Task and finish group

8 November 2017



Trish Longdon (TL)

Stephen Otter (SO)

Ray Johannsen-Chapman (RJC)

The purpose of the task and finish group was look at how we should/could best increase the diverse membership of the group. Connect with patients and voluntary sector organisations to reach and develop relationships with diverse communities, and especially with people whose voices can be harder to hear. The voluntary sector organisations have a wealth of knowledge, networks, resources and practices that we aim to draw on.

ILPG terms of reference objectives include:


Connecting with those who we find hardest to reach

Reaching out:

Being proactive in working with diverse communities

Mutual respect:

Listening, understanding and learning from different experiences

The agenda questions below

  1. Demographic gaps:
  • Who are they?

The group has initially identified the obvious gaps as:

  • Young people
  • BME representation
  • Carers
  • Mental health
  • Young people

Young people need to be involved in the development of healthcare but to do so the NHS and lay partners need to think differently about working in partnership with young people. We often expect young people to get involved on our terms, but traditional engagement approaches do not always work for young people. Moving away from jargon-filled documents and meetings during school hours to more creative approaches can help us involved young people more effectively.

SO: highlighted that Healthwatch Hillingdon were in the process of setting up ‘Young Healthwatch’, this development could either offer ILPG with representatives or provide an opportunity for YH to feed into the group. There are number of Young Healthwatch that have been developed the majority appear to be in the North of the country

TL: previously informed RJC of the work that H&F engagement lead (BG) is developing with young people. RJC has set up a meeting with BG.

  • BME groups

RJC contacted BME Health Forum (who cover the Tri-Borough) to discover why they have been unable to attend. As with many smaller organisations their input to various events is regularly requested, however they have promised to attend future meetings. The BME Health Forum confirmed their attendance from 13 January 2018. The group recognised that although the input from the BME Health Forum will be a positive step in the right direction it does not mean that this would constitute BME representation across the boroughs.

  • Carer & parent representation

The group discussed the lack of input of carers – RJC/ILPG to use carer contacts to increase representation

  • Mental health representation

RJC to liaise with the MAD Alliance for potential lay representation

  • Geographical Gaps

The present membership covers the majority of CCG boroughs apart from:

  • Brent
  • Hounslow
  1. Creative ways to enhance participation

The T&F group recognised that there should be various ways for seldom heard groups to participate. This might include:

  • Co-opted members: by the invitation of the existing members
  • Ad-hoc representatives: invited to attend/present when appropriate
  • Video link
  • Co-production methods – to ensure participation is on an equal basis
  1. When do we limit the number of members

The T&F group felt that it was unnecessary to limit the membership when actual ILPG attendance is so low. Only if and when the membership becomes unmanageable would the group limit attendance.

Following interest from new potential members the Task & Finish group proposed that two members would be prepared to meet with them to discuss the role, outlining that the ILPG is strategic and is not a forum is not an agenda raising body.

The Task and Finish group welcome your views on our proposals and any suggestions on who we could/should contact, particularly for representatives from people with disabilities.

The closing date for comments is 27 November 2017