Expansion and Review
December 4, 2013
Tim Kellogg, Tom Thomas, Debbie Stadel, JoAnn and Kim present
We started the meeting at noon with sub sandwiches, drinks and dessert. We introduced Rosie Ralston our new staff member, Publicity and Promotion Specialist. Tim and Tom discussed things they want Rosie to add to the power point which is going away from a standard power point into more of a self-guided tour of Kendall 4-H. She would be adding new photos that are current, and data that reflects 2013 numbers.
Tim said he remains in contact with the Civic group Rotary club that donated last year and will continue to do so. We will have to follow up with the Yorkville Lions club.
We set goals to try to have more presence in Joliet/Plainfield area with sending out our news releases, so they have that 4-H information. JoAnn will try to locate schools, in Kendall and promote our 4-H programs there, or see if Will County is already covering the area, since we don’t want to duplicate efforts. A unit video has already been discussed and maybe this will work for the display at the fair, on U Tube and on Facebook. Rosie has already discussed this with staff and it could be tweaked to do double duty. It was suggested to include Tom Cross, who is running for state Treasurer, in something like this as he is an alumni and has been very supportive of Kendall 4-H through the auction and other areas.
We talked about inviting new committee members to a social hour before our next meeting to introduce them to the concept of Expansion and Review. Tim and Tom will plan to attend to introduce how the committee functions to the new members. Jo Ann suggested Ann and Dayton LeClercq would be good to work with if we stay with a noon meeting, they homeschool. Debbie suggested Linda Augsburg who lives in Kendall in the area we are targeting. Other suggestions were get some stakeholders. We work with KEC, YMCA, Rural King, Character coalitions and local libraries.
Set our next meeting for Tuesday, February 4 at 6 for social and 6:30 p.m. meeting.