Over 70’s Policy

Guidance on Insurance for Staff & Volunteers

The Council’s Insurer provides cover for employees (including casual employees) and volunteers who work for the County Council. With respect of employees over the age of 70, these individuals need to be specifically risk assessed and named on the policy.

In order to do this, the OCC Insurance Teamrequire the employee’s details including name, work address, date of birth and job title along with a risk assessment of their duties and their job description. The Insurers will then make an assessment as to whether additional information (such as an Occupational Health Certificate) is required if the risks are deemed to be high.

The Council currently externally insures its exposure to Employersand Public Liability and Personal Accident Claims with Zurich Municipal.The primary purpose of arranging such cover is to provide the Council, employees and volunteers with a degree of financial protection in respect of claims made against them by third parties for compensation following negligent acts or omissions by employees or volunteers arising in the course of their employment or voluntary assistance, as appropriate.

Employee is defined under the insurance policies as follows: -

Any person who is:

(a)under a contract of service or apprenticeship

(b)supplied to or hired or borrowed under the terms of a written agreement

(c)engaged under any work experience or similar scheme

whilst employed or engaged in connection with the usual activities of the Council.

Anyone else assisting the Council in this way is deemed to be a Volunteer.

To minimise the risk of claims arising and to protect the individuals concerned, and others, the Council should provide instruction and training to employees and volunteers appropriate to and commensurate with the activities undertaken by each. References and, where necessary, Criminal Records Bureau checks should also be taken up prior to the employment or voluntary assistance commencing. Regular performance reviews and risk assessments should be undertaken, with appropriate action being taken to refresh employee and volunteers’ skills and competencies where this is deemed necessary. By doing this, the Council has and retains control over the actions of its employees and volunteers.

Review DateDecember 2013

For Enquiries contactOccupational Health on 01865 815421 or Health and Safety on 01865 797222

Insurance Team on 01865 797321

Employees Aged Over 70 Years Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Checklist

Note: This checklist will remind you of the main points to think about while you:

- Consider the risk of injury or ill health

- Identify steps that can remove or reduce the risk

- Decide your priorities for action

Name of employee
Date of birth of employee
Name of Assessor
Details of job description
Questions to consider: A
If the answer to thequestion is ‘Yes’, place a tick against it and then consider the level of risk. / Level of risk: B
Tick as appropriate.
Deciding the level of risk will inevitably call for judgement. / Control Measures CConsidering the potential hazards and risks to this employee and any other person, what control measures should be in place?
The Task: -
  • Does any part of this employee’s job put him/her at risk?
Consider all aspects of their job description. Driving or other road users, client contact, manual handling, aggression from others, emergencies, fire, working at heights, equipment, environment, DSE etc.
  • If an existing employee, has the job role changed recently?
Are these changes beneficial, could other changes be made in the near future that are not beneficial?
  • Has appropriate training / instruction been undertaken or arranged?
Decide what training or instruction is required and when. Include refresher and ongoing training. Prioritise and make firm arrangements for this. Consider whether this employee requires grater supervision or monitoring and put control measures in place.
The Employee: -
  • Has this employee revealed to you any medical conditions that may affect their ability to carry out his/her duties?
  • Has this employee revealed to you that they are on medication?
Refer to the OCC Occupational Health Departmentin Rewley Road for further information.
  • Has the employee had any relevant accident or incidents while working for the OCC?
Consider the accident or incident. Make a judgement on the impact on this employee’s job role etc; consider the likelihood of a repeat.
Other Issues: -
  • Are the hours of work suitable for the employee?
Consider different work patterns. /
/ Low / Med / High
Consider all the above control measures in column C. Take appropriate action.
Write here the conclusion of any referral to Occupational Health or the County Council Insurance Group.
Write here any additional actions as a result of referral to The Occupational Health Department or The County Council Insurance Department.
Date of Assessment Date of annual review
Signed by Assessor Date
Signed by person being assessed Date

Over 70 checklist.120/09/18