ARTEMIS : Assessment and reliability of transport emission models and inventory systems
1. ARTEMIS objectives
2. Final report
3. Outputs for road transport
4. Outputs for non-road transport
5. Application to France
6. Conference, link, literature
7. Who to contact?
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1. ARTEMIS objectives
/ topThe Artemis project "Assessment and reliability of transport emission models and inventory systems" proposes to combine the experience from different emission calculation models and ongoing research in order to arrive at a harmonised methodology for emission estimates at the national and international level.
It addresses the Competitive and sustainable growth programme of the 5th framework programme of the European Commission, Key Action KA 2: Sustainable mobility and intermodality, Task 2.2: Infrastructures and their interfaces with transport means and systems, Sector 2.2.2: Environment, Sub-Task 2.2.2/2: Monitoring emissions from transport including particulates. We wish to thank the European Commission for its financial support as part of the Artemis research contract n°1999-RD.10429.
The project develops a harmonised emission model for all transport modes, which aims to provide consistent emission estimates at the national, international and regional level. This requires first of all additional basic research and a better understanding of the causes of the differences mainly with respect to emission factors.
The Artemis project is the following step after two inventorying model developments in Europe:
· The European Meet (Methodologies for Estimating air pollutant Emissions from Transport) project and the Cost319 action, focused in particular on the production of emission factors and functions using most of the available measured data in Europe. These research projects are the basis of the Copert 3 software, well known in many countries.
· The German and Swiss emission model HBEFA, mainly used in some countries.
This website is mainly dedicated to the road transport outputs and the applications to France, although the other outputs are also presented. See the Artemis project website for a more global view.
2. Final report
/ topBoulter P. & I. McCrae (ed.) (2007): ARTEMIS: Assessment and reliability of transport emission models and inventory systems: final report. TRL report, Wokingham, UK.
3. Outputs for road transport
/ top3.1. Emission measurement methods
Driving cycles
A main topic of the ARTEMIS project related to the emission measurement methods and in particular the driving and test cycles.
For the passenger cars, the new real-world ARTEMIS cycles (zip file, 0.2 Mo) were designed (André, 2004) and are today largely used for measurement or simulation. Simultaneously, 2 sets of cycles (Specific-to-power cycles (xls file, 1 Mo) - André, 2006) were also designed to take into account the motorization characteristics of the vehicles. Finally a driving cycle database (xls file, 3 Mo) was built-up, compiling most of the existing European driving cycles. That database enabled also an in-depth analysis of the influence of the driving conditions as regards the pollutant emissions (André et al., 2006).
A set of real-world driving cycles for the light duty vehicles (zip file, 0.2 Mo), including the taking into account of the vehicle load, was designed using real-world driving data recorded in France.
André M. (2004): Real-world driving cycles for measuring cars pollutant emissions - Part A : The Artemis European driving cycles (pdf file, 4.3 Mo). Inrets report, Bron, France, n°LTE0411, 97p.
André M. (2006): Real-world driving cycles for measuring cars pollutant emissions - Part B : Driving cycles according to vehicle power (pdf file, 2.3 Mo). INRETS report, Bron, France, n°LTE0412, 74p.
André M. , M. Rapone & R. Joumard (2006): Analysis of the cars pollutant emissions as regards driving cycles and kinematic parameters (pdf file, 3.2 Mo). INRETS report, Bron, n°LTE0607, 136p.
Measurement accuracy and guidelines
11 European laboratories worked together to study the influence of a lot of parameters of the measurement of light vehicle emission factors on vehicle bench, in order to improve the accuracy, reliability and representativeness of emission factors: driving patterns (driving cycles, gear choice behaviour, driver and cycle following), vehicle related parameters (technical characteristics of the vehicle, emission stability, emission degradation, fuel properties, vehicle cooling and preconditioning), vehicle sampling (method, sample size), and laboratory related parameters (ambient temperature and humidity, dynamometer setting, dilution ratio, heated line sampling temperature, PM filter preconditioning, response time, dilution air). The results allow us to design recommendations or guidelines for the emission factor measurement method.
Joumard R. , M. André, J. Laurikko, T. Le Anh, S. Geivanidis, Z. Samaras, Z. Oláh, P. Devaux, J.M. André, E. Cornelis, P. Rouveirolles, S. Lacour , M.V. Prati, R. Vermeulen & M. Zallinger (2006): Accuracy of exhaust emissions measurements on vehicle bench (pdf file, 88 Mo) - Artemis deliverable 2. Inrets report, Bron, France, n°LTE0522, 140p.
3.2. Artemis Light Vehicle Emission Measurement data base
Most of the results of the emission measurements carried out by several European laboratories on passenger cars and light commercial vehicles are included in a database especially designed, the Artemis LVEM database, available soon and open to future European measurements data. The content of the database is presented in specific report (pdf file, 54 Mo, compatible with any Adobe version)
(or a pdf file, 12 Mo, compatible with Adobe version 7 and later).
A datasheet provides the format that should be used when submitting data for the Artemis LVEM database.
3.3. Emission modelling
Traffic characteristics
Road traffic characteristics have been studied, looking especially at the existing statistics regarding parameters such as the load factors, annual mileages, vehicle survival rates, speeds, etc., which identify the weakness of data and the pertinent variation parameters, and should be a basis for constituting default dataset for the emission estimation tools. In addition a specific investigation in the Central and Eastern European countries revealed strong lacks and several inconsistencies of traffic related data. A specific tool and user interface was built-up to help in the data collection.
André M. , M. Rapone, N. Adra, I. Pollak, M. Keller & I. McCrae (2006): Traffic characteristics for the estimation of pollutant emissions from road transport (pdf file, 2.5 Mo) – Artemis deliverable 10. Inrets report, Bron, France, LTE0606, 89p.
In parallel, an experimentation was conducted in Three European cities (Naples, Budapest, Malmö), with the monitoring of vehicles over different traffic conditions. That study demonstrated the influence of urban environment characteristics on the driving patterns and then the pollutant emissions. These characteristics included in particular the street type, intersection density, traffic lights, traffic calming measures.
Ericsson E. , T. Mocsari, M. Rapone & K. Brundell-Freij (2004): Variability in driving patterns over street environments in three European cities (pdf file, 0.5 Mo). Lund univ. report, Lund, Sweden, 29p.
Light vehicles
The Artemis model for light vehicles contains a set of complementary sub-models. The base model calculates the hot emissions for each vehicle category according to the driving behaviour. It contains 5 alternative models: The main model considers traffic situations (discrete model), with emission factors for each of them; A simplified model, built on the same data, takes into account the driving behaviour through the average speed (continuous model); A continuous model, so-called kinematic, considers a limited number of aggregated kinematic parameters; 2 instantaneous models consider some instantaneous parameters as instantaneous speed.
These models are associated to models taking into account the influence of several parameters, as cold start, using of auxiliaries like air conditioning, vehicle mileage, ambient air temperature and humidity, road slope and vehicle load, as far as evaporation. The building methods of all these models and the data or models they are based on are presented in the report, as far as the models themselves. The emission functions for Light Vehicles are available in addition as Excel sheet (9 Mo) .
Joumard R ., J.M. André, M. Rapone, M. Zallinger, N. Kljun, M. André, S. Samaras, S. Roujol, J. Laurikko, M. Weilenmann, K. Markewitz, S. Geivanidis, D. Ajtay & L. Paturel (2007): Emission factor modelling and database for light vehicle (pdf, 54 Mo) - Artemis deliverable 3. Inrets report, Bron, France, n°LTE0523, 237p.
(or pdf, 12 Mo, compatible with Adobe version 7 and later)
Evaporative emissions from running losses, hot soaks and real time diurnals (sum of diurnal emissions and resting losses) are considered, using the literature and new measurements. The results show that evaporative emissions of Euro3 and 4 are substantially lower in comparison to Euro1 and 2. The new model approach, based to a large extent on extensive work of the US EPA, results in clearly higher evaporative emissions than the actual European Corinair model.
Hausberger S ., W. Tripolt, J. Brenner, J. Wiesmayr & E. Bukvarevic (2005): Evaporative emissions of vehicles (pdf file, 1 Mo). Artemis deliverable 6, TUG report, Graz, Austria, 70 p.
Heavy duty vehicles
Emission measurements for 102 HDV-engines and for 7 HDVs are included into a measurement database. 21 of the engine tests include extensive steady state tests and various transient test cycles. For the other engines widespread steady state measurements have been performed. The model PHEM -developed for simulating HDV emission factors- reaches a high accuracy by using a detailed simulation of the effective engine power demand and the engine speed for given driving cycles. The main model asset for reaching high accuracies is the transient correction tool, transforming the emission levels from the engine map, which is measured under steady state conditions to the emission level which can be expected for transient engine loads. Validation of the model was performed by using air quality measurements in a road tunnel and by comparison with on-board emission measurements. The influence of the fuel quality and of inspection and maintenance are included. The emission behaviour of Euro4 and 5 HDVs is very hard to predict at the moment since the technologies used are new and no production vehicle with these technologies was available for measurements during the project.
Rexeis M. , S. Hausberger, I. Riemersma, L. Tartakovsky, Y. Zvirin, M. Van poppel & E. Cornelis (2005): Heavy duty vehicle emission. Artemis deliverable 4 (pdf file, 6 Mo), TUG report, Graz, Austria, 176p.
Measurement of exhaust pollutant emissions on real world test cycles for different 2-wheeler categories and different road types were performed. Then the influence of cold start, fuel properties and inspection and maintenance is studied. Finally an emission model is designed.
Elst D. , N. Gense, R. Vermeule, & H. Steven (2006): Artemis WP500 – Final report (pdf file, 4.5 Mo). TNO-Automotive report, Delft, the Netherlands, 135p.
Validation of the models
Rodler J., P. Sturm , M. Bacher, A. Sjödin, M. Ekström, I. McCrae, P. Boulter, R. Kurtenbach, J. Lörzer, M. Petrea, D. Imhof, A. Prevot, J. Staehelin, C. Sangiorgo, B. Tona & C. Colberg (2005): Validation, WP1200 final report (pdf file, 2.5 Mo). TUG report, Graz, Austria, 81p.
3.4. Software
The software itself is an MS Access tool described in a description report : MS Access tool (zip file, 81 Mo), with the following user guide :
The Artemis Road Model contains basically the following elements: An emission factor database, a fleet model, an emission factor module, and an emission model.
Keller M. & N. Kljun (2007): Artemis road emission model: user guide (pdf, 42 Mo). Infras report, Berne, 156p.
(or pdf, 5 Mo, compatible with Adobe version 7 and later)
Description report
Keller M. & N. Kljun (2007): Artemis road emission model: model description (pdf, 43 Mo). Infras report, Berne, 173p.
(or pfd, 9 Mo, compatible with Adobe version 7 and later)
4. Outputs for non-road transport
/ top4.1. Rail
A model for simulation and calculation of energy consumption and air pollutant emissions from rail traffic is developed, evaluated and described. The model is designed especially for simulating a simplified transport pattern. Given the speed and acceleration of a train, the operating resistance due to rolling resistance, aerodynamic resistance, gradients and acceleration can be calculated from basic principles. The energy consumption and emissions are then related to fundamental technical parameters, which depend on the train type, composition.
Lindgreen E & S.C. Sorenson (2005): Simulation of energy consumption and emissions from rail traffic evaluation (pdf file, 3 Mo). DTU report, Lingby, Denmark, 208p.
The effects of wagon type, arrangement and loading on aerodynamic and rolling resistance of trains are investigated. Knowledge of the effect of train configuration on energy consumption can be used to examine the effects of train arrangements on energy consumption and emissions. Correlations are presented for aerodynamic and rolling resistance factors for a variety of train configurations and loadings. The goods wagons described include various designs and axle configurations of bulk carrier wagons, open and closed goods wagons, and flat cars including the effect of container loading arrangement. Air resistance and rolling resistance were determined as functions of train length under different loading conditions.
Lindgreen E & S.C. Sorenson (2005): Driving resistance from railroad trains (pdf file, 1.5 Mo). DTU report, Lingby, Denmark, 86p.
4.2. Air transport
Kalivoda M. & M. Bukovnik (2005): Final report, deliverable 8 (pdf file, 2 Mo). psia-Consult report, Wien, Austria, 73p.
4.3. Shipping transport
Inland shipping
The report describes the model developed for the calculation of energy consumption and emissions from inland shipping. An evaluation of the model is performed based on full-scale and model towing tank measurements. A correlation for the calculation of the specific fuel consumption of engines typically in operation on inland vessels is also described. Example calculations are performed for typical vessels of each class under different conditions.
Georgakaki A. , S.C. Sorenson (2004): Collected Data and Resulting Methodology for Inland Shipping (pdf file, 5 Mo). DTU report, Lingby, Denmark, 110p.
Maritime shipping
5. Application to France
/ top5.1. Traffic characteristics
The French road vehicle stock and traffic have been modelled on the period 1970-2025. The method, the data and the outputs are available, either as reports or articles, or as Excel sheet at: