erhaps God has been speaking to you and church planting is something that you see in your future. Whether it’s your near future or several years down the road, this survey is intended for those individuals who are seriously considering church planting. Church planting is a unique calling and this survey asks some focused questions within the framework of thirteen building blocks identified as necessary to serve as a lead church planter. If you are married it might help to have your spouse’s input and insights on these questions.

We desire to work together, partnering with Jesus to build His church and a big part of working together is helping partners find the right role! Our hope is that these questions will help clarify God’s direction for you and may illuminate areas of growth.

Before taking the time to complete this survey, please be sure you’ve sent your resume to

Email address:
Phone number:

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In his book How to Select Church Planters Charles Ridley studied church planters from several denominations and determined that there were 13 behavioral characteristics that most successful church planters shared. We call these the “13 building blocks” and have developed questions for each building block. Although this is an important survey, we use more than one assessment and interview tool to determine someone’s “fit” for church planting. Don’t feel pressured to score a home run in each category, just respond in a paragraph or less as honestly and as candidly as you can.

1 Visionizing Capacity

Share about an experience of starting something from scratch. How did you bringing others on board?

[Type your response here]

What were the greatest challenges and how were they overcome?

[Type your response here]

2 Intrinsically Motivated

In a ministry context, what will you work harder than anything else for?

[Type your response here]

Share about a time when you have done so.

[Type your response here]

3 Creates Ownership of Ministry

Complete the following sentence: “When people have ownership of a vision, they . . .”

[Type your response here]

In a group or team you’ve led, what have you done to help create commitment to the vision?

[Type your response here]

4 Relates to and Reaches the Unchurched

Who was the last unchurched person that you developed a relationship with and led to Christ? What were some of the milestones in their spiritual journey?

[Type your response here]

Describe the evangelism process that you use to reach people.

[Type your response here]

5 Spousal Cooperation

How do you and your spouse balance family and ministry life?

[Type your response here]

Give some examples of how your spouse supports and participates in ministry.

[Type your response here]

6 Effectively builds relationships

How or where have you developed new relationships?

[Type your response here]

In the last six months, what kinds of people have you built new relationships with?

[Type your response here]

7 Committed to church growth

Tell about a ministry that you’ve been involved in that has produced new disciples.

[Type your response here]

How have you participated in achieving healthy church growth in your ministry?

[Type your response here]

8 Responsive to community

What are the top three needs in the community where you are now? How did you identify those needs?

[Type your response here]

Share about a time when you have responded to the needs of the community by changing or starting a ministry program.

[Type your response here]

9 Utilizes giftedness of others

What process to you go through to help people find their fit in ministry? Share about the last time you did this.

[Type your response here]

What type of people do you team with to balance and supplement your strengths?

[Type your response here]

10 Flexible and adaptable

Describe a time when a plan wasn’t working. What did you do to change it? How easy or difficult was that for you to do? Did the change help the situation?

[Type your response here]

Describe a time when someone pointed out a mistake that you’d made. How did you handle it?

[Type your response here]

11 Builds group cohesiveness

What are the top three indicators of a team or group’s morale?

[Type your response here]

Share about a time when you’ve worked to build team unity. What did you do? What was the outcome?

[Type your response here]

12 Resilience

Share about a time when you think most other people would have quit, but you kept going.

[Type your response here]

What is the hardest thing that you have ever had to finish when people around you were quitting?

[Type your response here]

13 Exercises faith

What has been the greatest step of faith you (and your family) have taken. Why was it a step of faith?

[Type your response here]

How do you encourage others around you to take risks and walk by faith?

[Type your response here]

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Count the Cost

"But don't begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first getting estimates and then checking to see if there is enough money to pay the bills?” Luke 14: 28

Timing and other circumstances are important factors in church planting. Below are some questions that should seriously be considered before you begin to undertake any planting venture.

What positive or negative ministry experience has ignited a passion for church planting?

[Type your response here]

What Scripture has God used to impress on you the urgency for church planting?

[Type your response here]

Have you talked about planting with your spouse? Are they supportive?

[Type your response here]

Have you talked about planting with your children?

[Type your response here]

How much consumer debt do you have (including school loans)?

[Type your response here]

Can you plant a church and keep your current employment?

[Type your response here]

Is there a particular place you feel God may be leading you?

[Type your response here]

When could you be ready to plant a church?

[Type your response here]

Do you have experience relating and working with people of other cultures?

[Type your response here]

What is your experience with church planting?

Read books Been to training or seminars

Been a part of a church plant

Other: [Type your response here]

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Contact Us

We hope that the questions you’ve answered have caused you to consider the ways in which God has wired you for ministry, the experiences He has given you and to prayerfully seek His direction. Our heart is to partner with others who share a passion for seeing God’s kingdom grow; we desire to place those partners in their God-called and God-gifted ministry role.

If, after completing this survey, you and your spouse feel that God continues to lead you in the direction of church planting, please send this completed survey to

Your Name: [Name]

Email address: [Email]

Phone: [Phone]

Address: [Address]

When is the best time to contact you? [Type your response here]

Church Planting Wisdom

Quotes on Church Planting Wisdom in this document come from a collection of church planting wisdoms assembled from across the nation by Derek Brown in a blog series, entitled “Church Planting Wisdom.” You can find the original posts at

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