Timberlane Regional School Board
Citizens Advisory Committee
Family, School and Community Engagement
February 20, 2013
Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Nancy Barcelos, Bruce Cleveland, Kathie Dayotis, Dave Hammond, Annemarie Inman, Cathy Lisi, Kerry Patles, Andrew Sheely, Sue Sherman, Anne Isenberg joined the meeting at 8:15 PM
Kate Delfino called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
The minutes from the January 31, 2013 CAC meeting were approved.
Kate Delfinoreviewed the committee's timeline as outlined in the TRSB's CAC proposal. It was tentatively agreed that a preliminary organizational report will be presented at the 3/21/13 TRSB meeting and that the CAC's Action Plan would be developed and prepared, possibly in time for presentation at the 4/18/13 TRSB meeting.
The group agreed that the next CAC meeting would be held on Wednesday, March 13th from 7-8:30 PM in the high school library.
A discussion about action plan priorities followed.
Areas of interest again focused on metrics, specifically the community's reliance on NECAP data as presented in local newspapers to measure the success rate of Timberlane schools. In addition, parents are often unclear about what exactly NECAP and other standardized test results mean. Some expressed a desire for more workshop style programs at the school to address these concerns.
There was general agreement thateducationis very different for this current generation and that the classroom experience has changed quite a bit since today's parents were in school. Parents ask the question of educators, "What are your expectations of me?" Perhaps it would be helpful to provide a "Parent Tool Kit" to aid in their children's education.
Another focus of the discussion centered on communication and PR and included concerns about the quality of the district's websites and the lack of positive academic news in the local media.
Discussion also included concern about the district's budget process. There is some perception in the community that, as currently structured, the Budget Committee cannot effect change and that the budget process lacks transparency. Full disclosure and a better understanding of the budget process are needed. Community members ask, "Where is my tax money going? What am I getting for my dollar?"
At the close of the discussion Kate Delfino asked if anyone in the group was interested in chairing the committee. As no one stepped forward the group decided to postpone the appointment of a chair until the next meeting.
Kate Delfino adjourned the meeting at 8:40 PM.