Appendix II

EDMS Archive

Desk Procedures

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Roles and Responsibilities Applicable to Business Process

Financial Policies and Procedures

Archive the Finalized Invoices and Reports to EDMS

Archive the finalized invoices and reports to EDMS


After all Financial System processing for invoice and report finalizations, including the saving of the finalized form, have been completed the final version must be archived (sent) to EDMS. This EDMS version gives the University a version of the finalized submitted invoice or report to use for audit purposes, historical data recreation and subsequent submission to a sponsor if necessary.

This process will only be executed after all data updates have been made to the financial system, the invoice or report form, it has been saved using the custom macro and is ready for original submission to the sponsor. This desk procedure will take the user through the steps of Archiving a finalized invoice or report to EDMS

Archive the Finalized Invoices an Reports to EDMS

Frequency / Daily
Module/Tables / Excel
Documents Used / Custom Report and Invoice Forms
Approval Points / N/A

Roles and Responsibilities Applicable to Business Process

Archiving finalized invoices and reports to EDMS -SFR Accountants

Financial Policies and Procedures


Archive the Finalized Invoices and Reports to EDMS

The process of archiving a report or invoice to EDMS will be an automated one to ensure that naming conventions are indexing standards is adhered to.

Archive the finalized invoices and reports to EDMS

Detailed description: The execution of the EDMS archive process will not change for invoices or reports.


All steps from Desk Procedure Manage Award Billing or Manage Financial Reporting have been completed

All steps from Desk Procedure Appendix I – XML Merge have been completed

The user has a copy of the saved, finalized version of the report or invoice open on their desktop

The Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) is usually located next to the Office icon in Excel 2007 in the upper left corner. Each workstation has the iconsshown here and described below.

  1. Locate the EDMS Archive icon (open book) on the QAT and click it.This Icon will kick off the custom macro to archive the finalized version of the invoice or report to EDMS. The following pop-up will display briefly when the process is kicked off

When the archive process to EDMS is complete the below pop up will be displayed

  1. Click “OK” in the pop up window. The invoice or report has now been archived to EDMS

End of Process

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