
“We are a community that inspires strong character and powerful thinking”
Kindergarten Registration for 2017/18 – Opens January 3
If you have a child who will be starting Kindergarten in September, now is the time to get them registered. Registration forms can be picked up from our front office Monday-Friday from 7:30a.m.- 3:00p.m. You will need to bring two pieces of identification when you register your child: 1. Proof of birth (e.g. birth certificate, passport); 2. Proof of Residency (e.g. hydro bill, purchase agreement, government issued bill with your address on it). Mrs. Pilling and Mrs. Harrison will greet you at the office and gladly walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have.
Grade 7Parent Information Night - Wednesday, March 1st at 7:00 pm.
AttentingGrade 6 parents and students: Parents and students are invited to G.W. Graham for a Parent Information Night on Wednesday, March 1. Students are welcome to accompany their parents and join in the discussion revolving around course selection, have any questions and/or concerns answered and take a school tour.
Term Two Reports – March 8
On Wednesday, March 8, term 2 report cards will be sent home with students. Please review your child’s report with them then sign and return the envelope that it came in. If you would like to discuss your child’s report further, please feel free to connect with their classroom teacher.
PAC Meeting – March 8
As a parent of a child attending our school, you are automatically a PAC member. PAC meetings are generally held once per month during the school year. The meetings offer an opportunity to receive personal updates of school happenings from the school’s staff. Even if you are unable to attend the meetings on a regular basis, the PAC offers ample opportunities for parents to become involved in school events that they sponsor by volunteering time and supplies. You do not have to attend meetings to volunteer for PAC events and by attending a meetingyoudo not have to volunteer, unless you volunteer yourself.
Want to win a VIP Parking Spot for a month?
Come to our next PAC meeting and get your name entered into the draw!
We hope you will join us at our next meeting on Wednesday, March 8 at 6:30, in the library.
Don’t forget, we also have a school Facebook Page that you can join to help keep in touch with what is happening at our school. The name of our group is: Vedder Elementary PAC.
Skating at Twin Rinks
Thank you to our amazing PAC for providing the funding for all of our students to go skating together at Twin Rinks!

Please see the schedule below to see the new, post blizzard dates of when your child’s classs will be participating. Revised consent forms for this fieldtrip have been sent home so please be sure to complete one and return it to the classroom teacher.
Thursday, March 9th 8:45 9:45 : Shea, Isaac, Monchalin and Liebe
Hot Lunch – March 10
Thanks to our PAC for organizing a Pizza hot lunch for Friday, March 10. Our eating block will start at 11:55 and we will play outside at 12:10.
Spring Break – March 11-26
Schools will be closed from Saturday March 11 to Sunday March 26 for Spring Break. We hope you all enjoy your time off and we look forward to hearing about your adventures upon your return on Monday March 27.
Spirit Day – Friday March 31
Our spirit days are slowly starting to increase in popularity. Thank you to everyone who helps in making these fun days a success. It gives the kids a fun way to bring happiness and giggles to their day each month. This month, our Spirit Day theme is “hat day”. Yup, we finally get to wear a hat at school! 
Our next spirit day will be onFriday March 31 . The theme will be “hat day”.
Up and Coming
  • March 8 -Term 2 report cards go home
  • March 8 - PAC meeting, in the library – 6:30pm
  • March 9 - Skating - Shea, Isaac, Monchalin and Liebe
  • March 10 - Vedder Bear’s Student Celebration Assembly
  • March 10 - Hot lunch – pizza
  • Mar. 11-26 - School closed for Spring Break
  • March 27 - School reopens after Spring Break
  • March 31 - Spirit Day – Hat Day
  • March 31 - PAC Hot Chocolate Day at lunch
  • March 31 - Many primary classes to GWG for a theatre production