Children’s Christmas Resources 2016
Week One – Advent
Introduction to the Children’s Resources
This year’s Christmas resources follow the Light of the World theme where we will explore the meaning behind ‘Advent’, the importance of ‘shining our light’, the meaning behind the ‘star of Bethlehem’ and the greatest gift anyone can receive – ‘God.’
Over the four weeks of Advent, we will spend time looking at different aspects surrounding the Christmas stories.
We are familiar with the traditional Christmas story elements:
ô A couple searching for a place to stay because Mary was about to have her baby and there was no place to stay.
ô Angels appearing to shepherds in the field at night
ô Wise men bring their gifts
ô A baby wrapped in cloth lying in a manger
The greater message of Christmas is God’s Son, though born in a manger, didn’t stay in that manger, but grew up to transform the world. We seek through these messages for the children to explore what this means for them and how, by shining their light they play a part in transforming their world.
Where to use the resources
Below you will find interactive messages and activities that can be used alongside the resources provided for corps to use during the Advent season. There is a variety of activities that will connect with a range of ages and activities that can be adapted to fit either a younger or older audience. You might like to use these resources in Kids Church, Kids Club, at an outdoor Carols event, mid-week programs, family services, or as interactive messages within Sunday worship.
How to use the resources
We have provided four interactive messages and four activities as well as ‘Home & Beyond’ activities to help resource families to continue the Advent conversation at home. You may use the interactive messages during a kids spot in your Sunday service and then link it to one of the activities during your Kids Church, or use the message on its own or and use the activities during Kids Church.
The resources are yours to choose from and fit into your space.
‘Home & Beyond’ gift can be used each week to give to families as an extension to what they have learnt and explored during the messages or activities. You are encouraged to give these out to all families connected with your corps to help equip them to engage in conversation and activities around Advent theme.
God bless you as you prepare.
Week One - Children’s Message - Advent
For this message you will need:
ô An advent calendar
ô Photos of a newborn baby at a hospital with their parents.
Ø I wonder if you know what the word Advent means.
(SAY) It is a word that refers to a time when people prepare for the arrival of a King. For Christians (friends of Jesus) it is the time we celebrate to await the arrival of our King Jesus Christ.
Ø I wonder if anyone can tell me the day that King Jesus was born.
Ø I wonder if anyone here can remember the day you were born.
‘No, I didn’t think so. But let’s just look at some of the events that may have happened when you were born compared to the time and arrival of Jesus the King.’
(Put up the photos of the newborn baby at a hospital with their parents).
‘When you were born, your Mum would have gone to the hospital and been shown into a lovely room with a comfortable bed. She may have unpacked her suitcase and the Dr would have come and checked on your Mum and the baby – you.’
‘When Jesus the King was born, Mary had nowhere to stay and her and Joseph had to go to an animal stable to sleep. Mary would have been lying on the ground on some straw and there was no Dr. checking to see how she and the baby were.’
‘After you were born, you would have received lots of visitors. Your Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles would have come to see how beautiful you were. Your Mum would have known all the visitors and there would have been great excitement from the family about your arrival into the world. They would have taken turns cuddling you and many photos would have been taken.’
‘When Jesus the King was born, Mary and Joseph’s family did not come and visit their baby but Jesus had some special visitors.’
Ø Can anyone tell me who the special visitors would have been? (Wise men and Shepherds)
‘Mary and Joseph did not know these visitors but the Wise men and the Shepherds knew that they needed to come and visit the special King. No one would have taken photos as they did not have cameras back when Jesus was born.’
‘When you were born, you would have received some gifts. They would have been some nice soft toys and some beautiful clothes. You would have been dressed in beautiful outfits for all your visitors to admire.’
‘When Jesus was born, he did not receive any stuffed toys or new clothes. In fact Mary had to wrap him up in large strips of cloth.’ The wise men brought him some gifts.
Ø Does anyone know what the gifts were? (gold, frankincense, and myrrh)
‘When you were born, your Mum would have put a birth notice in the paper telling everyone you were born and what your name is. She may have even put it on Facebook.’
‘When Jesus was born the angels appeared in the sky and announced and that Jesus was born. They said, ‘All glory in the highest, peace on earth to all men who please him.’
‘Before Jesus was born there were many people who were waiting for a King to be born. In the Old Testament of the Bible there are lots of verses saying that a special child would be born. In Isaiah 9 verse 6 it says, “A child will be born to us. A son will be given to us. He will rule over us. And He will be called Wonderful Advisor and Mighty God. He will also be called Father Who Lives Forever and Prince Who Brings Peace.”’
‘So people in Bible times were waiting a long time for the Baby King Jesus to be born.’
‘Before we chatted about what the word Advent means. It is a word that refers to a time when people prepare for the arrival of a King. For Christians (friends of Jesus) it is the time we celebrate to await the arrival of our King Jesus Christ.’
Ø Who loves an Advent Calendar? (hold up an advent calendar and make a fuss about all the yummy chocolate inside the calendar. You may wish to explain how the calendar works.
Ø I wonder if you know when and why Advent Calendars started.
‘Way back in the olden days, the days before Christmas were marked off from December 1 with a chalk mark on believers’ doors.’
‘Then in Germany in the late 19th century the mother of a child named Gerhard Lang made her son an Advent Calendar comprising of 24 tiny sweets stuck onto cardboard.’
‘The son never forgot the excitement he felt when he was given his Advent calendar at the beginning of each December, and how it reminded him every day that the greatest celebration of the whole year (the birth of Jesus) was getting closer each day.’
‘Advent calendars are a great tool to help teach our children about why we count the days leading up to Christmas: the arrival of the King.’
‘We still have Advent Calendars today to mark off the days leading up to the arrival of the King – Jesus Christ.’
‘So this year when you open your advent calendar every day, remember why we have the calendar - we are waiting for the arrival of King Baby Jesus.’
Children’s Activity:
For this activity you will need:
ô Envelopes – 25 for each child
ô A4 Paper – cut into strips
ô Copies of the attached scripture slips
ô Textas
ô Bibles
ô Christmas stickers (from the $2 shop)
Use this time for each child to make their own family advent calendar.
1. Brainstorm with the children the different names that Jesus is called. For example, King of kings, Lord of lords, Redeemer, Light of the World, The Good Shepherd etc. You will need 25 names. Ask the children to write the names on separate slips of paper. They should have 25 slips of paper with 25 different names written on them.
2. Next cut up the attached photocopied verses from Luke and Matthew that tell the Christmas story. One slip of paper for each day. Coincide the slips with the days. eg. Slip 1 for day 1, slip 2 for day 2 etc. You should have 25 days of slips.
3. Give each child 25 envelopes and on each envelope write numbers 1 – 25. Then place the slips of paper with the verses written in each coinciding envelope with also one of the names of the Jesus.
4. Children could also place a slip of paper in the envelope with an activity that they may wish to do with their family each day such as:
Day one: As a family put up the Christmas tree.
Day two: Cook shortbread together or decorate cookies together.
Day three: As a family drive around and see the local Christmas lights.
5. Give the children Christmas stickers to place one in each envelope.
Explain to the children that when they open their envelopes that sometimes their families may already have other plans that day, that these ideas are just suggestions that could be done as a family.
Each envelope should have a verse of scripture in it, a name of Jesus, a family activity suggestion and a sticker.
Seal the envelopes, place a rubber band around them and send them home with the children to place somewhere prominent in the house as their ‘Family Advent Calendar.’
Use the time during this activity to talk about the coming of the King Jesus and the excitement that they may feel.
Pray: Encourage the children to pray together thanking God that he sent Jesus for us. Ask God to help us during the Advent season to become excited about the coming of the King Jesus.
Home and Beyond:
Print out the following ‘Home and Beyond’ activity for each child to take home and do with their family.
Home and Beyond:
Each day as a family, open the Advent Calendar and read the verses together and the name of Jesus. If you have time, do the family activity suggested.
Home and Beyond:
Each day as a family, open the Advent Calendar and read the verses together and the name of Jesus. If you have time, do the family activity suggested.
Home and Beyond:
Each day as a family, open the Advent Calendar and read the verses together and the name of Jesus. If you have time, do the family activity suggested.
Home and Beyond:
Each day as a family, open the Advent Calendar and read the verses together and the name of Jesus. If you have time, do the family activity suggested.
Print our enough copies for each child to use for their Advent Calendar.
Slip 1:
Matthew 1:18–25 (CEV)
The Birth of Jesus
This is how Jesus Christ was born. A young woman named Mary was engaged to Joseph from King David’s family. But before they were married, she learned that she was going to have a baby by God’s Holy Spirit.
Slip 2:
Joseph was a good man and did not want to embarrass Mary in front of everyone. So he decided to quietly call off the wedding.
Slip 3:
While Joseph was thinking about this, an angel from the Lord came to him in a dream. The angel said, “Joseph, the baby that Mary will have is from the Holy Spirit. Go ahead and marry her. Then after her baby is born, name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
Slip 4:
So the Lord’s promise came true, just as the prophet had said, “A virgin will have a baby boy, and he will be called Immanuel,” which means “God is with us.”
Slip 5:
After Joseph woke up, he and Mary were soon married, just as the Lord’s angel had told him to do. But they did not sleep together before her baby was born. Then Joseph named him Jesus.
Slip 6:
Luke 2:1-20 (CEV)
The Birth of Jesus
About that time Emperor Augustus gave orders for the names of all the people to be listed in record books. These first records were made when Quirinius was governor of Syria. Everyone had to go to their own hometown to be listed.
Slip 7:
So Joseph had to leave Nazareth in Galilee and go to Bethlehem in Judea. Long ago Bethlehem had been King David’s hometown, and Joseph went there because he was from David’s family.
Slip 8:
Mary was engaged to Joseph and travelled with him to Bethlehem. She was soon going to have a baby, and while they were there, she gave birth to her first-born son.
Slip 9
She dressed him in baby clothes and laid him on a bed of hay, because there was no room for them in the inn.
Slip 10:
The Shepherds
That night in the fields near Bethlehem some shepherds were guarding their sheep.
Slip 11:
All at once an angel came down to them from the Lord, and the brightness of the Lord’s glory flashed around them. The shepherds were frightened. But the angel said, “Don’t be afraid! I have good news for you, which will make everyone happy.
Slip 12: