MASFAA Executive Electronic Board Meeting
October 24, 2013
In Attendance:
Greg Windham President
Carrie Cooper President Elect
Brenda PittmanVice-President
Leslie Smith Secretary
Jennifer Rogers Director
Cindy MayPast President
Katie TompkinsMember-at-Large
Not in Attendance:
Ann Margaret MullinsDirector
Marilyn JamesDirector
Brett BarefootTreasurer
Greg Windham, President called the meeting to order at 8:58 a.m. via electronic mail. A quorum was established.
The first order of business was to establish a ballot for the Honorary Lifetime award. The names that were submitted were: Teresa Shannon, Searcy Taylor, Joe Boyles, Joan Dambrino, Wendy Hutchins, Dewey Knight, Laura Young,Mrs. B. J. Moncure
There was discussion about the number to include on the ballot and many recipients to award. The discussion ranged from controlling costs, Joan Dambrino being a paid member and if B.J. Moncure had retired or was a paid member.
A motion was made by Brenda Pittman with Cindy May agreeing that if Joan Dambrino was added to the ballot and chosen for the award, to refund her membership dues. Jennifer Rogers seconded the motion, there was no discussion and it passed with 6-0 vote.
President Greg Windham asked everyone to email him their top 5 from the list of recommendations. The count was:
Greg Windham asked for all those in favor of accepting the top 5 on the list to reply to all with a Yes. The motion carried with a 6-0 vote and Greg will bring the ballot to the MASFAA Fall training on Friday, October 25, 2013.Leslie Smith made the motion to accept the top 2 if they receive the majority vote at the Fall Training and Jennifer Rogers seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion carried.
My second order of business is to address the need to replace Brett as treasurer. Brett is moving to a new position at the University. He will no longer be associated with financial aid. We wish him well and hope the best for hm. Brett is an outstanding guy and has served us well. According to the PNP I am to select a replacement for him until his term expires (June 2014, election to be held at conference in May) and the board must approve.
I would let to recommend Steven Taranto. Steven has been in the Office of Financial Aid for five years, and he actually has experience as treasurer for a local nonprofit organization. Brett will be able to assist and train him since he is at Ole Miss.
Leslie Smith made a motion to accept Steven Taranto as Brett Barefoot’s replacement as Treasurer and Cindy May seconded the vote. There was no discussion. The vote was 7-0 and the motion carried. Greg said he would speak to Brett and Steven in the next day or 2.
Greg Windham adjourned the meeting at 10:50 a.m.