Enrolment Information

3 Jennie Cox Close

Erina NSW 2260

Ph/Fax 02 43655533



Thank you for your enquiry to our centre regarding the care and future in early childhood education for your child. This information package is designed to give you some understanding of the operation of our Kindergarten as well as providing you with essential information you will need during your child’s time with us. Please do not hesitate to speak with our Director or educators if there is anything else you need to know or have a concern about.

This centre is privately owned and we are committed to ensuring that the centre has a family focus and feel. We extremely value input and suggestions by our families to further improve our centre to be the best that we can be for the benefit of your children.

All childcare centres are now assessed by The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority using The National Quality Standards. The National Quality Standards and The National Quality Framework was implemented by the Australian Government in January 2012 to ensure high quality and consistent early childhood education and care across Australia. Each service is rated on the quality of their service by being assessed on their performance across seven quality areas.The National Quality Standard helps services provide the best possible level of early childhood education and care. It is divided into the following seven areas

1. Educational program and practice

2. Children’s Health and Safety

3. Physical Environment

4. Staffing Arrangements

5. Relationships with children

6. Collaborative partnerships with families and communities

7. Leadership and service management

In June 2013 our centre was assessed and met every Quality Area and exceeded the standards in Educational programs and practice and Staffing Arrangements.At Karalta Cottage Kindergarten we strive to achieve the highest standards in quality care and education.We appreciate that the selection of a child care centre can be a very difficult decision and we will make every effort to ensure that you feel comfortable with the processes you need to go through.Our goal is to always be committed to providing your child with the security, warmth and love which are basic to his or her development and growth and to become an extended family in your child’s early education. Should you require translation of this information package we will endeavour to providethis service.


All of our educators have been carefully selected on the grounds of experience, qualifications and their backgrounds of care and education of young children.

Their qualifications range from Bachelor Degree of Early Childhood Education,Diploma of Community Services (Children's Services), Certificate III, Senior First Aid Certificate, and various certificates that relate to nurturing, care and education of young children. Staff, are constantly updating their qualifications through further certificates and training. Our staff training qualifications and certificates folder is located in the foyer for your perusal. Our staffare dedicated to their careers and are here to support you and your children.

Get to know them well.

If you ever have a problem, talk to them, they’re here to help. If a problem is not solved at this level, talk to our Director. For full details regarding grievances please refer to our “Grievance Policy”. If you are still not satisfied, youshould talk to the NSW department of Education & Communities on 02 49851400

We have an "open door policy" and welcome family members to visit the centre at anytime.

Please remember, we are here for YOU!

Karalta Cottage Kindergarten



At Karalta Cottage Kindergarten we understand the level of trust families place in us when they enrol their child. Each child is unique and has their own interests, beliefs, characteristics, attitudes, knowledge and skills which are respected and valued. It is our goal to support each child’s individual needs for ultimate well being.

We respect and appreciate the uniqueness of all children within our care. A child’s opinion, initiative and perspective are always valued within the centre. As Educators we will protect and cherish the innocence of children and thus provide a safe and secure environment to explore and learn. Our Educators are well trained and passionate about providing an environment that provides High Quality Care. We are committed to providing a learning environment that is inviting, welcoming, nurturing and caring for all children and their families.


At Karalta Cottage Kindergarten we have an open door policy welcoming families into the centre at all times. All families are encouraged to participate in an Orientation process at the centre. This is to encourage each child and their family to feel welcome and comfortable within the centre environment before commencement of care and throughout their care here at Karalta Cottage. We believe that family is the most important and influential aspect in the lives of young children and the significance of their relationships cannot be underestimated. We aim to ensure we involve parents and families into all aspects of the program development and implementation. We strive to develop positive, mutually respectful relationships with each family member. We will work in partnership to achieve the best possible outcomes for all. We believe that working in partnerships with families is central to ensuring continuity and progression in a child’s learning, development and future success. Families are encouraged to participate and share their ideas, culture and talents with the children and staff at the centre. Parents and staff continually communicate about each child and aim to make the transition from home to the centre as smooth and as pleasant as possible.

When families require additional assistance, staff will endeavour to support and guide the family toward the professional area in which they need, utilising professional resource services within the community.

Our Educators

As professionals the Educators at all times adhere to a code of ethical conduct. Educators are committed to working together as a team to ensure the highest quality of care for each child. Educators recognise and respect the views, values and rights of all children, families & fellow staff. As Educators we are responsive to all children’s strengths, abilities and interests. We will value and build on children’s strengths, skills and knowledge to ensure their motivation and engagement in learning. We aim to create an environment of trust and respect where we work towards achieving a shared goal. Ongoing education and training is a critical aspect of staff’s professional development. We recognise staff as our centre’s most precious resource and aim to provide them with a satisfying and safe working environment. We appreciate the experience and skills of all staff. We appreciate that staff dedication as an integral element of the success of our centre.

Educators individual and personal philosophy is displayed in our kindy foyer along with their photo and qualification.

Our Program and Curriculum

In Early Childhood Education the curriculum is not the focus, the children are.

The Centre incorporates ’The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia - Belonging, Being and Becoming’. We feel that a meaningful, integrated, curriculum using the EYLF as the Framework is the most beneficial to children’s learning across all developmental domains. A curriculum in which children are active participants and collaborators allows for a more individualistic and meaningful involvement by the children. We believe children are unique individuals who develop at their own rate and thus by providing enriching, meaningful and realistic opportunities children will explore, create, discover, and imagine. Our programs reflect both child initiated and educator directed, planned and spontaneous experiences which are designed to support children’s development in all areas. Through the EYLF the program will see Educators use intentional teaching combined with play. We recognise that learning occurs in social contexts and that interactions and conversations are vitally important for learning. Educators believe that children learn many life skills through play and we recognise the value and importance of play in children’s learning and development. Educators encourage children to be actively involved in planning, setting up the environment and tidying up. Educators make provisions readily accessible and inclusive for all children so they are free to explore, engage and learn within a safe and supportive environment. Educators encourage children’s learning by observing and documenting the children’s progress and plan enriching experiences accordingly to foster the children’s interests.


We believe children are connected to the natural world and as Educators we like to support children in their understanding of the world around them. We believe children learn from the information presented to them by the significant adults in their lives. As Educators we believe we have a responsibility to present a positive approach to the environment and the importance of sustainability.

Culture and Diversity

Educators endeavour to incorporate each child's individual culture throughout all areas of the centre program. We provide a service that respects and shows sensitivity to diverse social and cultural differences. As individuals our beliefs, cultural background, gender, ability, religion and attitudes vary. Children, families, staff members and visitors to the centre are welcomed and respected. No person shall be disadvantaged according to age, gender, religion, culture, physical or intellectual ability. We embrace diversity within our centre and the wider community, so that children view this diversity with a sense of appreciation and wonder rather than misunderstanding and fear. Through expression of respect, acknowledgement, appreciation and acceptance of diversity within our community, our service will embrace, celebrate and share traditions and cultures from around the world throughout our program. Educators endeavour to work together with and support parents and families of children with additional needs.

Educators promote inclusion and anti bias and endeavour to instill in children a sense of respect and acceptance of others.


At Karalta Cottage Kindergarten we strive to be seen as a centre of excellence within our community. We utilise community resources effectively to enhance and support the growth and development of individual children, families, and staff. We believe that children belong to their family, culture, neighbourhood and wider community. (EYLF).

Transition to school

Educators implement a comprehensive School Preparation Program which begins at the start of February each year. This program is planned and evaluated weekly to suit each child’s individual abilities and the group as a whole. School Preparation focuses on children developing resilience and the social skills needed to adapt successfully into the school system. Exploration of numeracy and literacy are integrated throughout the regular program and within the school preparation program daily.

Educators liaise with local primary schools to support children and families within the transition to school.

We have an Information Pack for Families on preparing their child for the transition to school, this School Preparation Information Pack is updated when necessary.


At Karalta cottage Kindergarten we believe that Children are tomorrow’s adults and need nurturing, love and guidance to help them grow into independent, secure and positive human beings.

Philosophy statement reviewed with Educators and Parents August/September 2015


General Information


The daily routine is displayed in the room. We have a summer and winter routine to cater for the weather conditions. The staff are however very flexible with the routine of the day, and will cater for the children’s needs’, interests and the changing weather conditions.


8:00am to 5.30pm. The Kindergarten is open 49 weeks a year and closes 3 weeks over Christmas and on any public holidays.


All children must be signed in at arrival and out at departure. Please sign in as soon as you enter the grounds, for security reasons. Also indicated on this sheet the adult with whom your child will be leaving the school with. If you are late, the emergency contact you have mentioned on your enrolment form will be contacted to collect your child. A late fee will be charged if your child is collected after 5.30pm. Please call the centre if you are going to be late to collect your child.


Child Care centres are required to meet regulations set by Education and Care Services National Regulations under The Education and Care Services National Law and standards set by the National Quality Standards. A copy of the centres policies and procedures is available for perusal in the centre foyer at all times.

Copies of the centres Policies and Procedure are made available for families to read in the classroom and office. Policies are reviewed annually in conjunction with parent and family input. Each month policies that are to be reviewed are on display for suggestions and input by families.


Due to allergies & medical conditions of some children attending Karalta Cottage Kindergarten is a “Nut Free” centre. This means that all foods that contain nuts or traces of nuts are not permitted at the centre. Please check packets for labels to ensure that any of these foods brought in your child’s lunchbox do not contain any nut products. Staffare able to provide a list of alternate foods that may be substituted for your child.

Please provide a piece of fruit, cheese and biscuits ect. for morning tea . Also provide a healthy lunch, including milk or juice and a water drink for dental care. Extras such as yoghurt, dried fruits, celery and carrot sticks will enhance and lunch box, but PLEASE no lollies, chocolate, chips, soft drinks, chewing gum etc. Morning tea and lunches may be placed in the fridge in the kitchen if they contain food, which may deteriorate, such as cheese, ham or yoghurt. Please do not leave refrigerated items in your child’s locker or on kitchen bench. Please also refer to our nutrition policy for more information regarding procedures.

(Please see attached Nut Policy for further information)


Send your child in sensible clothes they can play and paint in. Provide a full change of clothing in your child’s bag. Remember, being covered paint and glue in a sign of a happy, productive day! Even the teachers cannot keep clean. The centre adheres to the NSW Cancer Councils recommendations for safe sun play which includes broad brimmed or legionnaire hats which are to be worn even in the winter months. If your child attends without a hat they will be restricted to veranda play when outdoors. Shoes should be safe for running and climbing, slip on shoes i.e. thongs are not safe for their play.

Please ensure all items brought to the centre are CLEARLY LABELLED. Whilst all care is taken we will not accept liability for loss or damage.


At Karalta Cottage Kindergarten we incorporate an extensive School Preparation program for children aged 3-6 years based on the National Early Years Learning Framework. The Framework has a strong emphasis on play-based learning as play is the best vehicle for young children's learning providing the most appropriate stimulus for brain development. The Framework also recognises the importance of communication and language (including early literacy, numeracy, social and emotional development).We believe the value of play is of utmost importance to children as it is their way of learning about their world. While children are playing they are able to express their creative ability, release emotions and can share their feelings.We aim to guide your child in becoming an effective learner through creating an environment that is challenging and stimulating. The overall aim of our programs is to help your child in developing all areas necessary for success now and in later years.

We have devised a planned month by month schedule where we will focus on particular areas in line with

  • The National Quality Standards
  • The National Early Years Learning Framework
  • The NSW Board of Studies Early Stage 1 Syllabus incorporating subjects English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, HSIE (Human Society and its Environment), Creative Arts and PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education).
  • We also incorporate the “Letterland” a program which is currently taught in many of the local schools.

As well as building these skills we will also focus on Personal/Social and Emotional areas giving your child the confidence and self esteem needed to face the challenges of “Big School “.


At Karalta Cottage Kindergarten we aim to encourage children to co-operate, enhance their self-esteem and to give them an understanding of limits and appropriate behaviour to interact with others. We will reinforce positive behaviour with praise. We will offer children choices and encourage decision making and set realistic expectations which are age and stage appropriate. We encourage children to practice skills of assertiveness, and resolve conflict with support from us. The children and staff are positive role models for each other. A child exhibiting negative behaviour will be redirected, we will support, encourage and guide positive behaviour. We will work together with families to formulate behaviour management strategies collaboratively.