III Service-Learning Researchers Symposium

Faculty of Economics, Buenos Aires University,

781 Pdte. José E. Uriburustreet, Buenos Aires city.

26th August 2015


  • To continue the previous Researchers Symposiums conducted in Latin America organized by CLAYSS, and developed with the collaboration of the OEI at the University of San Andrés, September 14th, 2004, and at the University of Buenos Aires, August 22nd 2013.
  • To provide an opportunity to submit refereed papers on recent developments in the field of solidary service-learning, both in terms of theoretical considerations and also systematization, evaluation, impact measurement and case studies aboutsolidary service-learning institutional programs or practices. It is expected that information exchange will occur in round tables, oral presentations and during poster presentations.
  • To create opportunities for meetings and exchanges between related research groups that could complement and collaborate on research projects and share the analysis and systematization of significant experiences.

Intended audience:

• Service-learning researchers and specialists in Argentina, Latin America and other regions.

• Teachers and students involved in solidary service-learning practices, extension, University Social Responsibility, university civic engagement, mandatory social service, university volunteering and other forms of social and educational practices.

The Symposium topics will be:

1. Discussions and theoretical contributions to the definition of “solidary service-learning”in the Latin American context.

2. Monitoring and evaluation of institutional programs and service-learning practices.

3. Case studies and systematization of service-learning practices and programs.

III Service-Learning Researchers Symposium

Tentative Agenda

Faculty of Economics, conference hall

781 Pdte. José E. Uriburustreet, Buenos Aires city.

8:30 – Accreditation. Installation and exhibition of posters in Conference Hall.

9:45 – Opening: Conference Hall. Welcoming: Ing.Agr.Maria Alejandra Herrero, President, CLAYSS. Introductory lecture: Dr. Andrew Furco, Associate Vice President for Public Engagement at the University of Minnesota, IARSLCE representative, International Association for Research on Service-learning and Community Engagement.

10:45: Coffee break.

11:00to 13:00 Plenary Panel: work presentation in different commissions.

Commission 1:Introduced by: Lic. Victoria Kandel (UBA-CLAYSS). Presentedby: Lic. Camila Ponce, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Commission 2:Introduced by: Lic. Gabriela Malacrida (CLAYSS). Presented by: Mgr. Martín Ierullo (CLAYSS).

Commission 3:Introduced by: Lic. Isabel Hevia (CLAYSS). Presented by: Prof.Darren Lortan,SAHECEF South African Higher Education Community Engagement Forum. Dra. Anna Escofet, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Barcelona

13:00: Lunch.

Posters exhibition.Conference Hall

14:00 to 16:00 Workshops.

1. Discussions and theoretical contributions to the definition of "service-learning" / "solidary service-learning" in the Latin American context.

2. Monitoring and evaluation of institutional programs and service-learning practices.

3. Case studies and systematization of programs and service-learning practices.

16:00 – Plenary: Introducing rapporteurs and conclusion. Conference Hall.

17:00 – End of activities.