Report Date: 30thNovember 2017.

NB this report is currently in draft form due to re-budgeting in light of recent increase in PE Premium funding.

Our aim is to develop confident, healthy, active individuals who have a lifelong love of physical activity. This will be achieved through inspiring and challenging PE lessons and active experiences, where children value themselves and strive for individual excellence.

We will achieve this through:

Support staff in delivery of good and outstanding PE lessons, through partnership with specialist teachers and ongoing training. / INTERVENTION
Ensure all children within the school have their needs identified and supported. / PARTICIPATION
Continue to ensure that all children have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular sporting activities every single year.
Total Grant To Be Received: / £17,650
Cost £ / Actions / Measuring effectiveness
Aim 1. High quality teaching and learning
Teaching wider range of sports across 2-year rolling program.
EYFS and KS1: Physical literacy and key skills focus.
KS2: Specified games across 2-year rolling programme.
Effective assessment
Continue to use PEDPASS objectives alongside MT planning from PE Hub (Record percentage of pre and post units; record names above/below at end of unit).
Outdoor PE
EYFS and KS1: Physical Literacy and Key skills focus.
Indoor PE
KS2: Gymnastics x2, dance, circuits and fitness, benchball and orienteering.
Release time for PE Coordinator to attend 3 x briefings.
Half-termly release time for PE Coordinator to observe lessons, monitor equipment, analyse excel spreadsheet, talk to coaches, support staff.
Subscription to Devon PE network / 100
380 / Lesson observations to ensure MT planning is being followed and is effective.
Attend 9th November MAT briefing instead of Devon PE team this term.
Confirm 17/18 membership. Staff meeting time to update staff on developments. / -lesson observations
-pupil interviews
-assessment information (collated)
-PE coordinator keeps staff up to date on developments
-PE coordinator linked with other schools, share good practise with Tidcombe staff.
Targeted groups on improving physical and mental health / 1500 / Pupil voice
Pupils participating in more sports activities within school.
Self esteem questionnaire.
Teacher feedback – improved confidence of pupils.
Enrichment:N,R,1 day activities
Y2 Forest skills
Orienteering Y3 tbc
Climbing Y4 tbc
Bikeability/biking day Y5
Lifeguarding/water skills Y6 tbc / 1000
1000 / Pupil voice
Pupils participating in more sports activities within school.
Self esteem questionnaire.
Teacher feedback – improved confidence of pupils/fewer playtime and lunchtime issues.
Catchup swimming. All children can swim at least 25m (working towards 50m) / 1000 / Currently 15 children from Years 4 and 6 attending. / Increased number of chn who can swim.
Aim 2.Well-resourced school for PE, clubs and playtimes
Equipment/maintenance of PE shed / 2070 / Resources well-equipped and ready for each lesson.
Aim 3. Active School Life!
Weekly x3 lunchtime sessions with Premier Sport. KS1 = multiskills, KS2 = Football, Handball and Basketball/netball currently.
Playleaders weekly (more groups but with more support!). EK to be on playground overseeing sessions and supporting/upskilling leaders.
Daily Physical activity / 3900
Staff Time
Staff Time / Questionnaire for pupils in Autumn 2 to gain feedback on lunchtime activities.
Discuss playleaders uniform/ additional equipment needed.
Dates confirmed for Autumn 1 and 2.
KS2 running daily / Results of questionnaire
Results of questionnaire/observations of sessions.
To be evaluated in Spring term.
Aim 4: Participation in school sports
Sports - Home Groups Events each half term. Competitive events using the skills they have learnt in the previous half term. / £450 / Half termly booked in. / Participation in events, pupil interviews.
Attendance at TCLP and other sports events / 250 / Confirm attendance at events (in Autumn 2) / Participation in events (eg inNovember)
Admin/Minibus driver/travel / 1800 / As required / Events attended
Total / 17650