernadette Coleman (086 8196653).
Save Knockmore Post Office Campaign: A follow up Public Meeting will be held on Easter Monday, 9th April at 9pm in the Community Hall. All public representatives are invited to attend. Your attendance would be appreciated – an information update will be given and a discussion on future plans on this very serious issue for our parish.
An Teanga Bheo: Contact Órla on 085 8512688 to book a mock Irish oral this Easter. Constructive feedback, notes and help given once mock oral is complete. For more information on group and individual Irish classes contact above number.
Chrism Mass: St. Muredach’s Cathedral, next Tue. 3rd April 6.30 p.m. The Bishop welcomes parishioners, Confirmation pupils, also Pastoral Council members, Finance Committee, & members of school BOM. Refreshments for all in the Newman Inst. after Mass.
Keeping Children Safe: Diocesan Confidential phone No. 087 3664350 – if you have any concerns. Details are on the Church Notice Board.
Fr. Michael Flynn, P.P. 094 9258108/087 2640015
Church of Christ the King, Knockmore
Palm Sunday – 1st April 2012
Sat. 31st Mar. [V] 8.00 p.m.: Tom, Martin & Paddy Flynn, Tavanaghmore
Sun. 1st April 9.00 a.m.: Eileen Reape, Toneybane
11.00 a.m.: For the People of the Parish
Mon. 2nd April10.00 a.m.: Decd. Holmes & Reddington families
Tue. 3rd April10.00 a.m.:James & Maria Herbert
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Tues. 10.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Wed. 4th April 10.00 a.m.:Thomas, Kate & Richard Barrett & decd. family members
Holy Thur. 5th Apr. 7.30 p.m.:Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Adoration until 10 pm)
Good Fri. 6th April 12 Noon:Stations of the Cross
3.00 p.m.:Liturgy of the Passion
Sat. 7th April [V] 9.00 p.m.:Bill Rudland, (Anniv.) Currabaggan & decd. family - E.Vigil
Sun. 8th April 9.00 a.m.: Intention
Easter Sunday11.00 a.m.:For the People of the Parish
Calls to the Sick/Housebound: Usual calls on Friday next, 6th April.
CONFESSIONS: Sat. evening after Mass. Penitential Service: Wed. next, 7.00 p.m.
READERS: H.Thu. Commentator: Mary Flynn. Chris Kimmerling/Winnie Bourke. G.Fri. Commentator: Angela Feeney. David Connolly/John Butler. H.Sat. Commentator: B.Coleman. Padraig Corcoran/David Connolly/Cathal O’Boyle/Louise McHale.
E.Sun. [9] David Connolly [11]Mary Flynn.
E. MINISTERS: H.Thu. J. Nallon/P. Breslin/A. McNeely/A. Bourke/A. Mulvihill/G. Bourke.
G.Fri. P. Duffy/M. Gardiner. H.Sat. M. Corcoran/N. Barrett. E.Sun. M. Brogan & J. Walsh.
SERVERS: H.Thu. W. Doocey, A. Flynn, A. McDermott, S. Langan. G.Fri. A. McTigue & P. McTigue. H.Sat. [V] C. Brogan, R. Coleman, L. Coleman, C. Holmes.
E.Sun. [9] Rebecca Lambe & Adam Reape [11] Amy McDermott & Connell Dempsey.
CHURCH CLEANING: Carragorru, Runagry & Calladashin.
Coeliacs: Please contact the priest to make arrangements to receive Holy Communion.
Recent Deaths: Please remember in your prayers – Nora Leahy, Ballinasloe
(mother of Assumpta Hoban, Shraheen); Mike Fox, Normanton & late of Corlummin; Willie Joe Kelly, Toronto & late of Currabaggan.
May they rest in God’s peace.
PAYE Workers: Tax Rebate forms at church doors – please fill & return to Church.
Strictly Come Dancing: Night in Hotel Ballina on 8th April – please note all tickets are sold out and there will not be any tickets available on the night. (Admission by Ticket only.)
Sincere thanks to Parents, B.O.M & school community for organising retirement function in Hotel Ballina. Thanks to all for kind words, beautiful gifts and good wishes. It was a thoroughly enjoyable night. Le gach dea-ghui, Anne Walkin.
Table Quiz in aid of Niall Mellon Fund–Downhill Hotel. Thur. 12th April 8pm. €10 per person.
Shraheen National School are now accepting enrolments for the 2012/2013 school year. Please call to the school or contact: 094 9256617.
U.12 Disco E. Mon. 9th April Downhill hotel 3 to 6pm Adm. €5. & U.16 Youth Disco same night 9 to 11.30pm. Adm. €8. Strictly alcohol free. Proceeds in aid of River Moy Search & Rescue & Our Lady's Childrens hospital Crumlin. Organiser: Dean Foody, Kilimanjaro Achiever.
Notices for the Bulletin can be left in to Parish House, Knockmore, by Thurs. 6.00 p.m. or Email to