Senior Class Council (SCC) Application

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for interest in SCC! If you are new to class council, thank you for your bravery and enthusiasm. If you are unsure what SCC actually is and does, here is ten second explanation: SCC is a group dedicated to programming for the class of 2008. Programming means any event designed to serve, educate, entertain, etc, the class. Examples include class masses, social events, service opportunities, and merchandise sales. Unique opportunities also emerge for senior year, including events designed to help seniors transition from college to the “real world.” In addition, SCC is solely responsible for planning Senior Week activities! SCC is led by the four class officers: Bridget Keating, Chris Doughty, Megan O’Hara, and Kathleen Coverick. If you don’t know us, that’s OK. We are open to meeting you and having you on our team.

If you have been on class council before, thank you for your continued interest and commitment. For the upcoming year, we have decided to make some changes to the structure of council. First, we are doing away with the committee structure all together. Any council member can work on any project at any time—be it spiritual, social, or anything in between. We feel that this format will allow council members to both pursue more diverse interests on council and have a more vested interest in all of our events. Since there are no more committees, there will also be no more committee chairs. We will brainstorm for events we want to pursue at each council meeting and designate a project leader to head up any event pursued. Any other council member may volunteer to work with the leader on each project. All of the planning for each event will be done by the project leader and the council members under them. We feel this will get each council member more intimately involved, avoid wasting council members’ time by talking about events they aren’t planning, and produce awesome results.

In the following questions, please BE HONEST!!! Do not be afraid to indicate you don’t have a lot of time to give or that you are not interested in several of the events we have in mind. There are no trick questions on this application. We plan to choose both full-time council members and people to work only on specific events, such as Irish Idol. Just let us know what you want to work on and we will do our best to make that happen.

Please fill out this form electronically (that means on your computer) and email the completed form to by April 5th.

Thank you again for your interest,

Bridget, Chris, Megan, and Kathleen (but mostly Chris)

Who Are You?


Residence next year:

Phone number:

Email address:

Favorite Class Officer, and Why?

Least Favorite Class Officer and Why?

What Have You Done?

Please list activities (extracurricular, athletic, service, academic, etc) you have been involved with at Notre Dame and describe your involvement with them:

In light of any activities you may continue next year, etc, how great of a time commitment are you willing to give to class council if chosen?

What Do You Want?

Below is a list of ideas we have for the upcoming year. Please mark any and all you would be interested in planning next year. In the space below, describe why you chose what you did.

___ Margaritaville

___ Senior Pressbox Dinner and Lecture

___ Chicago Trip

___ Ski Trip

___ Irish Idol

___ Holy Half Marathon

___ Senior Nights at BW3’s, etc.

___ Class Masses

___ Completing the Class Prayer

___ Charity Golf Tournament

___ Recognizing Campus Staff

___ Recognizing Resident Assistants

___ Service Projects

___ ’08 Merchandise: Pint Glasses,

Sweats, Business Card Holders, etc.

___ CareerCenter Collaboration

___ Off-Campus Fair

___ Transition Assistance

___ ’08 Publicity

___ Senior Week

___ Football concession stand

Do you have any ideas for class events/services not listed above? If so please describe them:

Would you be interested in being a project leader for any of the above?

Y or N

Are you interested in being a full time council member or would you rather work only on specific events?

If you answered *yes* or *only on specific events* please specify which and why:

Would you be interested in serving as either of the following:

___ Senior Week Chair

___ Senior Affairs Chair (Transition Assistance)

What Will You Do For Me?

Please describe the skills and experiences you will bring to the Senior Class Council: