Manningtree and DistrictRoyal British Legion
Minutes of Branch No 3683 Meeting held on 11th November 2014
Item / Opening Address / By Whom1 / Jamie welcomed everyone to the meeting including three new potential members. / Branch Chairman
Item / Exhortation / By Whom
2 / The meeting was opened with the exhortation, and a respectful silence was observed. In particular for local servicemen who had given their lives in wartime in:
- November – Thomas Flurrie, Henry William Blake & John Tippins
Apologies and Attendance
3 / 15 members of the Branchattended the meeting, with apologies being received from 11others. There were also 5 guests. / Branch Chairman
4 / The Minutes of the previous (September2014) meeting were read out.
Proposed: Dave Brown
Seconded: Sharon Robinson
Agreed unanimously / Branch Secretary
Chairman’s Report
5 / Welfare
Jamie stated that as all Branch Members were no doubt aware that British Forces have now withdrawn from Afghanistan with the loss of 453 servicemen & women. This means that RBL’s welfare work will increase as we look after the families of the fallen, the wounded and their families.
He reiterated that if anyone encounters or knows of someone who is in need of assistance, then to please inform them that there are many forms of assistance available, provided they have served and received 7 days’ pay.
Give them the contact number of 0808 802 8080 in Cardiff who will take details and then pass it to the correct county to follow it up.
County Conference
Jamie and Sharon will be attending the County Conference on 10th January 2015 and will report back on anything relevant.
The Branch AGM went well with some new faces added onto the committee.
What’s On Booklet
Sharon will inform us of the latest update on this.
Festival of Remembrance
A brilliant day was had by all and I am sure a few tears were shed, more on this from the Events Secretary.
Remembrance Sunday/Armistice Day
Both parades and services went very well and were both well attended by Branch Members, Veterans, Cadets, Schoolchildren to name but a few, but there will be more on this from the Parade Marshall.
Poppy Appeal Shop
The Poopy Appeal Shop went very well with some new faces joining us this year collecting on the streets, Belinda Isted, Steve Shuttleworth and Dave Brown, along with the Army Cadets out both weekends and the Air Cadets assisting us on the last weekend, and have raised as substantial amount between them, this is still to be counted.
Jamie, Branch Secretary Andy Baker & Parade Marshall Andy Robinson covered the Railway Station to catch the morning and evening rush hours on Tuesday and Friday of the second week and found it to be very lucrative for the Appeal and we will be looking to utilise this again next year.
Unfortunately the Branch Treasurer had sent her apologies but Jamie was able to state that the Street Collections had raised £1,605.50. / Branch
Item / Vice Chair’s Report
6 / N/A / Branch
Item / Secretary’s Report
7 / Andy reported that two messages had been received with regard to the Parades/Services on Sunday and Tuesday (today).
Mr Brian Watts, Freemasons, thanked the Branch for the warm welcome and congratulated us on a good turnout and good show for the 1st time on Sunday.
Mr William Meston, Mistley Rugby Club, said Well done today (Tuesday) and on Sunday and to quote ‘ it is a credit to the people of Manningtree and surrounding parishes that you have bought a sense of pride to the community’.
Andy also wished to put on record the Branches thanks to Joy Baker and others, from St Mary’s & St Michaels Church, Mistley, for putting on tea/coffee and biscuits after the service at the War Memorial, it was a shame that more people did not participate, but it was much appreciated.
The MS1 has been submitted to the County Secretary.
Andy also explained that the Branch Minutes would not be produced in hard copy (to save costs) but would be emailed to all on his email distribution list on the Monday of the week prior to the next Branch Meeting. There are however at least 3 Branch Members who do not have email/access to a computer and hard copies will be made available for them.
Andy also thanked that Branch for allowing him to read the names of the fallen on Sunday and Tuesday, it was a privilege. / Branch Chairman
Treasurers Report
8 / No report (Ann Watson had sent her apologies) / Branch Treasurer
Item / Branch Welfare
9 / Branch Member Bob Naden had an operation last week and is doing okay. It was proposed that a suitable get well card and gift (basket of fruit) be purchased. Unanimously agreed. / Branch Chairman
County Welfare Report
10 / Nothing to Report / County Welfare Officer
A Group
11 / Next meeting is on 17th January 2015 at Harwich (to be confirmed) / A Group Reps
Parade Marshals Report
12 / Jamie read out the Parade Marshall’s report as Andy Robinson had sent his apologies.
Remembrance Sunday/Armistice Day
Both parades and services went extremely well, with many positive comments. On Sunday we had close on 100 parading through the town, which was the first in 10 years, with 4 standards on parade. Around the War Memorial we must have had over 250 in attendance between Branch Members, Veterans, Army and Air Cadets, Freemasons, Lawford Brownies and Members of the Public, with a total of 8 wreaths being laid.
On Armistice Day (today) there must have been about 250 attending the Service and about 30 on parade which again was very poignant. Again a mix of Branch Members, Veterans and Members of the Public, together with children from Highfields Primary, Mistley Norman Primary, Ardleigh St Marys Primary and Manningtree High School, several of whom laid Poppy Crosses.
All in all an excellent two days and we now look forward to a break on the Ceremonial front until April 2015 where I (Andy Robinson) should be trained up and performing the full role of Parade Marshall. / Parade Marshal/Branch Chairman
Membership Secretary Report
13 / Sharon explained that she would be handing over to Dave Brown once all was sorted. She reported that there was an increase in membership again this month, three new members tonight, with potentially a few more to follow. / Outgoing Membership Secretary
Events Committee Report
14 / Sharon spoke about:
Festival of Remembrance
Albert Hall trip was marvellous with 29 members going, it will be organised again for next year and there was a list to put ones name down. If need be she would order a bigger coach (54 seater instead of 34). Price this year (per person) had been £19.18 per ticket, and travel £18.62, which she would try and keep the same for next year.
She would also try and get tickets in the Stalls next year.
What’s On Booklet
This will be coming out in January 2015, she had received two quotes as follows for 250 copies:
8 Pages £132/£180
12 Pages £176/£198
16 Pages £215/£245
She had decided to go with the lower quote which is a company called Juniper Print in Ardleigh.
Lunch with the Legion was to be on 29th November. She had talked with the Chairman about this event and due to there being an event on 5th December in Manningtree, it was agreed to cancel the Lunch with the Legion event, as she felt that two events so close together would be a bit of overkill.
On June 27th 2015 there would be a coffee morning (confirmed to be at Foundry Court) where there would be entertainment from ‘Sentimental Journey’ whose expenses would be £50.
On 18th July 2015 there would be a Poppy Picnic at Acorn Village.
All Proceeds (less any expenses) from these two events would go towards the Poppy Appeal.
Branch Meeting Entertainment
December Meeting – Party with live music entertainment (free)
February 2015 – Shanty Singers/ Game of Hoy!
March 2015 – Desert Island Discs
April 2015 – Quiz Night
May 2015 – Welfare Presentation by Jamie & Sharon
June 2015 – Music Bingo
July 2015 – Party (Anniversary of Formation) Disco & Buffet
September 2015 – Quiz Night
October 2015 – AGM
All these dates will be in the booklet. / Events Secretary
Press Relations Officer
15 / Due to Chris Richards (who had been proposed as the Branch PRO) moving to London he had stated he felt that he could not carry out this role, so there was a vacancy for this post.
The Branch President stated that she could undertake this role. / Branch Chairman
Poppy Appeal / By Whom
16 / No report (PAO had sent her apologies for absence). / PAO
AOB / By Whom
17 / No longer an item on the agenda!
Kohima Epitaph
18 / The meeting closed at 20:15 with the Chairman reading the Kohima Epitaph / Branch
Jamie Robinson BranchChairman Andy Baker Branch Secretary
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