First / Second
Major(s): / ENGL

Undergraduate English Major Advising Worksheet
Creative Writing

(In effect Fall 2013)

Student Name: / ID:
E-mail: / Phone:
Advisor: / ENGL major since:

General Requirements:

satisfied how: / / / / / /

(No more than 12 credits in ENGL at the 2000- level may be counted toward the major; 12 credits must be at 4000 level)

Concentration Requirements:

(15 credit hours total; see the reverse side of this worksheet for courses)

Introductory Courses

Course / Term / Grade / Credit / remarks:

Intermediate Course

Course / Term / Grade / Credit / remarks:

Advanced Courses

Course / Term / Grade / Credit / remarks:

Literature Periodor Children’s Literature Courses
(Must take the courses from two different distributions; see the reverse side of this worksheet for courses)

Course / Term / Grade / Credit / remarks:

English Electives:

(15 credit hours; 2000-level or above)

Course / Term / Grade / Credit / remarks:

Additional ENGL courses:

(This space reserved for courses beyond the 36 required credits in ENGL and count towards GPA. You don’t need to have courses in this section. This is an overflow section where you may record courses in addition to the 36 required for the Major.)

Course / Term / Grade / Credit / remarks:
Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Courses
Select two Introductory courses from the following:
ENGL / 2125 / Imagined Worlds Writing Laboratory / ENGL / 2200 / Contemporary Literature
ENGL / 2126 / Intro to Creative Writing (W) / ENGL / 2201 / Contemporary Fiction
ENGL / 2127 / Intro to Poetry / ENGL / 2202 / Contemporary Poetry
ENGL / 2128 / Intro to Fiction Writing
Select one Intermediate course from the following:
ENGL / 3201 / Intermediate Poetry Writing / ENGL / 3202 / Intermediate Fiction Writing
Select two Advanced courses from the following:
or / ENGL
ENGL / 4202
4208 / Writing Poetry
Poetry Writing Workshop* or / ENGL
ENGL / 4203
4290 / Writing Fiction
Fiction Writing Workshop*
ENGL / 4206 / Writing Creative Nonfiction (W) / ENGL / 4290 / Advanced Creative Project (O)
*Students must have different genres at the 4000-level. Therefore, students may not count two Poetry or two Fiction courses for the Advanced requirement.
Period Distribution Courses
One coursein British Literature before 1800 selected from below (or approved alternative)
ENGL / 3211 / Medieval Literature
ENGL / 3212 / British RenaissanceLiterature
ENGL / 3213 / British Literature of theRestoration & 18th Century
One coursein British Literature after 1800 selected from below (or approved alternative)
ENGL / 3214 / Romantic British Literature, 1785-1832
ENGL / 3215 / British VictorianLiterature
ENGL / 3216 / British Literature in Transition, 1870-1914
ENGL / 3217 / Modern British Literature
One coursein American Literature before 1900 selected from below (or approved alternative)
ENGL / 3231 / Early African American Literature (D)
ENGL / 3232 / Early American Literature
ENGL / 3233 / American Literature of the Romantic Period
ENGL / 3234 / American Literature of the Realist Naturalist Periods
One coursein American Literature after 1900 selected from below (or approved alternative)
ENGL / 3235 / Modern American Literature
ENGL / 3236 / African American Literature, Harlem Ren to present (D)
ENGL / 3237 / Modern and Recent U.S. Multiethnic Literature (D)
One coursein Children’s Literature*
ENGL / 3102 / Literaturefor Young Children
ENGL / 3103 / Children’s Literature
ENGL / 3104 / Literature for Adolescents
ENGL / 4102 / British Children’s Literature
ENGL / 4103 / American Children’s Literature
ENGL / 4104 / Multiculturalism in Children’s Literature (D)
*The English Department offers more Children’s Literature courses that will count for this distribution, including ENGL 2090s, 3050s, and 4050s “Topics in English.” Look for topics related to children, adolescents, families, motherhood, or young people.
/ Hours applied towards ENGL major to date:
prepared by / Date:

Revised 4/4/2017