Alex Leeb E:
New Images:
The renovation of Roman Catholic Church, (Hl. Theresia von Avila), was completed in
August 2008. Bishop Martin Roos, celebrated the HolyMass, and blessed the church. A few Germans currently living inGermany attended the ceremony.
To maintain the cemetery, HOG-Knees, request financial assistance,from the German residents.
The 2009 "Kneeser Heimatreffen" will be held in 85080 Gaimersheim,on 29 Aug 2009.
The invitations will be mailed in advance. It wouldplease us, to have all Kneesers and juniors attend our Treffen. Elections will be held this again this year. Application forms forcandidates will be available before the meeting.
Updated 29 Dec 2009 - Family Books are still available, please contact . Baratzhausen, Hodon & Knees will include births, marriage and deaths(1823-1900). Ketfel will include birth, marriages and deaths (1823-1852).
Knees HOG announcement (15 Jan 2007):
The OSB (Ortssippenbuch, Familienbuch or Ortsfamilienbuch) for the villages of Baratzhausen, Hodon, Ketfel & Knees will be an all-in-one volume, and will be published and on sale by September 22, 2007! Baratzhausen, Hodon and Knees will include births, marriage & deaths (1823-1900). Ketfel will include birth, marriages and deaths (1823-1852). Cost is uncertain at this time but will be announced at a later date. The HOG needs to know how many OSB books should be published, so if you wish to order this book, please make contact him ASAP.The HOG appreciates your cooperation.
To order contact: Magdalena Lenhardt Telephone (011-49) 841-42001 Address: Stamitzstr, 14, 85057 Ingolstadt Germany - or eMail Alex Leeb
The HOG committee wishes you a Happy New Year
Celebrations . . .
H.O.G. Member’s birthdays in 2008:
50th Birthdays
Rita Siller geb.Weiss
Magdalena Okle geb. Petrut
Gerda Adam geb. Machata
Werner Donis
Anna Haring geb. Jochum
Annemarie Schultz Geb. Frauenhofer
Katharina Grün geb. Frahler
Sigmund Seif
Maria Bergman geb. Szabbo
Peter Bergmann
Franz Kodrotz
Edgar Groß
Annemarie Prunkel geb. Geiger
Katharina Nica geb. Henz
The 60th Birthdays
Manfred Kreiss
Josef Ross
Herta Herbstler geb.Piles
Johann Herbstler
Elisabeth Karl geb Lenhard
Erika Klein geb. Roch
Peter Klein
70th Birthdays
Jakob Weiss
Peter Metzger
Amalie Maurer geb. Gergen
Katharina Jochum.g. Krauser
Barbara Lambert g. Maurer
Helmut Weiss.
Elisabeth Weiss.g. Krauser
Brigitta Herbst
Elisabeth Springart g. Röhrich
Augustin Speichert.
Juliane Schummer g.Eichert.
80th Birthdays
Josef Märzacker.
Margaretha Latzo-Bender
Maria Maurer g.Brommer
Johann Musat
Peter Hubert
Dr. Robert Frank
85th Birthdays
Katharina Brummer g. Petri
Katharina Kutschera g. Lay
Margaretha Stamm.g.
90th Birthdays
Maria Weinschrott
Silver Wedding Anniversaries
Isolde g. Lutwig & Richard Wambach
Hilde g. Lutz & Franz Kodrotz
Golden Wedding Anniversaries
Julia & Franz Schummer.
Barbara & Peter Metzger.
Margarethe & Lambert Jobba
2009 May They All Rest In Peace
Barbara Jobba (93)
Josef Maurer (71)
Edmund Seif (48)
Elisabeth Viel (84)
Anna Lennert (89)
Magdalena Kodrotz (98)