Marketing Methods for Business Success
By Christopher Benum
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Marketing methods
If you want to create new business for your company, or create a new company, you will need to have marketing plan that gives customers what they want. The plan must have clear goals and use a number of different methods. Good marketing methods include advertising to customers, choosing attractive packaging and increasing customer awareness of your brand.
There are three phases of marketing:
Phase 1: Research the market.
Phase 2: Develop the marketing mix.
Phase 3: Evaluate the good and bad of your marketing plan.
A marketing mix means:
- the right product
- sold in the right place
- sold at the right price
- withadvertising methods that are reasonable for your product.
To create the right marketing mix, you will need to get the details right. The product has to have the right features. For example, it must look good and work well. You need to find a target market, a group of potential customers who will be interested in your product. You will also need to build brandawarenessamongyour potential customers by using advertising, or product promotion. If you promoteyour product successfully, you will be able to sell a larger amount of your product to your customers.
Marketing methods include advertising, packaging, branding and distribution. When you implement your marketing plan, you will need to evaluatethe results to see if your reasoning was accurate. For example, when you do advertising, it is helpful tofind out if your advertising methods areappealing to your target customers. It is also important to evaluate your pricing, packaging and your distribution. For example, what type of container, or package, is your product in? Do customers buy your product in stores, or do they receive it in the mail? If your marketing plan is not attracting customers, you will need to find out why and shift your company’s operations.
The two main types of product promotion are informational advertising and persuasive advertising. Informational advertising provides factual information about your product. For example, if your product has an innovativedesign, it will have some exceptional features that are distinct from the features of similar products. These features may be beneficial to your target customers and give you an edge over your competitors.
While informational advertising appeals to your customers’ reasoning, persuasive advertising appeals totheir emotions. For example, showing a celebrityusing a product can often motivate people to buy the product. You can also use attractive packing, and a unique logo and slogan to build brand awareness.
Marketing methods include promotion, packaging, distribution, and product design. Theyinfluence your customers and lead them to buy your product. Marketing activities that are implementedwell and are evaluated rigorouslyplay anessentialrole in the success of your business.