Name ______Period ______

RUBRIC / 4 Exceeding / 3 Emerging / 2 Meeting / 1 Not Yet
Endnotes (2) / The typed endnote paragraphs are thorough; they explain the genesis of each piece, reflect on your creative/writing process and persuasive appeals, and successes and challenges. / The typed endnotes generally answer the questions and give some insight into the pieces. / The typed endnotes may be shorter than required and/or do not answer all the questions. / The endnotes were missing and/or were so brief they failed to provide answers.
Genre 1
Genre 2 / Each genre piece makes a compelling argument about the age of responsibility.
The position/s is/are carefully crafted and are convincing. / The genre pieces make a clear argument/s about the topic. The position is supported by reasons and evidence. / The genre pieces make arguable claims and that are mostly supported. / The argument is unclear or vague.
Creativity / The genre pieces are unique, original, and/or think outside the box. / The creativity is above average. This may include a mix of derivative and original aspects. / Creativity is attempted, but not well executed in the genre pieces. / Genre pieces lack depth and/or obviously rip-off mainstream examples.
Effort / It is evident time and planning was spent. Work is neat, organized, and completed with care. / The resulting work is well constructed and thoughtful. / Your works meets the basic requirements of the chosen genres. / Pieces seem to have been done in a rush. They may be unfinished.

Anything else you need me to know? Write it on the back.

Name ______Period ______

RUBRIC / 4 Exceeding / 3 Emerging / 2 Meeting / 1 Not Yet
Endnotes (2) / The typed endnote paragraphs are thorough; they explain the genesis of each piece, reflect on your creative/writing process and persuasive appeals, and successes and challenges. / The typed endnotes generally answer the questions and give some insight into the pieces. / The typed endnotes may be shorter than required and/or do not answer all the questions. / The endnotes were missing and/or were so brief they failed to provide answers.
Genre 1
Genre 2 / Each genre piece makes a compelling argument about the age of responsibility.
The position/s is/are carefully crafted and are convincing. / The genre pieces make a clear argument/s about the topic. The position is supported by reasons and evidence. / The genre pieces make arguable claims and that are mostly supported. / The argument is unclear or vague.
Creativity / The genre pieces are unique, original, and/or think outside the box. / The creativity is above average. This may include a mix of derivative and original aspects. / Creativity is attempted, but not well executed in the genre pieces. / Genre pieces lack depth and/or obviously rip-off mainstream examples.
Effort / It is evident time and planning was spent. Work is neat, organized, and completed with care. / The resulting work is well constructed and thoughtful. / Your works meets the basic requirements of the chosen genres. / Pieces seem to have been done in a rush. They may be unfinished.

Anything else you need me to know? Write it on the back.