Marketing Management
Class Policy Sheet
Course Number:492350
Grade Level: 11-12
Department: Business
Teacher: Mrs. Floyd
Credits:1 Term – 1 Credit
Text:Southwestern: Business Principles and Management
Course Description:Marketing Management is a two-block course designed to develop decision-making skill through the application of marketing and management principles. Competencies will be accomplished by utilizing various instructional methods, resources, and direct involvement with marketing businesses. The course will focus on organization, finance, risks, credit, technology, and social aspects.
Course Requirements:
DECA: Students enrolled in marketing classes are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to join the student organization of DECA. DECA is an international student association of high school and college students studying marketing, management and entrepreneurship in business, finance, hospitality and marketing sales and service. Due to DECA being co-curricular most of the assignments and lessons will focus on the activities, testing, and role-plays students compete in at DECA competitions. If students enrolled in Marketing choose not to be in DECA they will be assigned activities/assignments comparable to those related to the competitive events.
Homework: Due to the nature of the class and the specific software and technology needed to complete most assignments, homework will not be given often; however, students should expect homework on occasion and will be required to complete any that is given.
Notebook: Each student will maintain a notebook of work completed in this course. The notebook should include notes, handouts, and completed assignments. A three-ring binder is suggested for this use. The reason for keeping this notebook is so you will be able to keep all of your work in one place.
Tests: Tests will be given with each unit. There will also be the occasional note pop-quiz.
Projects: Throughout this course, a number of projects will be completed. A complete criteria sheet for each project will be given to each student at the time the project is assigned.
Cheating: Cheating on any work in this class will result in a “0” for that work anda discipline notice and notification to administration and parents will occur. Do your own work!
Make-up Work:Make-up work will only be accepted for excused absences. Make-up work assignments can be completed at the end of class and during Encore time. Make-up tests, quizzes and projects can only be made up during Encore time. If this is not possible, see the teacher to arrange another time. The number of days you are absent is the time given to complete make-up work. (Example, if you are absent 2 days, you have 2 days to complete the work missed.) Many projects are done within a group and there are new projects/assignments given DAILY – it is imperative that students attend class regularly. If an absence in necessary it is the STUDENTS responsibility to obtain the make-up work.
Tardies and Absences: Tardies and absences will be handled as described in the 2006-2007 Rules and Procedures Book (Student Handbook) for SiloamSpringsHigh School.
Computer Lab Rules:
- Be in your seat and start your work before the tardy bell rings. (You must be in the room before the tardy bell starts ringing. After this, you are considered tardy and will receive a discipline notice.)
- Act as a professional – be RESPECTFUL of everyone!!
- During class time, computer labs will not be used check e-mail, surf the Internet, listen to music, use the computers for personal use, burn CD’s, copy disks, eat lunch, blogging, etc. It is for schoolwork only!
- No food or drinks allowed around the computers.
Encore/Lunch Rules:
- The room is open EVERYDAY during Encore/Lunch for those students currently taking my classes. You are welcome in the lab at this time; however, remember my lab rules! Mrs. Floyd may ask a student to leave at any time!
- Computer labs will not be used during Encore and lunch for students to come in and check e-mail, surf the Internet, listen to music, use the computers for personal use, burn CD’s, copy disks, eat lunch, blogging, etc. It is for schoolwork only!
Class Needs:
Pen or pencil (you will need one every day)
Three-ring binder
Please sign below stating that you have read and understand the Class Policy Sheet and the School District Computer Use Policy, and agree to abide by that Policy.
Student Signature ______Date______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date______
Important Information: Please provide as much of the information as possible. Thank You!
Father’s Occupation______Mother’s Occupation______
Father’s Employer______Mother’s Employer______
Father’s Home Phone______Mother’s Home Phone______
Father’s Cell Phone______Mother’s Cell Phone______
Father’s Work Phone______Mother’s Work Phone______
Father’s Email ______Mother’s Email ______