Marketing- Course Expectations

Academic Syllabus

A. Course Description

Students will learn how Marketing surrounds us and influences nearly every facet of our lives. Marketing includes the design, pricing, promotion, and distribution of products and services. We will study how stores design their storefronts, the evolving world of advertising, and how marketing helps determine the latest styles. We will have a number of small group projects including the development and implementation of a marketing plan for an actual product.There will also be a number of sales-oriented projects done in collaboration with other groups on our campus and in our community. Students will also help run the Student Store.

B. Testing - We will have approximately six unit tests, three per semester. Tests must be made up within a week of the original test date. Tests have multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions. The final will be worth 20% of your grade. The final exam is project-based.

D. Extra credit - 3 extra credit assignments are allowed each grading period with one due every two weeks.

E. Grading - Print outs of your grades will be posted after every test in the class and on my website.

Grades are based on cumulative points over the semester and include:

Tests and quizzes30%Class participation/projects40%

Final20% Notebook/Homework 10%

The grading scale is as follows:

100% - 90% = A89% - 80% = B79% - 70% = C69% - 60% = D

Classroom Management

I. Behavior

Students are expected to behave in a respectful manner. Appropriate classroom behavior, including attendance, is important and will be a factor in your participation grade. You will lose points for minor disciplinary infractions rather than receiving a detention. No one has the right to interrupt the learning of another student through direct disruption or through general misbehavior. You are NOT allowed to ridicule or interrupt someone else while they are speaking.

  • Eating, drinking, and chewing gum are not allowed in class!
  • Pagers, cell phones, & other electronic devices are to be turned off before entering the room.
  • You may NOT listen to CD players in class, text, watch music videos, or use filters to circumvent the District’s filters.
  • The AHS dress code applies in this class.
  • Minor disciplinary issues –excessive talking, disrespecting another student, use of profanity, misuse of the Internet, etc. will result in the loss of points from your participation grade.
  • Referrals will be given for major infractions such as defiance.
  • Plagiarism will result in a referral and a zero on the assignment.

II. Attendance

Regular attendance is critical for success. Parent contact will be made for excessive absences and tardies. Each tardy will result in the loss of 2 points for the first five, and then five points for each additional tardy. Make-up work will be done on your own time and it is your responsibility to make arrangements with me to do make-up work.

Student name (please print) ______

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent Signature ______Date ______